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Unread postby Wayne » Fri Aug 09, 2019 3:22 pm

Desk of Mrs Baha Hussein

holy charity <>

9 Aug at 00:46

Desk of Mrs Baha Hussein
Syrian Petroleum Company
Dummar Province Expansion Square ,
Island 19- Building 32
P.O.BOX 2849 or 3378
Middle East, Damascus


A very good day to you. We have an immediate business proposal that involves US$22,000,000.00 (Twenty Two Million United States Dollars) which we will like to invest under your custody. Once I receive a message from you notifying me of your interest, the details of the transaction/the terms and condition of sharing regarding the business would then be brought to your knowledge.

Your urgent response will be highly appreciated and will swiftly bring us to the commencement of the transaction. We hope to conclude. This transaction within 10-14 working days do not forget to contact me on the receipt of this e-mail address. And please you have to maintain absolute confidentiality as regards this pending transaction. You have to send me your phone and fax numbers too so I can contact you.

I urgently await your response. By email.(

Best Regards,

Mrs.Baha Hussein
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Unread postby Wayne » Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:30 pm

Engr.Sacramento Bandeira

Engr.Sacramento <>
Wed, 2 Dec at 13:36


Confidential offer

Crude oil Lifting License No: ANP-C-STP/056432

Reply Email: This is a confidential business offer from the oil rich Sao Tome and Principe. Please ensure that you reply to this Email:

I make this introduction based on my regard for your credibility. My name is Engr.Sacramento Bandeira. I work with the Sao Tome and Principe national petroleum agency.

To be precise, I oversee the issuance of oil allocation licenses for our oil company. My position in the agency entitles me to recommend oil allocation bidders and actualize oil lifting and exploration allocation licenses to my candidates based on my interest. I also oversee and approve the issuance of the license for oil allocation in our company and also monitor the lifting procedures in our company.

In June 2007, I facilitated and actualized the license of a candidate. A businessman from Korea (Comprehensive details to be provided subsequently).The license was for 1 year at 24 million BBLS/12 months. Incidentally the candidate was no more. The license has been valid till date (as I always ensure that I keep to my side of the bargain), I have decided to begin using the license from DECEMBER 2020.I am in need of a partner from your country whom I can trust.

I will package this partner as the allocation license beneficiary and assign the license to this partner. Due to my position in the petroleum agency, I cannot handle this position. Your profile fits into the criteria of a partner I need. This is why I am contacting you. With the trend of events in Sao Tome and Principe, we shall be able to lift a minimum of 300,000 barrels of BLCO per month. This will fetch us an average of US$28 million per month.

And we have from DECEMBER 2020 up until DECEMBER 2021 to lift crude oil which will fetch us approximately (12) x (28) Million dollars. Which is approximately 336 Million dollars for the rest of the time of the License allocation. I have ready buyers who are waiting and would be ready to scramble for any number of barrels we lift. Also I will oversee all lifting procedures with the available mercenary around.

This is what I propose:

1. Your company profile shall be used in place of the initial license Operator. This I shall handle with my capacity in the company.

2.I will ensure that your company's profile is recognized as the current license operator and that we have a mandate for at least a minimum of 300,000 barrels per month, a maximum of 500,000 barrels per month. Starting from DECEMBER.

3. I will ensure that all lifting procedures are in place and buyers readily available to purchase the product.

4. You shall stand in as the license operator for all lifting and sales transactions; we shall open an account for the receipt of the oil sale proceeds in which both of us shall be signatories to the account or you can provide your personal or company bank account to receive the payments on our behalf.

5. We shall split the oil sale proceeds in the ratio of 60:40 equity shares. I shall be entitled to 60% share while your company shall be entitled to 40% share. Please note: no third party arrangement shall be allowed. I believe you are a man of wisdom and intelligence.

This offer I make to you is based on utmost good faith. I could be Jeopardizing my position in the agency if a word of this goes out.

Therefore without mincing words, I rely on you for utmost confidentiality on every bit of detail relating to this transaction. Please reply this email strictly at

I am in London on official duties at the moment waiting for your response. Upon your positive response, I will be willing to forward to you proof of my proposition and my personal identity. Also I shall fly back to Sao Tome and Principe and from there we shall commence operations. I shall also provide you details of the former

license operator and a copy of the license issued to him for the lifting of crude oil in our company which I personally approved and endorsed. Also procedures for license reassignment and actualizing the rest of the project shall be provided to you.

Please in response to this email, quote the reference number:

Crude oil Lifting License No: ANP-C-STP/056432

I look forward to a prospective business relationship between us

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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Aug 02, 2022 5:35 pm


I greet you with warm regards. I earn a living in the oil industry as leader of the Procurement Unit in a refining outfit owned by a Sao Tome and Principe government. I currently reside in the United Kingdom and work as a liaison officer to the government

On my desk is a mandate to arrange for crude oil purchase for up to 500,000 barrels on every other month basis for 2 calendar years. The essence of my reaching out to you is the fact that as a staff, it is against Sao Tome government operational ethics to profiteer from any dealings with any oil purchasing firm hence the reason I need a trustworthy middle person outside my work circle to stand as the oil AGENT or BROKER so we can get all the commission paid to us for all the oil purchases.

I will guide you as an insider to obtain the required oil License certification from the National Petroleum Agency of Sao Tome and Principe (NPA-STP) .If you are interested to partner with me on this, we can achieve this license and registration with the NPA-STP in your name in less than 10 working days once the application is submitted. Worry less about purchases as I already have some firms who are ready to purchase oil but do not have any credible licensed agent to broker for them as required.

As soon as I hear from you today confirming your interest, I shall prepare and send to you a draft copy of the MOU between you and I before we can start the process of acquiring the Oil Agency/ Brokerage License.

Please ensure that you reply to this email address:

Thank you and Kind regards.

Engr.Sacramento Bandeira


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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:20 am


I have a crude oil contract for you. If you don't mind reply for further details Email:


Engr.Sacramento Bandeira


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