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Mistaken Identity

Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:00 am

My attention has just been drawn to my pictures on your website as scammer. I should make it clear that i have never scammed anyone in my life neither have i been involved in any dubious activity. My phone was stolen march 17th 2015 along with my bag on my way from work on that faithful day, before i could even report to the bank the next day the little money i had in my account was withdrawn, and before i could gather to get another phone, i discovered my facebook account was gone too. So me seeing this is totally unacceptable, i know some Nigerians are bad, but i will state it again that i have never being involved in anything online fraud, i applaud the efforts of the admins in fighting scam as it’s a menace to our society, and i will lend my voice in getting our country rid of it, but you can’t go about it destroying innocent people’s image, i have sent several email to the admin and no response, i’m pleading once again for my pictures to be take down, as it’s a wrong identity

Re: Mistaken Identity

Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:28 am

Here is the reply: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=70275
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