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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:28 am

Hello . Thank you for giving me some time and responding to my
letter. As you already know my name is Tatyana. I found your address
e-mail through the dating agency "Parthner", more precisely the
address e-mail gave me the dating agency "Parthner". Most likely you
are asking a question, why from where your email adress to dating
agency??? I immediately answer you immediately, "I do not know how
dating agency found your address. "I registered on the site "Parthner"
and filled out the questionnaire, what kind of man I'm looking for, To
date agency, they picked the right person for me. After the completion
of the questionnaire . The agency gave me your email. But there is one
the problem is, my subscription is free, so there's nothing about you
not known. I do not have your photo, I do not know your country, in
what city do you live and most importantly, how old are you. Nothing
for me it is not known about you. Therefore, if you want to continue
our I ask you to tell us about yourself. If you do not mind. So you
had a little idea of ​​ me. I'll tell you about yourself (little).
First of all, I am from Russia and live in the city of Saratov. I I
have been working as an assistant surgeon for two years, in the state
polyclinic. I love my job and am proud that I can help people. My
hobby is sports. I like playing volleyball, basketball + I like to
skate, skate, ski and so on Further. I can list a lot of things I love
doing. But, The best option is to tell more in detail in our further
communications. I hope you do not mind?? Most likely on this, I will
end your letter. Forgive me for saying so little about myself. For me,
this is the first experience in getting to know you. I do not see the
point of writing you all at once about yourself, the best option is to
tell you in each letter little by little. Thus, we will be able to get
to know each other, how can more. I will wait for your next letter.
Yours faithfully Tatyana




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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:04 pm

Hello my new freind

Thank you again for having responded to my letter and continued our
communication. I hoped for the worst that you would ignore my letter
and do not start to communicate with me. Well, that did not happen :)
So here we will continue our communication with you. I have experience
already in I had communication with two men from other countries. I do
not I managed to find a common language with these men, so I had to
complete with them communication. I will hope that you will not be so
man. I want to tell you right away, English is not my native language
. But, I can speak, which is already a plus. So in the future we we
can talk with you on the phone :) I probably already ran into before.
So, if you do not understand my letters or find spelling mistakes in
my suggestions. I ask you to take adequately to all this and forgive
me for this. I will try to write you letters are more clear and
without spelling mistakes. I want today tell us about yourself in more
detail. I already wrote to you in the previous letter that I live in
the city of Saratov. (If you want to know about me city, I will write
to you in the next letter, for I will not have problems). About my
education. I have finished medical university "Saratov State Medical
University named after V. I. Razumovsky. My formation will consist of
3 levels: school, college, university. I Studied within 18 years. All
18 years I have studied the English language also. I have finished
university in age 25. How to me gave with a medal for excellent
results during my studying. Do not think, that I brag (Smile). Than I
worked as the second surgeon in small clinic within 4 years. Now a
little bit about sad. I live one, I have no nor children, nor the
boyfriend. Sometimes I Feel like very lonely in my house. Perhaps, for
this reason I have decided to get acquainted with you. To me already
30, also I take a life philosophically. I had a bad experience with
the Russian I decided to turn to a dating agency and find a man
abroad. At the moment I'm only looking for a pen pal. Because of the
previous experience in the relationship, I find it very difficult to
trust man. I hope you understand this ??? I'm tormented by one
question. For you will not be a problem our more distance from each
other ??? If for you it is, then write it right away. Good??? I shall
be pleased to know all about your life. It is only female curiosity.
Most likely this is me I will finish my letter. I will hope for your
prompt reply. Your new friend Tatyana



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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:03 am

Hello my friend !!!

Today at me fine day. Know why?? Because I Has received the letter
from you. I am very glad, that you have continued ours Communications
also have given me hope of our further friendship:) For me It is very
important. I have started to receive recently unknown persons Letters
with the offer will get acquainted. I do not have especially big
desire To communicate with these people and consequently I wish to
write only to you. My day Has begun with good mood. In the morning I
have risen to walk the Dog Ralph. I hope you faced such problem, as To
walk a dog??? And so my dog very whimsical. Ralph to steam Months 2
years back were executed. It is possible to tell, that it still young
and The vigorous. Later I will send you a photo probably in the
following letter. Well??? After walk with Ralph. I have gone for work.
Everyone to me It is necessary to reach the work by the bus, my trip
Occupies approximately 10-15 minutes to an appointment point. It is
possible to tell I I live near to the work. What to tell. I have
forgotten to tell to you About the parents. I have nothing to tell
about the parents, therefore That I know about the daddy and about mum
of anything. I know only, that they Had an accident. Unique my
relative is my grandmother Galya. With The childhood it brought up me
and supported me from the beginning and to The end. Everything, that I
did: has left school, could arrive in University and even to finish it
with distinction. After that could To get a job. I can tell with
pride, if I grandmother , That I have not achieved such results. I
have at once to you a question, Who from your parents was Motivator???
Though my question for you Will seem to the strange. It was
interesting to me to know. Now at me remains It is not enough time
after that it will be necessary for me to continue work. It is very a
pity, that I do not have possibility to write to you every day. But
from For a busy schedule of work I not always have a possibility to
write To you of the letter. I hope it will not be a problem for our
communications??? The last, that I wish to tell to you it is the
girlfriends. First of all I wish to tell about the To girlfriend
Masha. Masha lives near to my house in the neighbourhood. It Works as
the photographer and some photos which I send you, Have been made by
it. Masha 27 year. It has no children, as well as I. But it at least
has a guy. She meets one guy, where It works in one firm with it. I
even begin it to be Jealous it is a little, that it stops to give less
to me time (smile). But it already - my small joke. About Elena. It
works the bookkeeper in Small firms. She lives with the husband in the
city of Salekhard. At it already is There is a boy (named it Anton).
My nephew:) Once year Elena comes on a visit to To the parents. + to
all to it we with it see. In brief I to you Has told about the
girlfriends. Now in each letter I will tell Only about itself. It is
very difficult to me to keep in contact on distance with You. Soon I
hope it a problem will dare in due course. I will try To you to write
tomorrow as soon as I will have a free time. On It I will finish the
letter. I wish you the excellent beginning of day And good mood. Yours
the new girlfriend Tatyana





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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Nov 02, 2018 2:04 am

Hi my friend

I am again glad to receive from you the letter. At me today has
appeared a little Time to write you the letter. Most likely tomorrow
or after Tomorrow I to you will tell in more details, than I am
engaged on work. But Today I wish to tell in more details about
myself. To you interestingly to know About me, I prefer what music,
films. In the beginning of ours I to you have told communications a
little about myself. I think it more likely In total it is not enough.
First of all I will begin with music. In the beginning I to you wrote
to our communications, that I am miloman (he/she is the person, Which
music) likes to listen different. I like to listen to music on To
mood. If my mood is sad I prefer To listen Classical to a music genre
in it my favourite composers enter ( Hans Zimmer, Johann Johannsson,
Ludovico Einaudi and so on). Here By the way not the big list of my
favourite music "Nuvole Bianche - Ludovico Einaudi "," Hans Zimmer -
Time ", Max Richter - The Sun's Gone ". I consider as their great
composers, and I insist to listen to them Compositions. I have written
you only not the big list of my favourite Classical music. As, I
prefer to listen during training , Metall, Rock N Roll and further.
Nirvana, AC/DC, Metallica, Rammstein. Here my favourite songs
"Rammstein - Sonne","Metallica - The unforgiven "," AC/DC-back in
black, Highway to Hell "," Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit ". The My
dear friend Bradley, I could continue To you this list indefinitely. I
have tried to write to you only Favourite music which often I listen
in MP3 pleer. I suspect music It will be possible to finish. I think
it is time to tell to you about my favourite Films, actors and
directors. First of all I love Entertaining films which do not force
your brain to strain and To take pleasure in film viewing. I hope you
heard about The film Universe "MARVEL"??? I liked all films, but mine
favourite Films are "XXXXXX 3 Ragnerok", "Doctor Strange", "Avengers",
"Iron Man". Now as to serials, I prefer to look "Game of thrones". In
my opinion it is most not predicted and Interesting serial. As I
prefer to look dramm, when to me Alone. My favourite films are
"Hachiko: A Dog's Story" - It is a film can force to sob, "Titanic",
"Gladiator", "1+1 Intouchables ". As to actors. In a category of my
favourite Actors are: Mel Gibson, Russell Crowe, Tom Cruise, Leonardo
Di Caprio. I have forgotten to mention directors Ridley Scott, Steven
Spielberg, James Cameron. Still I not completely I have written this
list. But, I I think it will be enough. Now I wish to write to you, as
I I spend a free time. At leisure I am engaged (all depends from
Season). But in the summer I prefer to go to bathe on lake or on The
rivers, I like to float is healthy a way of life. Water helps To relax
and strengthens immunity. Has by the way forgotten to write, that in
Last year I went in Sochi by the sea. + at me is a little Photos with
which I can share in the following letter. In the summer I I like to
play volleyball on a beach, since the childhood I took a great
interest in it Kind sports. I like to go for a drive on a bicycle, by
the way it is mine The basic transport in the summer, I on a bicycle
move for work, in Shops and so on. Here so I spend in the summer the
free time. In the winter - I like to ski, on a snowboard I have tried
to steam To time to drive, it was impossible to me. On it I prefer
Usual skis and mountain. + I like to skate. In the winter I I prefer
to go to fitness of halls, because in the summer hot. Here in brief I
have written to you than I am engaged after work. I can write about
it, But to whom it will be interesting. To me or you????? I think,
that is faster In total on it I will finish the letter. Most likely I
not all To you has told, But if you have questions. THAT necessarily
set . I will answer your questions in the following letter. It is
necessary for me Further to continue the to work. To following time.
Your friend Tatyana





Hello I've already sent you my letter.Have you received my letter
Maybe simply you didn't have time to answer immediately Why Please
write me at least a note of explanation Ok Hope to hear from you
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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:56 pm

Hello my dear the friend , I hope that you not against if I is
To address to you so???? I at all do not know from what to begin my
letter. So Here. Today on work the full horror was created!!!! Today
to us in Clinic many people with jaw traumas have arrived. Some people
Arrived to us with the displaced jaw (often such people come in Our
branch after fight), me was necessary to set a jaw back. Some people
to me had to tear out molars (I have it in view of About a wisdom
teeth). But the most awful, to us two men have arrived with Numerous
crises of finitenesses. Under the story, they have got in Car
accident. First of all have sent to us in branch Because there was a
jaw crisis (crisis a department chin), to it "Tyre" and additional
mechanisms, that was necessary to impose a jaw not It was displaced.
Other man have taken away at once a fracture clinic as was Crises of a
foot and edges. Horror!!! Now you know dear Bradley, as There passes
my working day. It yet everything, than I am engaged on To work. But,
I think it will be enough, that I have written to you. To me It was
necessary to spend the whole days on work, just now I have finished
The change. At once I wish to ask pardons for my delay of the answer,
I Not always I have access to the computer. You remember, that I write
to you Letters from the working computer????? And so, for this reason
we not We can write letters, as dialogue. I very much hope, that it
will not be To be the big problem for sew the further communications.
Today At me is in plans to descend with my girlfriend Masha on cinema
"The first player to prepare ". It is a film recently left in cinemas
of Russia. I Has looked on the Internet responses about this film, the
majority of spectators Has approved viewing of this film. For this
reason, I wish to descend on This film and to relax after the working
day. By the way you looked this Film????? If, "YES" that share the
opinion, to you has liked This film or not. In the following letter I
will tell to you the opinion about This film. Well???? I have already
reserved tickets, the session will begin In some hours. At me is a
little more time, that To write you the letter. I wish to begin the
letter with how badly is To Russian doctors and why the majority of
people try to leave Russia. Most likely you know, what in our country
to doctors pay a little???? And so it really truth!! Many people plan
to leave Russia and to work abroad (In such countries, as USA, CANADA,
AUS , And Europe), including "I". I too plan to leave the the country
, To work and live abroad. But with a choice of the country I till now
It was not defined. In each country there are the "+" and "-". A
problem Consists at all in wages. All depends, and from knowledge of
language. + From taxes, how many it is necessary to have money for the
residing, everyone Month. I do not know, how many it is necessary in
to earn in a month, for this purpose To live anything in itself not to
refuse. I know, how many it is necessary To earn, to live in Russia.
But!! I think every day about Moving to another the country. But,
during the same moment I realise, what not I can throw here all. I
cannot leave girlfriends Masha and Elena. I can not leave here the
apartment (I have an own Apartment which has got by right of
succession). I cannot leave the The grandmother, is my unique relative
which remained with me. My grandmother raised and brought up me. But,
during the same moment I do not see The future in Russia. My most
important fear consists that I I can not give to children of the
future. I write at once to you, at me There are no children. But, I
want, that I had children in the future. I I dream, that at me was two
children (the boy and the girl). And so. I with pleasure would remain
in Russia if in our country developed Medicine and economy. + paid to
doctors big the salary. Most likely I will philosophise now, but I
think, that that country is developed, in Which the medicine and
economy develops. In our country of nothing Develops!!!!! Though in
our country there are many minerals ( Threw, gas, oil, gold,
brilliants). But, our country not Develops. It is the big shame, for
the big country!!! I think, that Most likely in all our president
Putin is guilty. Putin does anything For our country. I to these
cannot understand, why so it is a lot of people Choose Putin. I never
went on presidential elections. On mine To opinion for people have
already solved, who will be the following the president. FUFFFF, It
was shout of my soul. Forgive, that I write you all it. I hope , That
you have learnt that that new about our country. On it I will be To
finish the letter. The session on a film will soon begin. It is
necessary for me To hurry. Your friend Tatyana

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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:13 am

Hi my dear

Thank you very much for your letter. It brightens my day! I hope that
you have the same feeling when you receive mine. And of course, I
enjoy our correspondence and I am serious. I consider you to be my
friend, I think that you understand me in lots of things and it's easy
for me to talk to you on many topics. You can ask me any questions you
want. I think that this is very important for the relationship, if
both of the partners want the relationship to grow. Trust is also very
important, no relationship can be strong without it. Thank you for
being honest with me and from my side I can say that I will be honest
with you also. I think we should try to tell each other as much as we

I would like to know you better from inside, , because you seem
very interesting to me, so I have a question for you: What qualities
do you appreciate in people the most? In my opinion, honesty,
faithfulness, kindness, sincere and understanding are very important
in people. I also think that in every relationship trust plays the
main role. That's why I think that 100 trust should be between man
and woman, they should be able to say every single thing to each
other, share all their joys and sorrows. If they have a problem they
should try to find a solvation together. What do you think, Bradley?
What is your opinion?

You know, , I think that age is very important in the
relationships. I think that the man should be older than the woman. As
for me I prefer my future husband to be older than I am. Older men
know how to treat the girl right, they know what the girl wants. It’s
much more interesting to talk to them. And there is one more thing. I
am looking for the serious relationships and guys of my age they
normally want just to have fun, they don’t have any serious
intentions, they don’t think about future. I don’t like it. I am not
against fun, of course, every person needs rest, but not all the time.
You probably understand me. What do you think am I right, Bradley?
My dear , please, tell me more about you. What are your goals
and dreams? What are you looking for? And what are your intentions? It
will be very interesting for me to know. If it's not hard, please,
answer these questions for me. And feel free to ask me anything, I'll
answer you with great pleasure.

I will be looking forward to your letter!!!!



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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Nov 10, 2018 4:02 am

Hi my dear

Thank you very much for your letter and your tender words and care.
You are so sweet to me, it is so pleasant for me to read your letters,
when I close my eyes I can see you saying this to me, it makes me feel
very good. That's a great feeling, I am thanking God that you are in
my life. Even though we are far from each other in reality, in my
dreams we are together, we are walking together at some nice place in
the nature holding hands and saying tender and warm words to each
other. I feel that you are very special to me, I need to read your
letters like I need air or water for living. I couldn't even think
that something like that could happen to me. Thank you that you are,

You know, , I don't think that the outside beauty is the most
important thing, you can be beautiful for some time, even the most
beautiful, but in some years this beauty will go away, there will be
other people who are going to be looking better. I think that the real
beauty is inside your soul, that what stays forever. The person should
be beautiful from inside, in my opinion. Don't you agree with me, Bradley?

, I see in you the person who I can talk easily with, who is
interesting for me, the one who is making me want to know you more and
more. I would like to know your soul, I would like to know everything
about you. I see that you are not playing with me or joking around,
many of our thoughts are the same, our values are very close and we
are looking for the same things, we both are looking for the special
one. I see that I can establish the emotional connection with you, I
can talk to you on any topic, it's very easy for me, it seems like I
know you for a long time.

I like your thoughts about life and relationships between man and
woman. By your letters I can say that you are a decent man with
serious intentions. I like that in you. I think that we are even a
little bit alike in that. I am also serious about our correspondence.
I like to read your letters and I think that I will really like to
talk to you in person, you seem to be an intelligent and well educated
person. I hope that some time we are going to meet.

OK, , I am finishing my letter now and I hope that you are having a
great day!

I am thinking about you and I am really happy that we've met! This
thought makes me smile :)

Hope to hear from you soon!

With hugs,


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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:35 pm

Hi my !!!!

Thank you very much for your letter, I was very glad to receive it as
usual because your letters always put me in a good mood and make me
smile :) I am thinking a lot about you and I like to read from you,
. I am very glad that you understand me. You the unique person
which to worry about me. You know, , I need to tell you
something. I think that friendship is very important in the
relationships. Let me explain what I mean here. I think that passion
and affection are very good, but two people that decide to be together
need to know how deal with each other in everyday life. You know what
I mean? And I think that friendship between them will help a lot. I
would like to see a very good, I can say the best friend in my soul
mate. I think that emotional connection is very important, so that two
people will feel very comfortable with each other. How do you think,

When I am reading your letters, , I feel that you are honest and
sincere with me, you are telling me a lot about you, so I want to give
you the same thing. You know, I have a dream. I would like to find a
true love, a special person who is going to love and take care of me
and I will do the same for him. I want our love to be forever. I think
that when I meet that special one I will give him all of my
tenderness, care and love. And what is your dream? What do you want
the most from life, ? Please, tell me. It will be very
interesting for me to know what you are thinking and dreaming about.

You know, , I need to tell you something. I have never thought
before that this is possible to find a very good friend, somebody
special with the help of Internet. But now I can say that this
happened to me, I’ve met you and it seems to me like I know you for a
long time even though we exchanged only a few letters. Now I can say
that there is a person in the world who understands me, my life
position, whose dreams and intentions are close to mine. You should
know that you are dear to my heart, I am always ready to listen,
understand and try to help you if you need that. Ok, I am finishing my
letter now and I will be looking forward to your reply, !!!

I am thinking about you!!! :)

With tender hugs and kisses



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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:20 pm

Hello my dear . Thank you very much for your letters. I want
thank you for answering my questions and commenting on my thoughts. I
think this is very important in our communication and with everyone
step, with each letter we become closer to each other. You too feel it
???? Today I want to talk about my past relation. I think the
time has come to tell you about my previous relationship with a man.

So, , I had a relationship with a man 2 years ago. I lived with
him exactly two years. (I think it makes no sense to call him name in
this letter). I met him in 2013, through common friends. The moment I
saw him. I fell in love with him with first glance. I thought that
with this man you can build future. Because we had feelings for each
other. The most important thing , that our plans coincided. After long
visits, he proposed to live with him in the apartment. I lived at his
apartment. In 2015, I became pregnant. He invited me to marry him. In
the same year 2015, we got married. It seemed that this is almost
happiness. But here there was a misfortune, I had a miscarriage (the
child was dead in my womb). Nothing happened to me, I did not get
strikes against stomach. I did not have any diseases and so on. The
fruit could not till the end To form, for this reason there was a
miscarriage. You are most likely I can not imagine what I felt at that
moment. I'm two months old almost nothing to eat. For almost two
months, I was depressed. At that moment, I was most afraid that I was
not I can have children in the future. But after talking with the
doctors and handing over analyzes, to me have told or said that with
me that's all right. I can have children. Doctors told me that it's
better to wait one year, but it's better two years, so that this
situation does not happen. When I was depressed, I did not I noticed
the most important thing about what a husband does (a former husband).
He was also in depression and began to abuse alcohol and often go to
bars. I I thought that this is a normal process, which people really
helps relieve stress. I was hoping that I would drink alcohol and he
would return to me . But, here again I was very disappointed, he told
me changed !!!!! I still do not understand why he changed me. I do not
I know the reasons for his actions, because he did not explain
anything to me. I was a faithful and devoted wife. What did he miss at
the time ?? For me it remains a mystery. I guess the reasons for his
betrayal, in that , that I can not give birth to children for him.
Most likely this reason led to a divorce. In 2016, we divorced. He
gathered his things, sold the apartment and moved to another city.
After the divorce, I'm no longer saw him. The moral of the song is
that, you do not have to hurry to get out marry and have children. Now
to this I am very serious, so as not to repeat the mistakes from the
previous relationship. Here so in brief, I did not write a big slice
of my life. I hope that you do not were upset after reading my letter
and are ready to continue continue to communicate with me. I found it
necessary that you need tell me about my bad experiences with respect.

In advance I apologize to that I write you many bad events from
my life . But you must know about me, as much as possible with what I
had to face difficulties. On this I will finish my letter. By the way,
what are your plans for these Weekend ????

I will look forward to your next letter. Maybe you are tell us
about your bad experiences from relationships. For me it would be It
is interesting to learn as much as possible.

Your Tatyana

PS I forgot to write. After the divorce, I had no relationship before and
after with men from Russia. For all my life I had only




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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Nov 17, 2018 11:59 pm

Hello my dear . I'm glad to receive a letter from you. I would
like to to tell you the truth, when I receive letters from you, my
mood immediately improves and a smile appears on my face. Most likely
this is affection for you, for the time of our communication. I still
do not I understand how I managed to get attached to a person with
whom I did not even met in real life. For me it will remain it's most
likely a mystery. Even now, after reading your letter, I want to smile
and even I want to hug you. It is unfortunate that due to distance we
can not meet at the moment and walk along the the park. But, I really
feel that our meeting will happen. At once I will write that I am not
a clairvoyant and do not see the future :) You know, I every day I
think about you. I'm all tormented by one question, can we become more
than friends ???? I think yes" . But, we can understand only when we
meet face to face. You agree with my opinion ???? If not, please be
kind enough to write your opinion on this about. Good????

Today I had a little time to meet my friend of Masha. We met with her
in a cafe and talked for a cup tea + eat pizza. Masha noticed during
the conversation that I had a lot I smile and the voice of my tone was
joyful. After that, Masha asked me an interesting question, why do I
smile? I did not hide from his girlfriend and said that I'm
communicating with you . For Masha it was a great surprise that
I communicate with a man from abroad. Although , I'll remind you that
it was Masha who advised me to take advantage of dating agency
"Parthner", it was thanks to Masha I found wc :) I do not know if
it's fate or it's a coincidence, but I'm grateful his girlfriend, that
she advised a dating site. Masha asked to tell about you in which city
you live, where you work and most importantly asked for a picture of
you. I said that I will try Tell her and show your picture next time.
Masha agreed and gave you a big "Hello". After that, she went to my
boyfriend, But I went to work. Now I again write to you with working

So, I spent my day. I hope you will not mind if I I will tell about
you and show your photo ???? I hope that you do not will be against
it. My dear , most likely on this I will end your letter. I need
to go to work. I will try to you write tomorrow. Good???? I forgot to
write to you, I think that it is important . I will soon have a
vacation, most likely holidays will begin Starting next week. I will
write to you, the exact date holidays will begin. Good??? Wait for my
next letter. Required write me. Bye Bye Bye .

I miss you. Yours Tatyana



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