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This section deals specifically with online romance scams. The images used by the scammers are stolen from innocent people, usually from their social media pages.

Re: I was scammed, but am still in touch with my scammer

Unread postby Sunnybear » Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:39 am

Firefly, Hi, thanks for your reply. I wasn't sure what you did with the information about the scammers posted here, so I didn't probably give enough information, but I will give more information now about what I know.
Firstly, it is no surprise that his mobile number is billed in Germany. Whilst I was communicating with him, at one stage he told me that he was in Germany on 'business'. It was at this time that he asked me for the money. Whilst he was there, he said that he had lost his mobile phone, and had to get a new one. The new number is the number I have given you. When I rang the number, if he didn't answer, it went to message bank, with a clearly German voice speaking in German....of course I couldn't understand the voicemail message.
I also now believe that he actually is currently in Germany, for the following reasons:
He showed me on cam the outside of his place, ie, he took me outside, and it was snowing everywhere, so he is clearly living in a cold country, probably Germany.
As you'll see below, he is currently on another dating website as well, updated in the last 24 hrs to a German address.
His mobile phone voicemail message is in German.
On his Facebook page, there is a brief discussion between his friends about where Orobor currently is, and one of his friends posted that he is currently in Berlin, and they would know I guess.
Now, also on the topic of Facebook, there are 2 profiles in his name. One is in the name of Orobor Diegbe, and the other is in the name of Diegbe Orobor- same name, just turned around. The page you want to look at is the Diegbe Orobor one, though both seem to be linked with similar information, and both are 'friends'.
When you look here, you will see several photos of him, which I recognise from cam. This is definitely him.
His cover pics are of an attractive black girl with short hair and a large bow in her hair (this woman appears very frequently in his pics, and I think she is his girlfriend. There is also a small pic of him, wearing a pink collared T shirt sitting on a motorbike.
Now if you go down his timeline to 2012, you will see the same pic of him on the motorbike, amongst others, like a Christmas tree and lots of black girls.
Scroll down to 2011, and you will see a few pics of him, and a pic of a coffin shrouded in purple satin. There is an entry on FB from Orobors brother Tiro, saying "RIP Dad", next to the coffin when you click on the pic of the coffin. This is significant for me, because right up until I stopped contact with him, he was telling me a new big sob story about how his father in Nigeria was very sick with kidney failure, and that Orobor was going to have to sell his car to pay for his fathers kidney transplant. I have been waiting for the next request for money, but I stopped contact with him before he had a chance to ask me. Clearly, we can see on FB that his father is already deceased. I guess this shows what kind of horrible person he is when he has to use his deceased father as part of the scam as well. How disrespectful.
So, scroll down again to 2010 pics, and you will see one more picture of him in a blue and white checked business shirt.

Now, also coming up on a google search of him is the following:
On http:/ /, a pic of a man comes up with the name of Diegbe Orobor leaning against a car,
but this does not look like the man I know.
Next google hit says"Dating scammer Daniel Kehinde, aka Kenny Daniel, name Diegbe Orobor, address Central Hospital, Abuja, Nigeria, post code 234. Note if you still want to send it via Western..." , and to read any more you need to go into the associated website http:/ / , however this website seems to have been shut down as I can't access it. You might have more luck??
Next google hit is at http:/ / This appears to be an online dating site. It has a picture of him, says he is 28 years old with an address of Nordrhein - Westfalen, Germany. This address has only been updated in the last 24 hrs, as yesterday it had a Manchester UK address, with age 27 there.
Now, go to page 7 on the google search of him, and you will find the website http:/ / This website is what appears to be an online sex website, where people can go for online sex. The heading says MAN in, Nude Sex Profile at Fling-
There is a photo of him here as well. His address says Manchester, UK, age is 27 years old.

I only have a couple of pictures of the alias male that he sent me before I found out he was scamming me. It also includes a young girl. He told me his name was Giovanni Cann. When I looked for Mr Canns FB page, one came up with a picture the same as what he had sent me, but with absolutely no other information, no friends etc.
Now, when I google Giovani Cann, there is a new profile there under his name, with, guess what? , black friends with the surname of Diegbe! So clearly they know each other, and he did tell me that he travelled out of Nigeria using Mr Canns documents. The original Giovanni Cann profile that I saw months ago no longer exists. No surprises there.

I'm happy to send you the pics of the male victim in the photos, but I'm using an IPad, and have no idea how to do it. Is it possible to email them to someone at your site?

I think this is all the info I can help you with at the moment. I really hope that it all helps you in some way....I would love to think that there was something you could do with all this info.

It's now been a few days since I stopped all contact with him. I'm not going to's been very difficult, as I still miss him, and he is emailing me wanting to know if I'm OK, and telling me how much he misses me. And I don't have to open the email to see that, he's putting it all in the subject heading field. But I am staying strong on this one....he is a creep, a low life, who enjoys hurting other people for his own gain. As suggested by other users on this site, I have literally dropped off the face of the earth. As far as he's concerned, I no longer exist.....anywhere....and I'm a lot more stress free because of it. I am slowly starting to feel good about him not being in my life anymore. But gosh it still hurts. :(
Thanks so much for your interest Firefly, and thank you so much to everyone else for your kind and supportive words. Every time I start to feel down about the whole thing, I just come here and read your comments to me, and also read other people's stories, and I feel better. I know my story isn't so bad in that I haven't lost any money, but my heart was so badly broken I thought I would never recover. But thanks to all of you and this site, I know that I will. :P

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Re: I was scammed, but am still in touch with my scammer

Unread postby Big Al » Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:30 am

You seem to be doing very well. Just stay strong and take good care of yourself. You deserve to be happy and free from this lowlife. Stay strong.
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Re: I was scammed, but am still in touch with my scammer

Unread postby Sunnybear » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:21 am

Thanks Big Al, and thank you Tomi. I'm sure the only reason why I haven't given in and gone back to him is because of the reassurance that you all give here on the website.
Can anyone shed some light on why we find it so hard to give them up? They are like a nasty addiction....even though we know they are no good for us, we still go back for more! I just don't get it.
Also, I never got any Western Union account details off him....I was too busy yelling at him to even give him a chance to tell me what the account number is. In between my bouts of yelling at him, and a few tears, he did ask me for my account number as well, when I told him that I had never heard of Western Union. That just made me yell at him even more. And then after all this he had the nerve to say "So are you going to help me or not?" Needless to say, I said no!
It's all very comical really, in hindsight. At least I can laugh about it now. It's so good to get all this off my chest. It's been all bottled up for months. :P
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Re: I was scammed, but am still in touch with my scammer

Unread postby Sunnybear » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:33 am

OK, I have just worked out how to attach the stolen photos that he originally sent me, so here they are, I hope this works!



Please let me know if it didn't work. This is apparently Giovanni Cann, and his 10 year old daughter, Eve. What a croc!
Last edited by SlapHappy on Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: blackout face of child in pictures.
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Re: I was scammed, but am still in touch with my scammer

Unread postby Sunnybear » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:44 am

Well, here is a copy of a few of his emails as well, hope this works! I'd love to get other people's thoughts on them. I think it's pretty clear why I fell so hard for him.

Honey i hope you are fine ,i we try to call you again in the morning when i wake up from sleep.Is 2.50am here and your though just wake me up.Hone i think we have the same Feelings as begin to wonder how i can be able o coup after our first Meeting in January.Well God is n control i no very soon am going to be with you for life,as for our daughter i think it we be nice to tell her now that she is on Holiday so that before her School re opens she can be fine and please when you tell her try as much as possible to always be with her don´t allow her to be alone for one Minute pleas i want her to be happy in life.Sweet heart i we try to go back to bed again and see if i can sleep for a while as i Keep Hearing your sweet voice and having good dreams about you.Funny me i have never had a dream before about a woman this makes me feel we are meant for each other and i we stick to you till death i miss you and i love you

Sweet Heart my night was so good am feeling 100% okay,but i miss you so badly.Am happy for the Good news that your brothers wife is getting better i hope she can go home soon,i miss you so much please try to keep your phone close bye you tonight because am going to be the last person you we talk to in 2012 and the first person you we here his voice in 2013 .I miss you kisses and hugs

Honey, I can say I love you in so many ways
But none is clearer than committing my days
To the one who is dearest and closest to my heart
On this day I promise you that we will never part

You are a pleasant surprise
An unexpected gift of gladly beautiful smiles
A pleasure box of untold delights
I pray that you will be mine
Yesterday, today, tomorrow and for all time

Today the new year we celebrate the joining of our hearts
We were meant for each other right from the start
We were destined to be together and never to part
You are my friend, my lover and the keeper of my heart and our heart

Gio Cares

After I found out about his scamming ways.....

Thanks sweet heart for accepting me back i feel very happy and thankful i have promised never to hurt you in life.I have actually falling in love with you and it hurt me so badly that i lied to you in the first place and now am willing to open up to you and am willing to take this relationship to the highest mountain in the world.I believe we can be more closer than ever,Honey am very willing to see you on cam and again you we see me on cam as well that is when you no me because cam don´t tell liars I love you for real
Kisses Gio

Sweet Heart,
All i say i did was true the only thing i lied was my picture i was really thinking of we we meet at the airport and you find out that am a black man what would you feel honey i hard to many things on my mind and if i tell you that i lost my money that i used to do the reservation you we not believe me but the truth remains that i truly love you and i can do any thing for you.Honey i feel very bad as i could no longer meet up with the job that was giving to me.the man came up and told me to return all i bought for the job that he does not want to continue with the building of the house any more he said he wants to relocate to his country now i have run at a big lost but all the same God is in control.Honey how is my lovely daughter doing you have not told me much about her ever since i broke your heart.PLEASE FIND A PLACE TO FORGIVE ME IN YOUR HEART I SO MUCH LOVE YOU AND CARE FOR YOU PLEASE AM ON MY KNEES BEGGING FOR FORGIVENESS PLEASE

And now he finally tells me his real name.....

Thanks Sweet heart,i think i have opened up to you and what is left is my real name.Am from Africa west Africa Nigeria,My real Name is Diebie Orubor.I live in an apartment and i drive a BMW car,Am black in compression .The name Gio came from the man that brought me to Scotland he is an Italian man he used his document to bring me to Scotland so all my working documents are bearing Gio but am planing to change to my real name very soon.I we be going back to Germany tonight to return the things a bought and give the man back his money that he gave me.And from the look of things i may spend some time in Germany to see it i can get any job there because over here there are no Jobs and i can´t stay without a job it we be hard for me to survive: i have finally opened up to you and there is nothing that i we say to you that is going to be liar i have loved you.I have never done this before in my life am sorry to have broken your heart and i can still make your heart happy for life,Please help me to plead with your daughter to also forgive me and am truly in love with you and her and i can do anything to prove it to you.I we be traveling today and if you are free kindly create time and try to visit any cafe where you can use webcam so that you can see me on cam i want you to see me on cam before i can start sending you my pictures and again i don´t have much pictures as well but if you like to see me on came better and i we be happy so that you nohow i look like and what am made off.i cam from Nigeria my parents are there and my sisters but i came to look for a better life here because we have a very bad government and now is not easy for me the way i though it would be my parents are looking up to me as the bread winner of the family of 8 we are 3 boys and 5 girls amongst all my the 3rd child so it not really easy for me :BUT AM ON MY KNEE BEGGING YOU TO FORGIVE ME
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Re: I was scammed, but am still in touch with my scammer

Unread postby firefly » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:02 pm


thank you for posting the details. Everything he told you are just lies. He want just one thing: your money. Nothing else is important. Even remorses are fake. Good you delete him and blocked him. He will try to combe back for sure with other lame excuses, trying to control you again. Dont accept unknown person in chat, on dating or social sites. If he send you emails, delete them unopened.

We know how hard it is, when you found out the person you trust online is a scammer. Time will heal this wound, even if a scar will remain forever. You will have good days - when you will feel relief he is gone for ever, and bad days, when you are all alone asking yourself "what if...". The scammer may destroy your self-esteem, may damage your confidence in people, may leave you with different types of losses - but is up to you to regain control of your life. You are not alone in this. We are here, when you need to talk with someone.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Re: I was scammed, but am still in touch with my scammer

Unread postby Big Al » Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:26 pm

I think the biggest thing I read here from other Survivors is the need to forgive yourself.
After you do that, moving on is easier.
I'm not a survivor (thankfully) but it sounds like the good path.
(That'll be two cents please)
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Re: I was scammed, but am still in touch with my scammer

Unread postby Sunnybear » Sat Feb 02, 2013 7:50 am

Thanks Sweet heart,i think i have opened up to you and what is left is my real name.Am from Africa west Africa Nigeria,My real Name is Diebie Orubor.I live in an apartment and i drive a BMW car,Am black in compression .The name Gio came from the man that brought me to Scotland he is an Italian man he used his document to bring me to Scotland so all my working documents are bearing Gio but am planing to change to my real name very soon.I we be going back to Germany tonight to return the things a bought and give the man back his money that he gave me.And from the look of things i may spend some time in Germany to see it i can get any job there because over here there are no Jobs and i can´t stay without a job it we be hard for me to survive:Jenni i have finally opened up to you and there is nothing that i we say to you that is going to be liar i have loved you.I have never done this before in my life am sorry to have broken your heart and i can still make your heart happy for life,Please help me to plead with your daughter to also forgive me and am truly in love with you and her and i can do anything to prove it to you.I we be traveling today and if you are free kindly create time and try to visit any cafe where you can use webcam so that you can see me on cam i want you to see me on cam before i can start sending you my pictures and again i don´t have much pictures as well but if you like to see me on came better and i we be happy so that you nohow i look like and what am made off.i cam from Nigeria my parents are there and my sisters but i came to look for a better life here because we have a very bad government and now is not easy for me the way i though it would be my parents are looking up to me as the bread winner of the family of 8 we are 3 boys and 5 girls amongst all my the 3rd child so it not really easy for me :BUT AM ON MY KNEE BEGGING YOU TO FORGIVE ME

Here are another couple of emails received early on in the "relationship" , and I use that term loosely. I must say, when I received it, it made absolutely no sense to me. In hindsight, reading them now, I would normally have run a mile if I had received these emails from someone! These look like emails that have been copied and pasted....from a standard scammers letter.

Hello !
I give glory to God for your wise and positive step which you are taking towards this friendship, Thanks so much My one and only, Once in a lifetime, we meet a special soul, who fills our very essence, to almost overflow, we drink the cup of friendship, it tastes like ruby wine, and you know within your heart, this meeting was Divine. This soul that lives within your heart, no distance can prevail, an inner spark, within the heart, becomes a Holy Grail, the starting of a journey, in which both of us shall be, a reflection of each other, for all eternity. Your replies have given me great joy.

It gives me the heart to forgive people that I have come across in life. The Bible says, "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. I will do anything for my future wife to be. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. I believe in God; I feel that family is the most important support in life; I know true love
exists; I immensely value friendship; my life and my actions (and maybe my profile/photos) do most of the talking...the first impression is important, but I don't live to place my life and reputation on my first impression alone...there's so much more to this.

Short life than that...anyway, to cut to the chase, I'm a happy-nature guy in many ways and a focused, strong, determined leader in others...the man inside me is still healthy, but I'm a man where it counts.. I ask you in to my life and heart to be my mother, I want to love you still the end of time.,I pray for a good and a long time relationship for both of us.I hope to meet you online later

Endless love,
I Care

Hello Dear,

It hurt's to love & not loved in return. But what is painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for the gift. Love is when you take away the feeling, passion & the romance in a relationship & find out that you still care for the person. A sad thing in life when you meet someone who mean a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never to meant to be and you just had to let go. When the door of happiness closes, another opens. But oftentimes, we look so long at theclosed door that we don't see the one...that has been opened for us.

The best kind of a friend is the kind you can sit on a porch & swing with, never say a word & then walk away feeling like it is the best conversation you've ever had. It�s true that we don't know what we've got until it arrives. Giving someone all your love to hear that you would never hear from the person you would like to hear from them.But don't be so deaf as not to hear from the one who says it from his heart. Never say goodbye if you still want to try. Never give up if you feel you can still go on.Never say you don't love a person anymore if you can't let go. Love comes to those who hope although they've been disappointed; to those who still believe although they've been hurt before; & to those who have the courage & faith to build trust.

Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes a smile to make a dark day seem bright.Hope you find the one that makes you smile.Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be, because you have only one life & one chance to do all things you want to do. The happiness of the people doesn't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along the way. Love begins with smile, grow with a kiss & endswith tear. The brightest future will always be based on forgotten past. You can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches. KEEP SMILING YOUR CRUSH MIGHT WINK HIS EYES ON YOU!!!

I wish you've been with me here as that is the reason of coming to the net to search for my soul mate regardless of age or race, yes , true love goes straight to its vision. Though it might appear difficult to join me while am in such location [distance], but true love fears no bounds. I can go extra length to make the love of my life to be living with me , yes, judging from your words, I can't find best adjective to use in qualifying how lovely you are to me - a lady of my dreams. I hope you will share the dreams of living with me together in my life time.

Yours in love,

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Re: -

Unread postby Sunnybear » Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:35 pm

Hi again everyone. I have more information to post here regarding the stolen identity Giovani Cann, aka Gio Cann.
His profile and familiar photos (2 of which are already posted here) are now on the dating website, with an address of Lagos, Nigeria. There is another photo on Badoo's website of him sitting on a couch in a hotel with his "daughter". I did have that photo, but deleted it ages ago, when I realised I was being scammed.
So, for anyone who is dealing with a Giovani Cann on a dating website, this man is not real, his identity has been stolen by the dating scammer from Nigeria, Orobor Diegbe, aka Diegbe Orobor.
I hope this information helps any would be scamming victims.
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Re: -

Unread postby Sunnybear » Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:52 am

Oh dear....I seem to have broken poor Orobor Diegbe's heart. This email was received a couple of days ago by me. I stupidly sent him a rather rude and abrupt text message asking him to stop contacting me, as he was always texting me and emailing me saying how worried about me he was, as he hadn't heard from me, and his messages were wearing me down. It shows how hard they keep trying to poison our minds with their rubbish and lies. Anyhow, my text message to him worked, as I now haven't heard from him since he sent these messages. And my mind is finally at rest.


And this text message was received from him at the same time:

"Honey u promised never to break my heart after I open up to u now see what u have done to me. u make me sick now I we luv u for life even when u call me names".

I hope now I can finally put this baby to bed, forever.
Thanks for being there, SS.
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