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Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.
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Natalie - tinder

Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:54 pm

Form received 2022-03-06 23:48:16

What name did the scammer use?: Natalie
How old did the scammer say they were?: 21
What site/app did you first meet the scammer on? Please provide a link if possible.: Tinder
Who made the first contact?: They contacted me first.
If they asked you to leave the site/app and go elsewhere, where did they take you?: Instagram then Skype
Any other social media profile links used by the scammer.: natalie_19989
Scammer's Skype username .: live:.cid.8e3fec2b050b3e8b
How much money did they demand?: £1000
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: Phillipines
How were you to send the money ?: Paypal, Western Union, MoneyGram
What steps, if any, have you already taken to block the scammer?: De-activated facebook and tinder, blocked on facebook, instagram and skype
nat 2_kf5jba.jpg
nat 2_kf5jba.jpg (7.45 KiB) Viewed 3200 times

Re: Natalie - tinder

Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:02 pm

Form received 2022-06-19 04:54:45

What name did the scammer use?: Natalie Chong
How old did the scammer say they were?: 23
What site/app did you first meet the scammer on? Please provide a link if possible.: Tinder
Who made the first contact?: They contacted me first.
If they asked you to leave the site/app and go elsewhere, where did they take you?: Instagram then Discord
Any other social media profile links used by the scammer.: Instagram: natalie_0219989
Scammer's Skype name.: Discord: nataliechon82#4202
How much money did they demand?: SG1000
Name you were told to send the money to.: Mariane Cordero
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: Philippines
How were you to send the money ?: Western Union
What steps, if any, have you already taken to block the scammer?: Deactivated Facebook. Blocked on Instagram and discord.
Are there any other details you wish to share? Anything you say may help prevent someone else from being scammed.: The video call is very cleverly crafted. Even now I have a slight doubt in my mind that the video call was live.
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WhatsApp Image 2022-06-19 at 10.54.47 AM_x3upwa (002).jpg

Re: Natalie - tinder

Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:42 pm

Form received 2022-07-18 22:12:35

What name did the scammer use?: Natalie Chong
How old did the scammer say they were?: 25
What site/app did you first meet the scammer on? Please provide a link if possible.: Tinder
Who made the first contact?: They contacted me first.
If they asked you to leave the site/app and go elsewhere, where did they take you?: Instagram then Discord
Any other social media profile links used by the scammer.: Tinder, Instagram, Discord
Scammer's email address if you have it.:

How much money did they demand?: £1000
Name you were told to send the money to.: Christina Panillio
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: Phillipines, Pagudpud.
How were you to send the money ?: Wise initially and then Paypal
What steps, if any, have you already taken to block the scammer?: I've deactivated my Facebook, Tinder and blocked them on Instagram. Still in contact on Discord.

Re: Natalie - tinder

Thu Apr 25, 2024 2:54 pm

Form received 2024-04-25 13:06:02

What name did the scammer use?: Uy Chen Chen
How old did the scammer say they were?: 27
What site/app did you first meet the scammer on? Please provide a link if possible.: Boo
Who made the first contact?: They contacted me first.
If they asked you to leave the site/app and go elsewhere, where did they take you?: Telegram and Messenger
Any other social media profile links used by the scammer.: Telegram Facebook
If they gave you a phone number, please add it here.: +63 09649072041
How much money did they demand?: $500
Name you were told to send the money to.: Christina Panillio
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: Philippines
How were you to send the money ?: Singtel Dash
What steps, if any, have you already taken to block the scammer?: Deactivated my facebook, privated all my other socials, and just completely went offline
Are there any other details you wish to share? Anything you say may help prevent someone else from being scammed.: Do not trust people you have not met IRL
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