
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

scammers abusing stolen photos of John Mageau

This section deals specifically with online romance scams. The images used by the scammers are stolen from innocent people, usually from their social media pages.


Unread postby Ginger Lee » Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:51 pm

The content of my package is my personal belongings, artworks, medals, Bank Draft my book (not yet published), paintings, and valuables. If you can help me claim my vacation belongings from the United Nations delivery office in India, My vacation would be approved within 2 days and i can come meet you very soon


Complement of the day to you,

With reference to the e-mail we received from Lieutenant Colonel Gavin Kenji, and yours for the release of his parcel ,IDENTIFICATION CODE: UN/048/9N/0294Z DEPOSIT CODE: GXTL837RA00AM SERIAL : 2497-8/EI PIN : 542/Q-1959, belonging to US Lieutenant Colonel Gavin Kenji in Afghanistan, he has asked our office to deliver to you his parcel containing personal belongings to your address in the United States of America.

NOTE: Due to diplomatic reason and the high value content of his parcel/belongings, it would be illegal to deliver it to you without the parcel being Insured as it will violate the United Nations rules governing diplomatic delivery. This means payment for the insurance registration fees must be made before delivered to avoid risk.

This is because of some bad experience we had in the past. We cannot afford to re-issue your payment for delivery if anything goes wrong, so in this case payment for the Insurance registration fees is mandatory and it cost ($960.00 Nine Hundred and Sixty United States Dollars) and these should be paid to the United Nations Delivery department Accounts office using Western Union or Money Gram.

Most Importantly, The said Parcel must be registered by the United Nations for easy and safe delivery, before it can be dispatched to your chosen delivery point or destination, as the delivery content has to be register in your name and address as the said receiver, before it can be delivered to you by our diplomat. Failure to produce the registration fees, will mean total refusal of package delivery by our diplomatic service, so as to enable the United Nations secure our good name we have always maintained over the World, because the package to be delivered without the Insurance will be illegal. This is the United Nations law guiding the authentic delivery of diplomatic regulations.

You have to Effect Payment via MONEY GRAM TRANSFER Office close to your location, with the details of our Account Officer stated below.

Account Officer: Charlice Temb
Address: 174, Inner Circle, Connaught Place, New Delhi, 110044 Delhi, INDIA

Kindly send us a scanned copy of the payment receipt & the MTRN#, As soon as the payment of insurance registration is made, your parcel or safe Parcel shall immediately be dispatched through the United Nations Diplomat.

Note: It would take 48 Hours for the package to be delivered at your Door-front in U.S.A as soon as your payment has been confirmed.

Please RE-CONFIRM This Information:

Your complete Home Address :
Your Phone Number :
Country :
City :
Scanned copy of your Identification page*Passport Copy, Work ID:

Your husbands parcel is protected by a hardcover United Nations insurance policy, which makes it impossible for any Airport authority to intercept the parcel during the delivery. This is in accordance with section 13(1) (n) of the United Nations act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3RD July 1996 by the constitutional assembly. This is to protect recipients and to avoid misappropriation of parcel or safe Parcel.

We remain obliged to Humanitarian Service, We look forward to serving you with the best of our Professional abilities.

Thank You.

Mrs. Serena Campbell
(Senior Diplomat Officer-Head Of Delivery Dept.)
United Nations Diplomatic Delivery Office. (UNDDO)

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Ginger Lee
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Unread postby Ginger Lee » Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:31 pm

For the Mugu Shot Gallery:

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Unread postby firefly » Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:36 pm

The scammer uses a skype account as:

live:gavinryan415 / Gavin Ryan, no other details.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Unread postby Ginger Lee » Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:15 pm

He uses ryan41inabox on OkCupid (different photos)
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Unread postby firefly » Sat Sep 23, 2017 12:40 pm

Received from a Scam Survivor.


frank okoe <>:

Jak się dzisiaj czujesz? Mój drogi, jestem pułkownikiem Frankem Ben.Am, a ja jestem w wojsku przez około 26 lat. Jestem teraz w Syrii. Jestem tu na misji pokojowej, która wkrótce zrezygnuje i wróci do domu, ale zanim spotkam się z kimś, że po przejściu na emeryturę, widzę ją spotkać i spędzić resztę życia z nią. I dlatego jestem tutaj w poszukiwaniu dobrej kobiety. Nie dbam o odległość i wiek, ponieważ dystans jest drogą, a wiekiem jako liczbą. To wszystko o tym, kto może cię uszczęśliwia, a ja ufam i traktuję cię jak królową. Cóż, jestem tylko synem moich późnych rodziców. Jestem wdowcem z jednym synem Jamesem. To dobry chłopak i bardzo mi się podobało. Ma 14 lat. Wszystkie moje sny miały przyjechać do siostry i braci, ale nie wszystkie marzenia, które się spełnią ...
Cóż, chcę, żebyś wiedział, że jesteś jedyną kobietą, którą piszę do ciebie tylko ja skromny człowiek, którego musisz wiedzieć w swoim życiu, wierzę w miłość i troskę, obiecuję, że będziesz szczęśliwa przez te wszystkie dni swojego życia .. napisz mi więcej o sobie ..
Piękno zawsze

How are you feeling today? My dear, I am Colonel Frank Ben.Am, and I am in the army for about 26 years. I am now in Syria. I am here on a peace mission that will soon resign and return home but before I meet someone after retirement, I see her meet and spend the rest of her life with her. And that's why I'm here looking for a good woman. I do not care about distance and age, because the distance is the road, and the age as a number. It's all about who can make you happy, and I trust and treat you like a queen. Well, I'm just a son of my late parents. I'm a widower with one son James. He's a good boy and I loved it. He is 14 years old. All my dreams were supposed to come to my sister and brothers, but not all the dreams that come true ...
Well, i want you to know that you are the only woman i write to you only me modest person you need to know in your life, i believe in love and concern, i promise you will be happy all those days of your life .. write me more about yourself ..
Beauty always

The stolen picture used is already reported here.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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