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"If it looks too good to be true..."

Stories we feel worth sharing with others are moved here.

"If it looks too good to be true..."

Unread postby Vexed » Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:08 pm

We have all heard that term. Hello this is Vexed and this is my story:
I had never been to a date site until a friend of mine told me he goes to them just for fun and that I should try it. So, I signed up to one. The next morning I woke and to my surprise had a message on my fb page from a US Marine, this is what he said:

Terry Stone
Hello, How are you doing? I was browsing true some profile,i like your profile it sound good and fun.and I would like to get to know you better and see where it goes Well..My name terry stone and you ? hope to hear from you soon

The next one was left a couple of days later after I responded to the widowed Marine I will also post his fb profile picture:

Terry Stone
you sound so interesting to me.well am glad you replied my very also new on that site but you can add me on fb or add me up on my messenger this is my mail or send me yourso i can add you.i will be the happiest man if you can hounor my request.happy easter


It took me 10 days to get on to chat after I added him to my messanger, but he was there the second I logged on. His picture stirred something in me~ I am usually VERY cautious as to who I open up too; I don't know how he was able to get so much info from me~they are good at what they do, I guess. Here is a portion of our first chat, and the profile pic he posted AFTER i sent the first installment of 100usd:

IM Apr 12, 2012 1:29:35 AM

1:29:35 AM Terry Stone: Thanks for adding me up can wait to see you online.

IM Apr 12, 2012 8:52:42 AM

8:52:42 AM XXXXXX: I am sorry I have not been on-line. Having to take care of things this week. I will be on tonight @ 8 pm.

IM Apr 16, 2012 10:23:11 PM

10:12:19 PM Terry Stone: Omg

10:12:32 PM Terry Stone: I can believe this

10:12:40 PM Terry Stone: You are online

10:12:43 PM Terry Stone: <ding>

10:13:07 PM Terry Stone: Are you there

10:13:15 PM Terry Stone: Pls talk to me

10:13:57 PM XXXXXX: Yes, I am here. Trying to multitask, how are you?

10:14:56 PM Terry Stone: Am fine

10:14:59 PM Terry Stone: And you

10:15:18 PM Terry Stone: Can't believe it

10:15:37 PM Terry Stone: Have waited for you here for weeks

10:15:59 PM XXXXXX: Doing good. Where can I ask are you from?

10:16:16 PM Terry Stone: Did you get my message fb

10:16:27 PM Terry Stone: Alabama

10:17:45 PM XXXXXX: I Have not been on my page for awhile. Apologize for that. I have been uber busy

10:17:58 PM Terry Stone: Ok

10:18:22 PM Terry Stone: Hope you will be here for alittle lon

10:18:25 PM Terry Stone: Long

10:18:41 PM Terry Stone: Cos I want know more of you

10:19:30 PM XXXXXX: Are you in Alabama right now? Now I have that song in my head...sweet home Alabama

10:19:59 PM Terry Stone: Nope

10:20:11 PM Terry Stone: Am in afgan

10:20:27 PM Terry Stone: Where are you from again pls

10:20:54 PM Terry Stone: Am in afggan for national assignment

10:21:23 PM XXXXXX: WHAT? much longer? I thought you guys were going to be pulled out?

10:21:51 PM Terry Stone: Yep

10:22:03 PM XXXXXX: I am living in California. Born in New Mexico.

10:22:44 PM Terry Stone: but we all can leave

10:22:57 PM XXXXXX: How Old are you? If that's not too forward.

10:23:11 PM Terry Stone: 45

IM Apr 16, 2012 10:34:41 PM

10:23:15 PM Terry Stone: And you

10:23:18 PM Terry Stone: ?

10:23:47 PM XXXXXX: 43. What do you mean we all can leave?

10:24:16 PM XXXXXX: National assignment?

10:24:20 PM Terry Stone: Everybody can leave thesame time

10:25:09 PM Terry Stone: And am also a special agent

10:25:31 PM XXXXXX: So, when you come state side, where wil you go?

10:25:36 PM Terry Stone: Am saying this to you because I trust you

10:25:58 PM Terry Stone: My mom's place

10:26:43 PM XXXXXX: ok. Oh, in Alabama huh?

10:26:59 PM Terry Stone: Yep

10:27:09 PM XXXXXX: I bet she can't wait for you to get home.

10:27:16 PM Terry Stone: Do you want me to come to yo?

10:27:38 PM XXXXXX: I will tie a yellow ribbon around my tree until your safe return.

10:27:44 PM Terry Stone: Yes likewise me I can't wait to hug her

10:27:54 PM Terry Stone: Ok

10:28:10 PM Terry Stone: And wot do that stands for

10:28:56 PM XXXXXX: This is a first for me. I wondered why one of your messages came @ 4 am. What time is it there?

10:30:38 PM XXXXXX: The yellow ribbon is to remember the soldier that is gone, and on thier safe return, the ribbon comes down. VERY old tradition.

10:30:53 PM Terry Stone: You know when am of duty I use the system any time

10:31:45 PM Terry Stone: Ok

10:32:21 PM Terry Stone: Tell me more about your self

10:32:34 PM XXXXXX: Boy, you must have an inside job. No full gear for you?

10:33:09 PM XXXXXX: OK, I just want to know what time it is where you are?

10:33:17 PM Terry Stone: Am an engineer

10:33:54 PM Terry Stone: 9:00

10:34:00 PM Terry Stone: Am

10:34:05 PM XXXXXX: Like I said I was born in NM, oldest of four, 1 daughter who is in heaven, and a little dog Oliver

10:34:29 PM Terry Stone: So wot do you do for living

10:34:41 PM XXXXXX: Medical field

IM Apr 16, 2012 10:50:07 PM

10:34:54 PM XXXXXX: wow, engineer...

10:35:01 PM Terry Stone: Yep

10:35:21 PM Terry Stone: Am in engineerin dept

10:35:54 PM Terry Stone: Are you married or

10:36:08 PM Terry Stone: Divorce


Ok, red flags should have caught my attention with this first conversation~~ cant' spell Afghan, :lmao: no such thing as "National Assignment, asking what I do for a living, and later in conversation told me he was divorced, NOT a widow! WOW, what was I thinking??? Not soon after he was asking for $ so he could buy...get this...COFFEE!! Told me he was an addicted to it and if he did not have it he would be sick! He also asked if fb was a dating site and I never got the answer to the question: "how did you find me?" here are some more fb messages we exchanged:

you need to allow me to write on your wall. you have high security, here, dear
HELLO??? can't send you ANYTHING!! change settings for me please! you are looking at mine, now, I can see your likes!!! ee heee hurry!
you use Zoosk? wht is really going on?

April 23Terry Stone
Ok i will do that now

April 23 ME
are you using zoosz???????

April 23 ME
i 5 minutes, I am blocking you if I cant send or write on your page!!! getting suspicious!!! answer me
you use a lot of dating sites. don't like what i am seeing so far. Answer me please!!!!
you are on a mobile phone!!! what is going on??? I do not like this!!!!!
where are you???? I think you are closer than you say!!!
you told me you were 45 years old??? you are younger than me

April 23Terry Stone
No am not using zoosk
My commander gave me is phone to hold am with him now so have left the computer room.I just quickly signed in on his phone.

Ok, more red flags should have been seen here, but I rather enjoyed the attention I guess!! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!! :oops:
I was in contact with him for over 6 months, and in that time I sent him a total of 250usd. Not much compared to some of the people I heard, but he was working me the whole time. Having FULL access to my fb page and getting all of my friends info and pics! A very good friend of mine posted the following and he jumped at the chance to get her too!!

Your Military pen pal is a good looking man , and a hero to me, How do I get one? I would love to communicate with a soldier serving our country, I pray for him and all our brave men and women serving our country!!! Pass my love along to them! :)
April 25 at 7:09am · Unlike · 2

He kept a close eye on me and my posts, He mentioned what she said and told me he had a friend, FREDDY that would love to chat with her! I will post that conversation, an argument (one of many) as well as Freddy's pic next:

Terry Stone
I ould search my whole life through and through an never find another you.

I love my life because it gave me you
I love you because you are my life

When you see a falling star to night, make a wish, it will come true because I wished and I found you.

If I had to choose whether to breathe or to love you, I would use my last breath to tell you that... I love you.

ME: why did you ever leave that first msg to me on fb??? was fine alone, you sent my world into tailspin and now ur gone. will never trust another man. rather than listen, get info, you leave and send me nasty notes. thought u were a different man. am fooled again, I guess. GOODbye
f*ck! hey, dude, I took $ out of M G and used W U. too much trouble w/ mg, have been trying to fix this for u and all I get is ignored, I HATE being ignored. am leaving for 45 min. nedd to find way to xxxxx's. have been p all night AGAIN, getting this done, and I am only being called horrible things by u. tell freddy to be online, spoke to xxxxxx. bye

July 27Terry Stone
Hun you made me said those words cos of the bullshit u do cos me u make pple can me several name. U think is fair with the ways am been treated by u? Just bcoz of how much u made agent call me names.

ME: u better leave ur Q & A for MG here asap, i alsp wont be able to give u a ETA on cheese fund arrival/. gonna have to wing it. i know ur are reading these. would have been nice to see some kind of reply showing concern or maybe...LOVE!
feeling alone and un-loved bt u a lot lately.

Mia Culpa=my fault for letting myself be treated this way. I mst be a glutton for puishment. have 40 min. left for internet. let's see wot happens...

July 20Terry Stone
Babe is like u dnt trust me.mayb I should open a new yahoomail.dnt u think so too
Luvin u is wt i wnt to do al my lif. Plz. Is never in my heart to hurt u or treat u bad.

ME: maybe it is ur phone and not have fucked w/ me my entire life, I have a tough time trusting men.(hence me being single by choice 4 long time.) It is not you, it is my issue, but sometimes u don't help the matter. u need to be a little more understanding. You only know very little about all the abuse I have endured by men who said they "luved" me. I will fix my messenger for awhile, if u can come on, fine but after tonight, If I feel as I am feeling now... well, I don't know wot to do. I am putting my trust in God, we "met" for a reason, I have to trust HIM (one of few men I've ever trusted) so, I will. remember, this is my demon, not yours, I just know you have lied, so now I am on gaurd; I evaluate everything..unhealthy, yes, but am getting help 4 it. I will fix messenger now. And try my hardest not to let doubt come between us.

PS~use computer, not ur bb, that is prob.

Sorry for the order these are going in, I had deleted YAHOO all together so I do not have the conversation when he told me about freddy, but here is his pic. He did end up chatting with my friend towards the end so she was not affected like me... thank God! They sent so many bugs and trujens to my computer, I am glad I do not bank online!!!


notice they do not even have the same type of cammies...hmmmm?
Here is another post... I am rather embarrassed but here goes...

how much loner do you have lundry
sgtstoneterry: Sure
sgtstoneterry: One week and some days
It will be over soon
: do you get help
sgtstoneterry: Yes it will for sure
sgtstoneterry: Yer with freddy
sgtstoneterry: Freddy help me
Freddy? right on! he is your pal, huh?
: good
sgtstoneterry: Yes
sgtstoneterry: Wot of your friend
sgtstoneterry: We need to hook her up with freddy
does he patrol with you?
sgtstoneterry: No oooooooo
YES!!! she wants a marine too!
hee hee
sgtstoneterry: Wow
oh, no patrol. sorry
sgtstoneterry: Send her mail
: I have the best one though
sgtstoneterry: Yes loveeeeeee
me send her?
sgtstoneterry: You are the best for me too
: yer
: the best
: your making me blush
sgtstoneterry: Yer its good
sgtstoneterry: Give me a big smile
: shouldI mail her?
sgtstoneterry: Ok
: :D
sgtstoneterry: Mail he
sgtstoneterry: Her
: ther ya go!
sgtstoneterry: I love you
: i ove you too, baby
sgtstoneterry: U deserve this:*
: right back at ya :-*
sgtstoneterry: Love u too
sgtstoneterry: HahahahhHahaha
: hee hee heeh
: my marine is laughing
: cool!
: love it
XXXXXX: I want you to be happy
sgtstoneterry: ALl ways
: we have to be happy
: to get through this
: me too
: :x
sgtstoneterry: Yes
XXXXXX: yer yes yer
XXXXXX: hee hee
sgtstoneterry: You are so sweet
XXXXXX: I saw the moon you sent me tonight
sgtstoneterry: Wow
sgtstoneterry: U serious
XXXXXX: I willsend it back to you K?
XXXXXX: the moon on my fb page is from Afghanistan
sgtstoneterry: Do you promise
: your moon...
: yup
sgtstoneterry: When will you send yours
: heading your way now
: you will see it n
XXXXXX: in a few hours
: lucky moon
sgtstoneterry: Ok
: gets to see you
sgtstoneterry: I will be wait
sgtstoneterry: Waiting
: ok
: still waiting?
: hee hee
sgtstoneterry: Ok
: Oj
sgtstoneterry: Wot of you interview
: it is this afternoon, then go to doc for blood test
: things will be ok
: do you have to partol again?
: X_X
XXXXXX: how much loner do you have lundry
sgtstoneterry: Sure
XXXXXX: longer
sgtstoneterry: One week and some days
XXXXXX: It will be over soon
XXXXXX: do you get help
sgtstoneterry: Yes it will for sure
sgtstoneterry: Yer with freddy
sgtstoneterry: Freddy help me
XXXXXX: Freddy? right on! he is your pal, huh?
XXXXXX: good
sgtstoneterry: Yes
sgtstoneterry: Wot of your friend
sgtstoneterry: We need to hook her up with freddy
XXXXXX: does he patrol with you?
sgtstoneterry: No oooooooo
XXXXXX: YES!!! she wants a marine too!
XXXXXX: hee hee
sgtstoneterry: Wow
XXXXXX: oh, no patrol. sorry
sgtstoneterry: Send her mail
XXXXXX: I have the best one though
sgtstoneterry: Yes loveeeeeee
XXXXXX: me send her?
sgtstoneterry: You are the best for me too
XXXXXX: the best
XXXXXX: your making me blush
sgtstoneterry: Yer its good
sgtstoneterry: Give me a big smile
XXXXXX: shouldI mail her?
sgtstoneterry: Ok
sgtstoneterry: Mail he
sgtstoneterry: Her
XXXXXX: ther ya go!
sgtstoneterry: I love you
XXXXXX: i ove you too, baby
sgtstoneterry: U deserve this:*
XXXXXX: right back at ya :-*
sgtstoneterry: Love u too
sgtstoneterry: HahahahhHahaha
XXXXXX: hee hee heeh
XXXXXX: my marine is laughing
XXXXXX: cool!
XXXXXX: love it
XXXXXX: I want you to be happy
sgtstoneterry: ALl ways
XXXXXX: we have to be happy
XXXXXX: to get through this
XXXXXX: me too
sgtstoneterry: Yes
XXXXXX: yer yes yer
XXXXXX: hee hee
sgtstoneterry: You are so sweet
XXXXXX: I saw the moon you sent me tonight
sgtstoneterry: Wow
sgtstoneterry: U serious
XXXXXX: I willsend it back to you K?
XXXXXX: the moon on my fb page is from Afghanistan
sgtstoneterry: Do you promise
XXXXXX: your moon...
sgtstoneterry: When will you send yours
XXXXXX: heading your way now
XXXXXX: you will see it n
XXXXXX: in a few hours
XXXXXX: lucky moon
sgtstoneterry: Ok
XXXXXX: gets to see you
sgtstoneterry: I will be wait
sgtstoneterry: Waiting
XXXXXX: still waiting?
XXXXXX: hee hee
sgtstoneterry: Ok
sgtstoneterry: Wot of you interview
XXXXXX: it is this afternoon, then go to doc for blood test
XXXXXX: things will be ok
XXXXXX: do you have to partol again?
XXXXXX: thats me... you keep eyes open ok
sgtstoneterry: Ok no qualms
: ooohh, qualms..very good word
sgtstoneterry: Hee hee: thats me... you keep eyes open ok
sgtstoneterry: Ok no qualms
: ooohh, qualms..very good word
sgtstoneterry: Hee hee

Qualms, vexed...just a couple of words he often used...not common in American phrases! Hmmmm??
I am now going to post the stats on these two scammers, If I feel I need to post more conversations, I will later. I found their IP addresses on Spokeo as well as two more pictures of "my sweet Marine..." He also gave me the address to his "agent" who just so happen to be in...Lagos, Nigeria!!! come on, Vexed, wake up!!! wow... here it is: appears to be a valid mail server.
MX Records Exchange IP Address
THESE WERE TERRY'S IP ADDRESSES appears to be a valid mail server.
MX Records Exchange IP Address

This is the address he had me send Western Union it, very interesting!

Adegbenro Kunle Azeez, 7 Kogberegbe street islolo lagos state, 23401 Nigeria

HEY VEXED??? NO RED FLAGS YET??? Here are the pics of the poor Marine who is unknowingly involved:



Oh, almost forgot, He wanted me to send 500usd so he could come and see me on "leave" so he instructed me to fill out the leave form he sent to my email and these are the addresses that belong to it. I want to post the form I got, but only have hard copy and I am not sure how to do it.



Of course I did what he wanted and he got a lot of my personal info!

I just have to say that during this time I was researching the USMC due to the fact that he could tell me nothing about it! In the end, I knew more about the corps than he did...go figure...Semper Fi.
Not only did I get violated by this monster, they are exploiting our military men and women!!! I still think about the man in the pictures...wonder if he is ok, I really feel bad and connected to this man because we are both victims.
It makes me cry to think about him (the real Marine) I am crying right now as a matter of fact... :(

I really have a lot more to post, but want to get this info out to you all asap. I will return with more when I can.
Posting this today has taken a lot out of me emotionally, so I think I better step away for a minute. If anyone has questions or comments, PLEASE REPLY! I could use some insite.
Bye for now, and thanks for taking your time here with me, and remember:

VEXED :evil: :-?
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Re: "If it looks too good to be true..."

Unread postby Vexed » Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:09 pm

help!!! my real name came up on the post!!! how do I delete????
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Re: "If it looks too good to be true..."

Unread postby Wayne » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:13 pm

Did I get them all?
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Re: "If it looks too good to be true..."

Unread postby SlapHappy » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:54 pm

Personal details removed. If you notice any others we may have missed, let us know. Sometimes, my eyes play tricks on me. :ugeek:

I'm sorry that you were scammed, vexed. :( Thank you so much for sticking with us and fixing your computer problems so you could post your scammer. You do not have to be scared of him anymore, as he cannot do anything physical to you to hurt you. You have totally dropped him with no more contact, blocked him, locked down your FB account, and changed your email and chat names. Plus, he changed his details, and moved on.
You have done well on the first step. Now it's on to the recovery phase, and getting yourself back to normal, but a little wiser to the reality that many criminals are trolling social websites, lying about love but only wanting your money. Your swings of emotion will go up and down for awhile as you endured months of abuse and pain from the scammer. The intensity and depth of them will lessen over time. Taking to other survivors, and helping others who come here with kind words, encouragement and caring will go a long way in helping you recover. All the members here are willing to help you through the time ahead looking forward.
If you have any questions, just ask.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: "If it looks too good to be true..."

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:31 pm

Hi Vexed ---

Your post is up and running and I bet you are feeling a little lighter today. It was an excellent post, you did well. I am sorry you were scammed, but now you can move onto the recovery and healing part. Now is the time to start taking care of you, getting lots of rest, eating properly and getting back into real life once again.

You have nothing to fear from your scammer, he's gone, but most importantly, your post with his pictures will help someone else avoid the pitfall with him and become another one of his victims.

As Slappy told you, we are all experienced here, and if there is anything we can do to help you get through all of the healing process, please ask, this site was created to help victims in a non-judgemental way. We are all here for you.

Life does go on after being scammed, and you make your way into a "new" normal way of living. You also now know what to look for so you cannot be scammed again.

I wish you the best,
A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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Re: "If it looks too good to be true..."

Unread postby Vexed » Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:50 am

Thanks to all of you!! Quick work on the removal of personal info, thanks!! I feel better about posting, but looking through all of the pics, and chats made my emotions resurface. I have had a "weepy" day today, but I will be ok. I just have one question; is it normal to feel worse for the Marine than I do for myself? I guess I still have a lot of emotions to sort out here, I am a little dazed and confused~it brings me comfort that this web site is here to help victims. I have been watching youtube videos of our troops having fun singing and dancing...has been bitter~sweet.

Vexed~ :cry:
"I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday."~Unknown~

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Re: "If it looks too good to be true..."

Unread postby Tomi » Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:10 am

Hi Vexed,

Sorry for what you had experienced. And thanks for sharing your scam story. Yes, posting it could be emotionally draining but it helps to lighten the load, your wounded emotion. You did right by dropping your scammer off completely and exposing him here so you could help warn other potential victims too.

You have been emotionally abused and manipulated by this criminal. Now is the time to take care of yourself and love yourself more. You have already taken the first step to healing ----that is to admit that you’ve been hurt and sharing it to us. It may be hard for a few days or weeks and healing may take time but just be patient and eventually you will be okay and come out wiser and stronger. As they said, if you need help with what you’re going through, need some advices, comforting words or a friend ready to listen, feel comfort to know that I am here, we are all here. Take good care of yourself. :)

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Re: "If it looks too good to be true..."

Unread postby SlapHappy » Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:59 am

is it normal to feel worse for the Marine than I do for myself?

Yes, many of our survivors have told us this. They are victims, too, and do not deserve to have their pictures stolen to be used in scams. It is important that victims do not try to contact them, as it usually ends up with more hurt for both of you, plus the chances of even finding the real man in searches means that many more scammers will be alerted that the picture they use is used in scams. Since scammers share and use the same pictures you are far more likely to be contacting another scammer and not the real soldier. The real soldier may be married, or have a girlfriend, and he might not take the news from a victim very well. Leave this to the staff here to handle, as we have the knowledge to explain the scam better to them. This is explained here:
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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