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Russian Girl On Dating Site Story - A Scam?

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Russian Girl On Dating Site Story - A Scam?

Unread postby Owen » Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:38 am

I met a woman on a dating site. She is a young and beautiful. After a few texts on the dating site she tells me she wants to meet me in person by doing a video call. Since she lives in Russia she wants to talk on WhatsAPP. I give her my WhatsAPP number over text on the dating site. I immediately sent her a message on WhatsAPP.

So right away after leaving the dating site I sent her a text using WhatsAPP to let her know who I was. We have a few back and forth texts over the next 5 minutes. She sends me some pictures of herself and asks me to send her some pictures of me. She tells me I am looking handsome.

Then right after saying that my phone is ringing from WhatAPP. I answer the call because I can see it is her calling. To my surprise its a live video call. I have a conversation with her and ask her questions. She asks me questions and we get to know each other. Its early in the morning about 9am my time which is 8pm her time. After that initial video call she texts me and calls me daily. We have a lot of back and forth conversations getting to know each other. Around 11pm my time it is 10pm her time and she tells me she is going to bed soon and she enjoyed talking with me.

We have several live video calls. No nudity and nothing sexual. She seems honest, shy, and smiles and even blushes and laughing at my jokes.

Today she tells me that she wants to meet me in person by coming to visit me. I live in California. She says she really wants to come to California and stay with me for two or three weeks so we can get to know each other. She has not said she is in love with me nor has she told me she loves me. She calls me honey and says she can't wait to meet me in person.

I told her I would need to do some research to find out how much plane tickets will cost and that I can buy her the ticket online and then send her the ticket information. She says to let her know how much it will cost. She always calls me every morning.

She told me today to let her know how much the tickets will cost and she said to tell her on Sunday (today is Friday). She said that tomorrow (Saturday) she is spending the day with her parents. She said she can talk to me again on Sunday. I have noticed that she usually talks with me Monday through Friday but not Saturdays because she regularly spends the day with her parents on Saturdays. She does talk to me on Sundays sometimes but not always if I don't initiate the conversation.

We have been talking over the phone, texting, and doing live phone video chats now for about 3 weeks. I know if she asks me to send her money to buy a plane ticket I will NOT do that. What if I buy the tickets and she says she is boarding the plane. Am I to believe I am not being scammed? Or what if she at the last minute just before boarding the plane she calls asking for money due to some emergency? Can I cancel the flight and get my money back letting the airline know I was being targeted by a scammer especially if I purchased the flight cancellation insurgence?

She told me that she will need to get time off work to come see me so to let her know the dates when I book the plane for so she can get time off work to visit me. She says her dream is to come to America and have a family. I know that this is actually a dream of many single Russian woman. Many of them want to marry an American man and live in America.

Based on my story do you think I am being scammed by this girl? Am I up for some surprise request for money? Thus far she has not asked for anything from me other than sending her a picture of myself so she could show her parents what I look like. She said she told her parents about me as well.

I told her the soonest I could get any time off work and have her come would be in about 2 months from now near the end of March to mid April. She said that sounds good and gives her time to save some money and get time off work to visit me.

Am I being scammed? Maybe I will find out once I tell her how much the tickets will cost and see if she asks me to send her money so that she can get the tickets at a cheaper price in Russia? She has not done that yet nor has she asked me for money yet but if she does ask me to send her money for any reason including sending her money for airfare then I will not do it and cut off communication with her permanently.

One of my last messages to her was that when she visits I will show her all around California from Northern California to the Central Coast of California and she said she can't wait and it sounds fun.

What do you guys think? What advice or caution would you give me?
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Re: Russian Girl On Dating Site Story - A Scam?

Unread postby Big Al » Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:06 am

Hard to say what is going on here.
There is no evidence either way.
You will have to ask yourself some questions.
Did she fall in love too quickly?
Is she willing to pay her own way to visit you?
I agree that if she asks for money for any reason it will be a scam.
You will need to do an honest evaluation of physical appearance and financial status between the two of you.

Do yourself a favor and Google everything you can about this person.
E-mail address.
Phone number.
Photos you have received.

You might also read this topic:

In the end if you get no certain "yes she is a scammer" evidence then you will need to trust your gut.
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Re: Russian Girl On Dating Site Story - A Scam?

Unread postby Owen » Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:45 am

I have not talked with her yet about the cost. I am assuming she is expecting me to buy the tickets online for her visit. I have done research that suggests Russian women expect the men to pay for everything as that is part of their culture. She also sees me as a man who can afford it and herself as being poorer saying she is saving her money.

I asked her today if she has a visa and passport to visit America and she said yes. She said she already has her visa and passport and that all she needs now is the plane ticket. She asked me today when will we get to see the plane tickets? I assume this was a type or translation issue but I think she meant when will she get to see her plane tickets.

My only concern is her letting me buy the tickets and then she cancels saying something came up and she can't board the plane unless I send her money for whatever emergency happens such as her car breaking down, getting into an accident and needing money to help pay medical bills, or tell me one of her parents got sick and needs me to help pay the rent because they can't work and will get evicted if I don't send her money.

All I know for sure is that if she ever asks me to send her money it is a scam. That is the golden rule! But if she is only asking me to buy her plane tickets online and tell her the plane ticket info so she can come visit me in person then it will be tough and I will be worried until she actually boards the plane without asking me to pay for travel expenses to the airport, parking expenses at the airport, or food costs during the flight or hotel costs if the flight is delays or something like that.

I guess I could call the airline and ask them if she actually boarded the flight or not so I dont go to pick her up and end up waiting 3 hours when she never got on.

This is very tough because I want to believe she is not trying to pull a scam on me at the very end when the flight time gets close or even the day of the flight.
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Re: Russian Girl On Dating Site Story - A Scam?

Unread postby Big Al » Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:05 am

"As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Embassy and Consulates have suspended visa services until further notice."

Chances are if you buy the plane tickets they will cash them out and keep the money.

I have sent you an E-mail.

"I have done research that suggests Russian women expect the men to pay for everything as that is part of their culture."

nope. That's the scammer way.
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Re: Russian Girl On Dating Site Story - A Scam?

Unread postby Owen » Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:35 am

I asked her the other day if she has a visa and passport and she said she already has a visa and passport. So she does not need to apply for a visa according to her. Could she be telling the truth? I am not even sure what information about her I would need to book her flight? Does Russia suspending visa services also mean that if she already has a visa and passport that she cannot use it until the services are restored?

I don't even know if its even possible to buy plane tickets from Moscow to San Francisco California. I need to do some research on this.

I guess I will definitely find out if I am being scammed when I tell her how much the flight will be but that I have not purchased it yet. Let's see if she asks me to send her the money so she can buy the tickets herself. What if she asks me to buy her tickets and gives me her full name and her mailing address?

What do you think?

In any case as a warning to others reading this I will post the final outcome as a learning experience and lesson for others to learn from in case she does ask me for money. If I really do buy her a ticket I will check with the airlines if its possible for her to cash out the ticket for money or not.
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Re: Russian Girl On Dating Site Story - A Scam?

Unread postby Owen » Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:40 am


I tested her to see if she is trying to scam me out of my money. I found out that the round trip airfare for her to visit me would be $600 dollars. So I told her it would be $600 and I can buy the tickets for her and then send her the information. She told me she does not feel comfortable asking me to pay for her tickets. She said she prefers to buy the tickets herself.

I was expecting her to now ask me to send her money so she can buy the tickets herself which I would never do. The golden rule is to never ever send anyone money for any reason whom you have never met in person. Video face time calls do not qualify.

So I told her that I appreciate that she wants to buy her own tickets but I am fine paying for them. She replied saying she does not want to take my money and prefers to pay for her tickets herself. She wants to come visit me later this month or early next month and stay with me for 2 - 3 weeks so we can get to know each other.

She is a very gorgeous young Russian women. I am still skeptical about this. Is she playing me? Is she playing some kind of long game here? She said she doesn't want my money and said she doesn't want me to pay for her plane tickets.

Okay, fine...what if the cost was more than she thought and she then asks me to help pay for the tickets by sending her some money? If she does that I will tell her I cannot send her any money but after I pick her up at the airport I would be happy to help her out with her travel expenses but only after I have picket her up from the airport.

I will update the forum with what happens next. Should she be a scammer I will post her number and pictures here on this site. Should she actually buy her own tickets and meet me at the airport then I won't post anything about her here.

Any advice anybody has to give me who has had a similar experience? I am even thinking its possible she tells me she boarded the plane and had a 3 hour layover but her stuff was stolen or she lost her visa or passport and needs me to urgently send her money to help her so she can meet me but that she will be stuck until I send money. It could happen so I am being super careful. I wish I did not have to think this way but you really don't know until you know for sure.
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Re: Russian Girl On Dating Site Story - A Scam?

Unread postby Big Al » Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:46 am

She will not arrive if you read the post I made above. There are no flights coming out of Russia right now.

You might read the Romance scams described here:
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Re: Russian Girl On Dating Site Story - A Scam?

Unread postby Owen » Tue Feb 02, 2021 6:22 am

According to the Russian Federation Passengers arriving to the US via air are required to comply with CDC guidelines for self-quarantine after arrival. I also called Air France and they said flights from the Russian to the America can be booked and flights are going out. I also saw bookings for flights out of Russian to America for other airlines.

This woman says she already has a Visa and Passport so she does not need those services. I am being careful and I agree that there is a high possibility that she won't be able to leave Russian even if she is legit and not trying to scam me out of money. If she is trying to scam me then I know for sure I am not and will not send her any money for any reason.

I will find out very soon if she is scamming me or not. If she is then she is very good at this and I am definitely fooled but I will not give her any money regardless if I am fooled or not.
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Re: Russian Girl On Dating Site Story - A Scam?

Unread postby Big Al » Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:21 pm

If you pay for plane tickets. Do not be surprised if they don't cash them in and keep the money.

At some point they will ask for money.
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Re: Russian Girl On Dating Site Story - A Scam?

Unread postby Owen » Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:26 pm

You have been absolutely right this whole time. This is a scam!!! She has been working me for over a month now with phone calls, live face to face video chats, and sending me real pictures of hersefl.

I am so glad I have you watching my back brother. I think she really is trying to scam me. I asked her about me coming to visit her instead and she said no. She wants to come see America and told me nobody can fly into Russia anyways due to the virus. She tells me if she gets a negative covid test she can come see me.

I told her that May would be a good time to come because right now its cold and raining her a lot and there is nothing to do because everything is in lock-down. She said its okay because she just wants my company.

She said she cannot wait until May. She said she wants to come now in February. She sent me a screenshot of some tickets and the prices. The cost is $967 US Dollars which seemed odd because the screenshot shows a page in Russian and everything is in Russian except for the dollar amount.

I offered to buy the tickets and told her that the airline said they will not issue a refund other than to my credit card and they will not issue a voucher other than to me but only with my authorization in case for any reason including covid that she is unable to board the flight. In either case the airline said they will put a note in the system that the flight cannot be canceled, cannot be refunded, and cannot be exchanged for a voucher without my authorization.

That is when she said that she does not want to take my money and does not want me to buy her tickets. She said she has heard stories of American men buying the tickets and the Russian woman gets stuck and unable to get back home. So she only feels comfortable buying her own tickets. So I told her its too soon to come February 11th and stay with me until March 4th. She asked me if I want to see her and why would I make her wait to see me? I told her I will not be able to get any time off work on such short notice and she will be bored watching me work all day (I work from home).

She said its okay because she is falling in love with me and loves me very much. She said she wants to have a family and have kids. She asked me to confirm if she can come Feb 11th - March 4th. I told her to go ahead and book the tickets. I told her its okay if she wants to come that soon.

At this point I know its a scam. I am not fooled anymore.

(May and June prices were cheap but booking a flight today for Feb 11th was a lot more expensive. In fact the most expensive tickets are the ones for this month which is the tickets she chose to be the most expensive tickets)

I told her to go ahead and buy her tickets. (she had previously told me she will buy her own tickets and doesn't want my money)

She said its too expensive and she cannot afford it. (she has had over a week to find out the cost of the tickets that she claims she will purchase with her own money. she well knows the cost to come here but is now acting like she didn't know it was so expensive)

I told her its good she can't afford it right now because she may not be able to board the plane due to covid and also everything is in lock-down right now. I told her to save her money and by the time she has enough to come here the covid restrictions might be lifted by then.

Her response was that she can board the plan with proof of a negative covid test. She asked me if I don't want to see her soon but only want to see her in a few months? I said I do want to see her soon but since she cannot afford it we will have to wait.

She said "Honey, but I want to develop our relationship, texting for a few months is not what I want"
She said "Don't you want to see me sooner?"

I have not replied yet.

I think her next step is to ask me to send her the money for the cost of the plane ticket which I will not do.

What should I do? Should I respond back to her? If so, what should I say next?
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