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Unread postby Big Al » Sun Nov 24, 2019 9:07 pm

Hello ! I want to call you the only way. MY LOVE. For the first time in a long period, that feeling was born in me that I couldn’t dream of, looking at my life. I realized that we can be at a distance and love the soul, without touching the body. I believe that our meeting was really created by fate. And I do not want to look back more. You give me warmth and affection. Despite kilometers and miles of roads, I know how strong my feelings are towards you. And it's still hard for me because of the distance that separates us. The realization that I can not touch you at the moment when I really need it is tormented me. I beg myself in my thoughts that I need to calm down, I need to take a pause, but I can't! I'm sure in my feelings and I no longer wish to invent excuses for the fact that we are still not together. I wish to be with you! I know for sure that soon I will be able to hug you. I know for sure and really want it! You will probably call me too vulnerable and romantic. So be it. But these feelings are sharpening because you are not near me. It's really hard for me without you. Every day, when I do the usual things, I try to distract from these thoughts. But you do not leave my head. I feel very bad because the distance keeps us apart. I want to be happy next to you. Smile every new day in bed with you. Cook your breakfast and make you happy every day! I'm going crazy for loneliness here. I can't cry anymore at night because of this. I want to laugh and smile with you. I want the whole world to smile with us. I need to feel your warm breath on my neck and your strong hands on my waist right now. Waiting for your answer. Your Elena.


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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Nov 25, 2019 10:36 pm

Hi my love! How are you ? How is the weather? What are you doing? Katya came to visit me today. She sends you greetings! We recorded a short video :) She asked me today about when I will go to you ... I was stupefied, and my heart sank. I asked her why she decided that I was going to you? She replied that it was written on my face that I was deeply in love. Now it’s really - "Truth comes out of the mouths of babes and sucklings". I called Maria and said that I want go to you. She said she would be very happy if we will be together! And she said that we will be the most beautiful prom couple for adults :) You know, I do not find a place for myself these days. Everything inside me is burning and I can't stop. In my head there is only one obsession - to come to you! I already talked at work about it. The Chief physician told me that he was ready to let me go at any time that interested me, because I had already put the former intern into the work. I also told the Chief physician that I wanted move to you forever, if that would be possible. He does not want to let me go, but he said that it is my life and I have a right to decide myself what to do with it. And he will give me excellent recommendations for a new job place. I am ready to be an ordinary nurse or even an nurse's aid at a hospital, but the main thing is to be with you! Of course, I do not live a luxurious life, but I have enough savings to make this trip possible. I never spent money just like that. And this is the moment when I can spend them right. I want to go to a travel agency in Penza tomorrow and buy myself a trip to you. What do you think about it? I will not bother you if I come soon? If you don't mind, then send me the name of the airport, in which I need fly. I don't need flowers, don't need gifts. I just need to watch your eyes opposite and listen whisper of your lips pronouncing my name. Here is the most important values for me now. Love you. I am waiting for your letter. Your Elena.

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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Nov 28, 2019 1:06 am

Hello ! My love. I returned from Penza. All is well! I turned to the best travel agency of the city. They quickly learned everything for me. They made me a photo for a visa. Application for passport is filled. Filled my visa application. They helped me to issue documents for the practice of my working specialty in USA. That way I can take courses obstetrics and gynecology while I visit you, and then I can have permission to complete the work in USA. Very nice staff. They said that the plane tickets will be booked after receiving the documents. I gave extra money to make paperwork faster. Thus, my travel documents will be ready within five working days. To get a visa, I need to go to the visa center in Moscow next week. The travel agent said that in order to enter your country I would need to confirm my financial viability. In connection with the law on immigration in your country, certain rules for the entry of citizens of the Russian Federation have been established. And one of these rules is the availability of money in the bank account of a person who enters the territory of USA. The authorities of your country do not take this money. I need to show in the visa application center an extract from my bank account. To your country let me in, I need to have 71800 rubles on my bank account. For the duration of my visa - 1 month. To get a visa, I need to show them this money. This money is needed to ensure that they are confident in my financial situation. This proves to them that I will not go to the streets and will not engage in criminal activity in order to earn money. Therefore, I paid a travel agency for services, documents and tickets - 46400 rubles. I still have 17600 rubles in cash. There are 8000 rubles on my bank account now. I will transfer the money to my bank account, and as a result there will be 25600 rubles on my account. I miss 46200 rubles. I do not know where to get this money. I spent almost all the money I saved. I have not canceled anything because I have left 25600 rubles. And I thought that you could lend me 46200 rubles. Can you help me with this money? When I make an extract and confirm my financial viability to the authorities of your country, I will immediately return this money to you. Understand that it is very important that your government let me into the territory of your country. This is the law. The presence of this money in my name should be simply shown to them. Understand that I will return this money to you after receiving the visa. That is, I will return the money to you before my flight to you. I also learned in my bank that an international transfer to a bank account from your country to mine is three to five days. Therefore, if you can and want to help me, then you should not waste time! They specifically converted all this to me in rubles, because I absolutely do not understand your currency. Please convert it all by yourself. I am burning with love for you. Perhaps I took a desperate step, but I believe that this is our destiny, and we should be together! We are not getting younger every day. I am sure that you are that beloved man and partner for me for the rest of my life. You will be my last love. So destined. Waiting for your letter! Your Elena.

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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Nov 28, 2019 11:34 pm

Hello my dear . I read your letter with wonderful trepidation in my heart. I like to introduce us together. You give me great happiness in your own words. I love you very much. And I really want to be in your hands. I want to kiss you and love you for a very long time. Can you really help me with the trip? I really hope so, because I need your help to go on a trip. I really look forward to this wonderful moment of our meeting. My love , I converted 46200 rubles to usd. 46200 rubles = 720 usd. My love , I know one easy way to transfer money. It is called Money Gram. Do you know this way? I hope you can make a money transfer Money Gram? I send you all my data for a money transfer: ELENA B. , Oblast, Russia, 442246. I feel a sweet expectation and really look forward to when it will be with us. My kisses will be tender and passionate to you. I am glad to know that in another country you are waiting for me with your love. Soon we will be together. It's so cool. I am the happiest woman in the whole world. This is all thanks to you. I am waiting for your letter. Love you. Yours Elena.

P.S. I am sending you my bank account. Let me know what freedom you would like to make a money transfer:
Beneficiary Bank
Tinkoff bank
Beneficiary’s Bank Address: 1st Volokolamsky pr., 10, bld. 1, Moscow, Russia
Beneficiary’s Bank SWIFT: Ticsrumm
Beneficiary: Belyaeva Elena P.
Beneficiary’s Account: 4081784070000105XXXX
Payment Details: Own funds transfer under Agreement No. 5184746005 Belyaeva Elena P. Without VAT.

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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Nov 29, 2019 9:20 pm

Hello my love, . I am so glad to hear from you. How are you today? I have such a wonderful mood. This is all thanks to you. You are the man whom I loved so much. Thank you very much for everything you do for me. Let me know as soon as you can make a money transfer to my bank account. My love , as soon as your money comes, I will write to you so that you do not worry. I will keep you taste of the whole trip. Now I am writing you a letter and I want to kiss you and tell you about how much I love you. I am so grateful to fate that she brought me with you. You are my love for the rest of your life. My daughter asked me to give you a big hello. She is very happy for us. She asked me to give you a big hello. My love is , now I have to go for lunch. I will expect good news from you. I love you very much. Take care of yourself. Yours Elena.

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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:16 pm

Hello my love !
Nice to read your letter again. How was your day ? how are you with the weather My love , I am very sorry that you could not make a money transfer to my bank account. My love is , I have no other bank account. You can use the Money Gram money transfer system. This is a very quick way to get money. You have my complete data that you will need to make a Money Gram money transfer. I am sending them again to you:

Penza Oblast,
Russia, 442246.

I hope on Monday you can help me and write all the details of Money Gram money transfer. I'm all good. I live in dreams of our meeting. I am really looking forward to seeing you live. She spent the whole day at home. engaged in cleaning. spent all day. Then I thought that I should go to you soon. and I realized that I do not have a suitcase)). tomorrow I'll ask my friend for my suitcase from work. She often go on vacation with her family. I’m in a very good mood, I’m already with you. I close my eyes and imagine how we met and walk together by the hand. Really looking forward to this moment. Write me what I should take with me. I also saw on television how people meet each other at the airport. They are holding leaflets with the name of the person whom they meet. Maybe you’ll make such a leaflet too. And do not forget to write to me in what clothes you will be. better dress something bright so I can see you from far away. I have never been to the airport. Suddenly I’ll get lost there)). I seriously thought about it. Well, I believe that our meeting is not accidental. So we will succeed ... Beloved, I miss you very much. My heart always wants to be with you. I want to hear your voice, see your eyes. Your kind, gentle, full of love look at me now it is so lacking. I want to be near you and look into your beautiful eyes close, close, at a distance of breathing. I miss you so much. We are bound to be together !!! I wish you good mood !!! I always kiss you. Yours Elena.
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Dec 03, 2019 10:14 pm

Hello my love, . I am very pleased with your letter. How are you today? Unfortunately I do not understand you, I do not know Western Union. I don’t even know where the office of this company is located. My love is , I only know Money Gram. Unfortunately, I do not understand why you do not want to make a money transfer through the Money Gram system? Please explain to me? You can make a money transfer to my bank account. My love , maybe you have some other way to transfer money? Let me know. I love you very much. I'd rather be in your tender embrace. What are you doing today? What is your weather like now? It's cool in my city today. Now it is -5 degrees Celsius and it is snowing. I want you to warm me more quickly. My love , I send you a big kiss. Have a nice day. I will wait for your prompt reply. Yours Elena.
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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Dec 06, 2019 4:43 pm

Hello my love, . Thank you for your letter. My love , how is your mood? Do you have any news? Unfortunately, I do not understand you. Why can't you make a money transfer through the Money Gram office? I don’t understand what scares you? What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of losing your money? Please tell me the truth. My love , I promise you that you will not lose your money if you use the Money Gram money transfer! Please, you must understand me correctly too. Soon my documents will be ready and I will need to go to Moscow, and this is the fastest way to send money. So I sent money to my daughter in St. Petersburg and I had no problems with this transfer. If it’s more convenient for you to make a money transfer to a bank account, then do so, but time is not on our side now. I will send you my bank account again. I have to go now. I send you a big kiss. I wish you a pleasant evening. Love you. Yours Elena.
My love , I am sending you my bank account in usd and euro, which way would you prefer to tell me please.

Correspondent Bank (Intermediary)
SWIFT correspondent bank (Intermediary’s Bank SWIFT)
Account at the correspondent bank (Intermediary’s Bank Account)

In dollars
Beneficiary Bank
Tinkoff bank
Beneficiary’s Bank Address
1st Volokolamsky pr., 10, bld. 1, Moscow, Russia
Beneficiary’s Bank SWIFT
Belyaeva E. P.
Beneficiary’s Account
Payment Details
Own funds transfer under Agreement No. 5184746005 Belyaeva E. P.. Without VAT.

In Euro
Correspondent Bank (Intermediary)
SWIFT correspondent bank (Intermediary’s Bank SWIFT)
Account at the correspondent bank (Intermediary’s Bank Account)
Beneficiary Bank
Tinkoff bank
Beneficiary’s Bank Address
1st Volokolamsky pr., 10, bld. 1, Moscow, Russia
Beneficiary’s Bank SWIFT
Belyaeva E. P.
Beneficiary’s Account
Payment Details
Own funds transfer under Agreement No. 5184746013 Belyaeva E. P. a. Without VAT.
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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Dec 14, 2019 10:15 pm

Hi my love ! How are your days off? What do you do? I miss you and your letters very much. You are the man whom I fell in love with and now I am afraid to lose you. Write me please. I do not know what to do. I want to be in your arms. You are far away now, but you are close to me: in my heart, in my soul and thoughts. I miss you so much and can't think of anything! Darling, I miss you. I meet the dawn with thoughts of you and imagine how good it will be for us together. Forgive me, but I can not help but be sad away from you. Waiting and longing. Yes, a lot of things and worries, but the thoughts in your head are only about you, how are you there, is everything all right? Let me know! Yours Elena!!!!
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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Dec 19, 2019 11:01 pm

Hi my love . How are you? It is unfortunate that I do not see letters from you. Why do not you write me? I am worrying a lot. You can’t even imagine how much I miss you and your letters. I want to be with you. You are the person from whom I am losing my mind. I love you with all my heart and soul. What should I do with my trip to you?! I do not know what to do. Email me as soon as possible. I will wait for a letter from you. Tell me how your days go? How is the weather? My love, I send you a big kiss. Love you. I will wait for your reply. You are my life. Yours Elena!

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