Month: January 2015

Flip it!

What are we referring to here?  Photos.  Some scammers will flip the stolen photos they use so they’re not found by image search sites.  If you’re doing an image search, try flipping it around and doing a second search.  It may just show you the true identity of the person in it.

It seems I need to repeat myself.

The steps we advise for blackmail/sextortion victims is based on our years of experience with scammers and from dealing with thousands of cases.  We are the #1 place to come to for help, yet people still insist on ignoring what we say.  Deactivating FaceBook for 2 weeks is the most important step, but the one […]

iDate 2015 – part 3

So the day of the conference arrives, and I’m up fairly early all things considered.  My room is less than 2 minutes from the conference, so I can nip in and out as I please.  It also meant I could keep the rest of the site staff updated on what was happening.  One of the […]

iDate 2015, part 2.

As I stated in my previous blog post, my first full day in Vegas started off pretty miserably.  I was tired, emotional and had a stomach that was doing its best impression of stormy seas.  Checkout was at 11am, so I packed up, handed in my keys and set off for the Tropicana.  As bad […]

iDate 2015, part 1.

On December 18th last year, it was decided that I’d attend this year’s iDate conference in Vegas.  This was a BIG thing, not just for the site, but for me personally as I’ve never wanted to fly before.  This would be the first time I’ve ever been on a plane, and I was really not […]

What a week!

I’m finally home from Vegas, after 24 hours of sitting in airport lounges, sitting on planes, sitting on buses and sitting in cars.  Once my brain and my backside recover, I’ll post up a review of how it all went.