
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Scammers that pretend to be in a refugee camp, usually in Senegal.


Unread postby Big Al » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:07 am

More info on Lizza:
Lizza Johnson <> Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 7:01 AM
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Good day my love.
firstly I thank you for your reaction to mine email; In line with the message, which I have sent to you.

How was your night over there in your country,i believe you had a nice night and that the atmosphere over there in your country is very nice today? Mine is a little bit warm over here in Dakar Senegal.

My name is Lizza Johnson Koneh i am (24) but age doesn't matter in a real relationship, so i am comfortable with your age,I am from Rwanda in East Africa ,5.4ft tall, light in complexion single,(never married ) and presently i am residing here in Dakar as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country some years ago.

My late father Dr Koneh Johnson , was a politician and the managing director of a Gold & Mine Ind in Kigali (the capital of Rwanda) before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold blood.

It was only me that is alive now and I managed to make my way to a near by country Senegal where i am leaving now as a refugee under a Reverend-Pastor's care and i am using his computer to send these message to you.I would like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes,PLEASE Do to not be offended for this message that comes from me please, fair which to me obliged to put simple trust on you due to my situation here as the refugee and I shall demand most your conscientiousness after yours to know about me, I shall really grow fond we to have good in spite attitudes therefore I have this as a trust which i believe that you can not betray it at the end. I have communicated you because of my difficult situation here in this refugee camp;Its just like one staying in the prison and i hope by Gods grace i will come out here soon.

i don't have any relatives now whom i can go to all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person i have now is Rev Peters Samuel, who is the pastor of the (CHRIST DE SAVIOR MISSION) here in the camp he has been very nice to me since i came here but i am not living with him rather i am leaving in the women's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women.

The Pastors Tel number is (+221-774470465) and his email address is ( Honey if you call,tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel.As a refugee here i don't have any right or privileged to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.My love I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.

Please listen to this(please it's a secret,even no one knows about it accept the Reverend that knows about it),i have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which i will send to you latter,because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading Foreign bank which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is $6.5(six Million five Hundred Thousand us dollars). So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.I kept this secret to people in the camp here the only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me.So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it.

Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you.I like honest and understanding people,truthful and a man of vision,hardworking and GOD fearing people.My favorite language is English but our language is French but i speak English very fluently.Meanwhile i will like you to call me like i said i have a lot to tell you.Attached here is my picture.I will send you more in my next mail.Have a nice day and think about me.Awaiting to hear from you soonest.
Yours in love,
Miss Lizza.

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Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 04:01:32 -0800 (PST)
From: Lizza Johnson <>
Reply-To: Lizza Johnson <>

Lizza Johnson <> Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 5:55 AM

My Love
Thanks a lot for your response, I will also like to touch & see you face to face,please call me tomorrow 14:00 GMT with the reverend phone number which I gave to you. I will be waiting for your call due to it have been the cry of my heart to hear your voice. I want to inform you that before i contacted you, I saw your profile that you matched mine and you are the type of man i am looking forward to spend the rest of my life with.

Note: I am not going to give your love to another man you will satisfy me, needless of looking for another man. Please i have not told anyone except you about the existence of this money and i will like you to please keep it secret to other people because since it is (MONEY) all eyes will be on it.

I confide you dear that's why i am giving you all this information.
My love is for you and only you alone,You can call the Reverend around 14: 00GMT, i will be there waiting your important call.

Notice: I have already informed the bank about my plans to claim this Fund and the only thing they told me is to look for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status and the laws of this country.You will have 18% of the total money helping me and the remaining money will be managed by you in any business of your choice. Therefore, i will like you to contact the bank immediately with this information,tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me transfer my 6.5million dollars deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin to your account in your country.The contact information of the bank are as follows,




TELEPHONE NUMBERS: +447045762752 / +447031839276

Account information’s

Name of Depositor: Dr. Koneh Johnson.

Next of Kin: Miss Lizza Johnson.
Account Number: BLB745008901546/QB/91/A)
Amount deposited: US$ 7.3 Million Dollars.

Contact them now on how to transfer the $6.5 (Six Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars)deposited by my late father which i am the next of kin. Honestly I am happy that God has brought you to see me out from this execrable situation which am passing through and i promise to be kind and will equally need you in every area of my life Including investing this money since i am still too young to manage it.

As i told you before,this camp is just like a prison and I pray always to move out from here as soon as possible.Please make sure that you contact the bank so that after the transfer you can send some money from that money for me to prepare my traveling documents to meet with you in your country.Awaiting to hear from you soonest!.
Yours forever in love,

Received: from [] by via HTTP; Sat, 15 Feb 2014 02:55:18 PST
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Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 02:55:18 -0800 (PST)
From: Lizza Johnson <>
Reply-To: Lizza Johnson <>

Second Banker:
Lizza Johnson <> Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 7:35 AM

Attn/ Mr Nelson Geelan, RBS

I am the foreign partner of Miss Lizza Johnson Koneh and I want to know the possibilities of assisting me transfer her $7.3 million dollars deposited by her late father Dr. Johnson Koneh of which she is the next of kin to my account in my country as her request and here are the information needed for the account.

Name of depositor................Dr. Johnson Koneh.
Next of kin.......................... Miss Lizza Johnson.
Amount deposited...............(US$6,500,000.00)
Account number.................. BLB745008901546/QB/91/A
Country of origin.................. Rep. Rwanda
Name of the bank................ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND PLC.

So could you advice me what steps and documents needed for me to stand on behalf of Miss Lizza to transfer her late father's money to my account in my country as Miss Lizza requested as the next of kin to her late father Dr Johnson Koneh
Your highly cooperation will be appreciate, waiting your reply soon


The contact information of the bank are as follows;


Email addresses, (

The name of the transfer officer is ... Mr Nelson Geelan.

Received: from [] by via HTTP; Thu, 27 Feb 2014 04:35:17 PST
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Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 04:35:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Lizza Johnson <>
Reply-To: Lizza Johnson <>

Lizza Johnson <> Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 5:04 AM

Thank you for your ability to help me transfer the money to your position pending my arrival to meet with you, Listen you has been a reliable and trustworthy before i gave you this information i saw your profile that matched mine, I never told anybody about this money the only people who knows about this is you and I, nobody else knows about it (since my parents are dead)
So, I advise you to please keep it to yourself because i will not like to loose this money to some one that will disappoint me when the money goes to his care this is why i took time to tell you about these,and i promise you this from my heart (I am not going to disappoint you) and i also expect the same from you.
Now, regarding the requests the bank needs from us I have here the death certificate and certificate of deposit (which I will give the lawyer when he agrees to help us), and will of my Father which he wrote before his death (which i also give him, so he can send them to you) I thought these are the only things the bank will needs from us, but because they need the power of attorney and the affidavit of support, I have reported this lawyer case, he is a lawyer registered with the United Nations Field here and is also a registered member in (Senegalese Bar Association) to help in the preparation of documents for us. Darling, please, I'd like to send me information to contact you (Phone and fax,home and office address with your full names,)
If you would like to contact him by email or by phone, when his contact with him, tell him you are my foreign partner and want him to prepare a power of attorney and also get the affidavit of support from the High Court here in Dakar, Senegal, and will do so on your behalf for the transfer of my late father's account at the Royal Bank of Scoutland to your account in your country.

His contact information is as follows,
Henrey Mame Kalifa & Associates
Address: 127-119 rue Mousse
Amadou Assane Diop x Kalifa
Website: http:/ /www.
Tel: +221-77-793-14-86
Mame Henry Kalifa
From Lizza.

Received: from [] by via HTTP; Sat, 01 Mar 2014 02:04:55 PST
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Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2014 02:04:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Lizza Johnson <>
Reply-To: Lizza Johnson <>

One Photo:


Number billable as mobile number
Country or destination Senegal
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Orange Sénégal S.A. (Sonatel)

Number billable as universal access number
Country or destination United Kingdom
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Magrathea Telecommunications Limited

Number billable as universal access number
Country or destination United Kingdom
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Magrathea Telecommunications Limited

Number billable as universal access number
Country or destination United Kingdom
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Open Telecom International Ltd.

Number billable as universal access number
Country or destination United Kingdom
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Magrathea Telecommunications Limited

FAX: +447031857372
Number billable as universal access number
Country or destination United Kingdom
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Magrathea Telecommunications Limited

Number billable as mobile number
Country or destination Senegal
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Orange Sénégal S.A. (Sonatel)

Lizza gets out of the Dreaded Death Camp:
Lizza Johnson <> Thu, May 8, 2014 at 8:49 AM
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Good news
I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred under the cooperation of a new partner from Papua New Guinea
for investment projects with my new partner with the total money.Meanwhile, I didn't forget all your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring those funds despite that it failed us some how.
Now you will need to contact the reverend father for a gift which i left with him for you, Rev. father as at the time i was in Dakar Senegal, his name is Rev. Dickson Boutin and his direct email address is ( ) Tel.(+221-764826289)
Ask him to kindly send you a certified bank draft of $300.000.00 which I prepared and kept for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter which later failed. I appreciated all your efforts at that time very much.So feel free and get in touched with Rev.Dickson Boutin and direct him where to send/post you the bank draft
Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share the our joy after all the sufferings at that time. In the moment, i am very busy here because of the investment projects with myself and my new partner are having at hand. Remember that I had forwarded this instruction to him on your behalf, therefore establish contacts with him for the delivery of the bank draft to you without delay.
Take care and remain Blessed.

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Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 05:49:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: Lizza Johnson <>
Reply-To: Lizza Johnson <>

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Country or destination: Senegal
City or exchange location
Original network provider*: Tigo (Sentel)
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Unread postby Wayne » Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:52 pm



my name is miss Anita, i saw your profile in this site and became interested, i want us to be friends i don't know how you will feel about it. Please write to me through my email address (,m sorry if i am embarrassing you, i don't mean to do that, thank you for your understanding.I will send you my pictures and all about me for more communication.

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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:28 pm

anita ukec <> Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 2:23 PM
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Dearest one
It is my pleasure to get back to you this moment,how are you,your business and your entire family?i believe that everything is going fine with you.
I know this mail will not come to you as a surprise since we have not had a previous correspondence,please bear with me.

I am more than happy to read your mail from my mailbox,and i hope that you are fine and healthy,i have noticed that you are the kind of person i am looking for since all this while, i believe that you are a trust worthy and caring person, that's what makes me to disclose my identity to you.
My name is Miss Anita Omar,25 years old from Darfur Region of Sudan presently residing at the Catholic charity home here in Senegal,as a result of the the death of my parents by the rebels last year.Please don't be discouraged for hearing this,i believe deep down inside me that you will never break my heart or let me down in anyway.

I am from the family of late Engr.Omar Salva, My late father Engr.Omar Salva,was the vice chairman of Sudatel telecommunication in Darfur.The brutal killing of my mother and my father, one kid sister and my elder brother took place one early morning by the rebels as a result of the civil war that is going on until now in Sudan.I was in my second year in Applied Mathematics department of University of Darfur in Sudan before the crisis.

Here is the website of the happening in my country( and i contacted you for a possible help.My step mother was a very wicked woman and she intend to kill me since my father and my real biological mother are dead.Then, she planned to take away all my late father's property and some other valuable things from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Parents.

Meanwhile,i wanted to find my way out of my country because,i have seen what she is planning to do to me,i thereby plan to go to another, but she hide my international passport and other valuable traveling documents,luckily she did not found where i kept my late fathers File which contains important documents,and i managed to escape with the documents which covers my late father's deposited money total $6.5 M USD (Six million five hundred thousand US dollars).which he use my name as the next of kin.

Meanwhile,i am still residing here as a refugee under the Catholic charity organisation,i am saddled with the problem of securing a trust worthy foreign personality to help me transfer the money from the bank pending my arrival in your country,so that i and you will manage the money wisely.

Furthermore,on your wish you can contact the bank for confirmation and you can communicate directly with them regarding this fund of my late father which was deposited in their custody. I am giving you this offer as mentioned with every confidence on your acceptance to assist me retrieve the money from the bank and transfer to your nominated bank account.

I will like to further my studies as soon as i arrive to your country, please try to help me to achieve this goal as i have a desire to become a famous personality in the nearest future.
I will be pleased if you can do this for me,you can reach me through this number(00221777864216),it is a Reverend Father's phone number, by name Reverend Father Mark Paulson and email ( if you call, please ask of Anita Omar,When ever you call,try to tell him that you want to speak with Anita Omar,who is staying in the female hostel.

I have already inform him, that some one will call me through his phone,and once you call,he will send for me from the hostel to come and speak with you.So please do not fail to call me,because I need to hear your voice too.So on your wish to help me out i will like to have your data such as:

1.Your Full name
2.Your address
3.Your occupation.
4.your phone or fax number.

Immediately i receive this, i will give you the contact of the bank where the money was deposited for you to contact them.
Bye and take a good care of yourself and have a nice day.
Yours sincerely,

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Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 11:23:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: anita ukec <>

anita ukec <> Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 4:34 AM
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Hello dear,
I am very grateful to write to you once again after receiving your message,how are you,your health and your entire family,i hope and believe you are doing really good?As for me,am going through pains,grieves and horrible situation over here at the camp but i know and have the confident that i will regain my freedom and joy.I want to thank you again for your compassion and concern towards my suffering and the transfer,i assure you that everything will be well in no time.

Dear,i want to let you know that my coming to you for this transfer is not by my power rather by the believe and confident i have in you after my fasting and prayers and i will like you to write to the bank through their email address concerning the transfer and please i want you to keep everything regarding the transfer a secret until we achieve this goal.Below is the bank contact information.

Here is the contact of the bank to write them:

Dr. Gerry Higgins,
Director - Credit Administration Dept,
Clydesdale Bank PLC,
35 Regent Street,
London, SW1Y 4ND.
Telephone: (+4470-318-101-49)

Name of Depositor: Engr. Omar Salva.
Name of Next of Kin: MISS.Anita Omar.
Amount Deposited: US$6,500,000.00.
Date Deposited: 7th January,2004.
Account Ref No. CB/IO/45121/0055478-541/2004.

I will give you 25% of the total sum for your assistance and 5% for expenses,while the rest will be manage by you, in any business of your choice.
While writing to the Bank, tell them that you are the foreign partner to Miss Anita Omar, whose late father deposited money in their bank with her name as the of kin,and that you want to know the possibilities of transferring the money into your bank account.
God bless you as I wait to hearing from you once you receive any reply from the bank.

Take care,

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Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 01:34:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: anita ukec <>

anita ukec <> Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 6:38 AM
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My dear,
How are you? I believe you are in good health, as for me,i thank God for seeing this moment, it is my prayer that God will open all your ways and bless you in everything you are doing to live there in your country Amen.
Dear,am happy that the bank have confirmed that the money exist in their bank,so we are moving forward and i know that success is ours.

My dear, about the required documents the bank needs from us,am here with the statement of account and the death certificate,which i will give to the lawyer when he agrees to help us,so that he can send them to you with the attorney and the other document from the high court of Senegal.

Those documents are the only thing the bank needs from us before they will transfer money to your account. So I went and told the Rev father who is taking care of the refugee about it,and he gave a call to a respected lawyer here in Senegal, and he is a lawyer registered at the Park of Nations and also registered as a member of (Senegalese Bar Association),i believe he will help us to obtain the documents from the high court.

Right now,contact him through his email now or through his phone number, and tell him that you are my foreign partner and ask if he could help us prepare a proxy on our behalf to allow the transfer of my (late) father's money, which is my inheritance in the Clydesdale Bank plc to your account in your country.

This is the contact of the lawyer,

(Lawyer), Dr. Thompson Adel,
Attorney principal
Nickvem law firm,
No. 14 Avenue Cheikh Anto Diop,
Dakar in Senegal.
e-mail. (

My dear,contact him for the preparation of attorney and affidavit of oath, and make sure you come back to me once you receive reply from him and let me know if he agrees to help us.

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Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 03:38:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: anita ukec <>




Number billable as: mobile number
Country or destination: Senegal
City or exchange location
Original network provider*: Orange Sénégal S.A. (Sonatel)

Number billable as:universal access number
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Original network provider*: Magrathea Telecommunications Limited
Number billable as: mobile number
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Original network provider*: Orange

FAX: +447031805005
Number billable as:universal access number
Country or destination: United Kingdom
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Original network provider*: Magrathea Telecommunications Limited

Number billable as: mobile number
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Unread postby firefly » Wed May 07, 2014 5:19 pm


How are you? I hope you are doing very fine,to God be the glory.
Well is my pleasure to inform you about my success and my father's
Fund ($4,700 000 USD) transferred under the collaboration of a new partner
From CANADA. Presently I'm now in CANADA in the meantime.
I did not forget the effort you made in the past to help me
for the transfer of my late father's fund.

Now you should contact the Rev Father (Rev. Father John Mathew).
His contact address is
( (+221-780 175 099 ) Ask him to send to you the total amount of ($250,000) dollars (Cheque) which I maintained to compensate you for all attempts and efforts you made in the past to help me in this matter.
I appreciate your commitment in the past a lot. Do not hesitate
to get in-touch with the Rev.Father John Mathew in order to educate you on how or
Where to send the (Cheque) to you.

At the moment, I am very busy here because of investments Projects I'm having here at hand with my new partner.And i wish you help people when they are in need.

Finally, I had sent an instructions to the
Rev Father on your behalf,do not hesitate
to contact him so he could send the amount to you without any delay.

Best regards,
Mr's Susan


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Unread postby Wayne » Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:48 pm

Female / Single
24 - Abilene / United States

Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Eye Wear Contacts
Body Type Athletic
Body Art Tattoo
Ethnicity Caucasian(White)
My Best Feature My Chest
Appearance Attractive
Height(cm) 174
Life Style
Drinking Never
Smoking Never
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Artistic / Creative / Performance
Relocation Willing to relocate another country
Seeking For Penpal, Friendship, Romance / Dating, Marriage

Hello dear, am favor happy to see you on today i will like you to contact me on this email( ) am waiting thanks.
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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Aug 06, 2014 12:02 am

Hello My Dear,
This is Favor Koneh,
So How are you today?.
I believe that you are doing well.
I am more than happy to read your mail today.
My dear like i told you in my first mail,
My name is Favor Koneh from Ivory Coast in Africa in west Africa.
recently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war going on in my country.

I am 23 years old girl 5'8" tall. My father Dr (Oliver Koneh) was the personal
adviser to the former head of state(Late Dr Robert Guei) before the rebels attacked our
house one early morning and killed him alongside with my mother. It is only me that is alive now
and i managed to make my way to a near by country Senegal where i am living now.
am residing presently here in the refugee camp , Its just like some one staying in the prison and i hope by Gods grace i will come out here soon.
i don't have any relative now whom i can go to all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person i know here is Rev. Andrew kuma; who is the pastor of the (Christ for all Churches) here in the camp , i am leaving in the woman's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women.
The Pastors Tel number is (00221-771 409 025) if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel. As a refugee here i don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whateverbecause it is against the law of this country.I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.
Please listen to this,i have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which i will send to you latter,because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in Europe which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is $2.3M(two Million three Hundred Thousand Dollars)
So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.

So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it. Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you.I like honest and understanding people,truthful 、truth and hardworking.
My favorite language is English but our language is french but i speak English very fluently.
Please I will like to know more about you.
Your likes and dislikes and what you are doing presently.
i will send you the detains and information of the bank contact in my nest mail
hope you understand .
Attached here is my picture.
Please i am waiting to hear from you soonest.
yours sincerely Favor.

Received: from [] by via HTTP; Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:02:28 PDT
X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,SGVsbG8gTXkgRGVhciwKVGhpcyBpc8KgRmF2b3LCoEtvbmVoLApTbyBIb3cgYXJlIHlvdSB0b2RheT8uCkkgYmVsaWV2ZSB0aGF0IHlvdSBhcmUgZG9pbmcgd2VsbC4KSSBhbSBtb3JlIHRoYW4gaGFwcHkgdG8gcmVhZCB5b3VyIG1haWwgdG9kYXkuCk15IGRlYXIgbGlrZSBpIHRvbGQgeW91IGluIG15IGZpcnN0IG1haWwsCk15IG5hbWUgaXPCoEZhdm9ywqBLb25laCBmcm9twqBJdm9yeSBDb2FzdMKgaW7CoMKgQWZyaWNhwqBpbsKgd2VzdCBBZnJpY2EuCnJlY2VudGx5IGkgYW0gcmVzaWRpbmcgaW4gdGhlIHIBMAEBAQE-
X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:02:28 -0700
From: Favor kbaby <>
Reply-To: Favor kbaby <>

Hello my dear friend to be,
how are you today?
hopefully you are fine , i am very happy to read your mail ,my intention is that i really need your help and am also happy to have some one like you who can help me out from this condition I promise that you will never regret for helping me out from here, so please i will be very happy if you can do everything fast to get me out from this present condition okay

am wondering if God have totally forgotten me here ,Why i am facing all this kind of difficulties here , God have given you to me to stand for me for the claim of my father's wealth and help me to come out of here which i know that i did not make any mistake by chosen you, I want to let you know earlier enough that my contact with you was directly from God Almighty because i got you immediately after my 7 days 6 to 6 fasting and prayers that why i give you all my trust and i believe that you will not betray me or let me down.
so i want you to contact the bank to confirm about this transfer.
Here is the contact information of the bank in Scotland where the money was deposited by my late father is as follows, as soon as you contact the bank try to call me with this pastor number ok 00221771409025 or +221771409025

( ) or ( )

TELEPHONE NUMBER ....... 00447012928072

FAX NUMBER ................00447031869238

Already i have informed this bank about my intention to claim my late father's deposit of which my name appears as the next of kin. The only thing the bank told me is to look for a foreign partner who will assist me in the transfer due
to my refugee status here in Senegal,as a refugee i am not allowed direct claim of the money but through an appointed representative as the united refugee law
governing refugee all over the world states.

Based on this information i will like you to send an email to the transfer department of the bank today with this email address-
( ) or ( )

Attention Mr. Nelson Smith the foreign transfer officer of the bank telling him that you are my representative and that you want to assist me transfer
my 2.3 million dollars deposited by late father of which i am the next of kin.


God bless you as you do this immediately
you's sincerely with love Favor.

Received: from [] by via HTTP; Wed, 30 Jul 2014 06:26:24 PDT
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Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 06:26:24 -0700
From: Favor kbaby <>
Reply-To: Favor kbaby <>

Hello my beloved one ,
it is very nice to read your mail again today so thank you very much for all your effort, so i hope you are fine and in a good health,i am very happy to read the Respond from the Royal Bank Scotland so please i want you to make everything faster and possible to get me out from this place okay and i will be very happy if you can do your best to help em out ,
my dear honestly am suffering here in the prison called refugee camp and i believe that with your effort and by God grace i can start a new life in your country immediately after the transfer of my money into your account position.
I can see what the bank is demanding before they will transfer my money to your i have told you be for that presently i have my late fathers death certificate and statement of account which i have attached the scan copies here for you to see them.
The only problem we have now is the power of attorney and the swearing of an affidavit of oath which the bank said that it will be issued by a lawyer here in Senegal for me to sign my signature on it.
So today I discussed about getting a lawyer with Rev. father Andrew Kuma and he gave me the contact of this lawyer barrister (Steve Agawa).He is one of the best lawyer working with the united nations here in Dakar Senegal.
I want you to contact him through his email and his phone number bellow here telling him that you are my foreign partner that you need his services to prepare a power of attorney that will enable you transfer my 2.3 million dollars from Royal Bank Of Scotland to your account on my behalf due to my refugee status.,
i have meet with the lawyer in his office today together with the our revered pastor,and the lawyer told me that he will need some information from you which will appear in the power of attorney .

so please try to contact this lawyer immediately.
His contact information are as follows.

Dr, barrister Steve Agawa
Email address
( )

telephone number 00221772716428

God bless you as you contact him immediately.

yours sincerely and lovely Favor.

Received: from [] by via HTTP; Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:22:11 PDT
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References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:22:10 -0700
From: Favor kbaby <>
Reply-To: Favor kbaby <>








Number billable as mobile number
Country or destination Senegal
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Original network provider* Orange Sénégal S.A. (Sonatel)

Number billable as universal access number
Country or destination United Kingdom
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Invomo Ltd

FAX: +447031869238
Number billable as universal access number
Country or destination United Kingdom
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Original network provider* Magrathea Telecommunications Ltd

Number billable as mobile number
Country or destination Senegal
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Orange Sénégal S.A. (Sonatel)
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Unread postby EffrimGeorge » Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:26 am

Hello favor am here now can we continue our lovely chat


Unread postby Big Al » Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:04 am

Dear George,
Favor is a Scammer. Most probably a male and only wants to take your money. If you are in contact with him then you should stop messaging and be careful of other E-mails saying they want to help you recover any money you were scammed out of.

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Unread postby Wayne » Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:15 am

The fact you missed out the fact this site is called [XXXXXX]SCAM[/size]survivors, plus "Refugee [XXXXXX]scams[/size].
[XXXXXX]Scammers[/size] that pretend to be in a refugee camp, usually in Senegal." tells me one thing:
Click HERE for webcam blackmail/sextortion help.
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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:15 pm

Favor Escaped the Refugee Camp.

Hey my Beloved one this is Favor the lady you knows from refugee camp in Dakar Senegal,
I am very happy

to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred under the co-operation of a new partner from USA. Presently I am in New York USA for investment projects with my own share of the total sum.

Meanwhile, I didn't forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring the funds despite that it failed us some how.but i so much thank God for his hard work towards me, as am writing this mail i am very happy and i know that you will also feel happy regarding this present issue,

Listen very care fully, and Now you will need to contact the Rev pastor whom used to be a Good-father to me when i was in in the Refugee camp as soon as possible , His name is still Rev Pastor Andrew Kuma, his email address is as follows ( ) and his telephone number is +221765852212

Ask him to send you a certified bank draft of $250.000,00(Two Hundred and Fifty thousand united state Dollars) which I prepared and kept for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts you did to assist me in this matter during the time i am in the bad situation. I appreciated your efforts at that time very much. so feel free and get in contact with Rev Pastor Andrew Kuma and instruct him where to send you the draft check neither by dhl curial service which can easily be the best for you.

Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share our joy and happiness after all the sufferings at that time try to followed up and also humble your self with the Reverend pastor instruction and also been in cooperate with him as soon as possible, .

In the moment, I am very busy here with my partner because of the investment projects which me and the new partner are having at hand, finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to father Andrew kuma on your behalf to receive that money. Therefore feel free to get in touch and also be humble with him and he will send the check draft to you without delay as soon as you followed up with this simple instruction, with best regards, and glory be to God to succeed at Last.
thanks and God bless you.

Take care and bye for now.
Yours Sincerely...Favor

Number billable as mobile number
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