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Unread postby Wayne » Thu Sep 10, 2020 11:32 pm



Thu, 10 Sep at 09:43

Attention: Beneficiary

Attention for you outstanding payment

How are you doing hoping all is well with you and your family? We know you might have forgotten about this your outstanding compensation payment due to delay on the delivery up till now. We are here by writing to inform you that your payment file was found in our Office and we discovered that your Compensation / accommodatedb interest payment worth sum of Five million Five hundred Thousand United States Dollars {$5.5 Million}have not been sent to you as it was instructed by The Economic Community of West African States(ECO-WAS) We are here to inform you that your payment has been converted into ATM Visa/Master Card to free it from Confiscating, and all necessary arrangement your ATM VISA/MASTER CARD Payment worth of {$5.5 Million} has been granted for your payment through Our ATM Card Department Center.

Now Your ATM Visa/Master Card is well packaged with every legal document to convey it not having any problem with anybody therefore we are here by inviting you to our Headoffice here in Abuja, Office Address, ATM Card Department AFRICAN UNION FOREIGN DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE, Abuja Paul street 1NG 325,Federal Republic of Nigeria, to enable us complete the normal formalities and activation process of your ATM Visa Card and issue the Secret PIN CODE/NUMBER to enable you start using it at any ATM MACHINE worldwide of your choice nearest to you, as soon as it is activated, But if you are unable to come down here in our office in person you will be required to update our ATM Department Center with your contact delivery details as stated
below so that they will precede with the necessary arrangement for the delivery your ATM VISA/MASTER CARD.

1. Your Full name, ________________
2. Your home Address, _____________
3. Your telephone number, _________
4. A copy of your ID, _____________

immediately on their beloW:

E-mail: {}

E-mail: { }

Contact Person; Bello Hassan
Director of ATM Card Department .CBN
Department CBN Telephone Number:234 08146894659

Try to call him immediately to know when your ATM VISA/MASTER CARD
will be delivered to you.

I am waiting for your update as soon as you have received your
Visa/Master ATM Card.


Yours sincerely

Mrss.Mathiars SirEbere
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