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Re: Zingers.....

Unread postby Big Al » Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:36 am

Another Happy BOI:

If you ever ask me for another bank account , you are a complete fool and unserious person OK???
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Re: Zingers.....

Unread postby Big Al » Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:26 pm

I told the Lad to cancel the Deal because I do not send money to assholes.

OK, then who is an assholes between you and me??????
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Re: Zingers.....

Unread postby Big Al » Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:50 am

Another happy Camper...

I will forward FBI your information immediately so that they track you down immediately and deal with you right away.

You are just a common thief and a liar so you deserve to be punish accordingly.
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Re: Zingers.....

Unread postby Big Al » Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:11 pm

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Re: Zingers.....

Unread postby firefly » Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:08 pm


f*ck you. I know that it's you f***ing asshole threw me on anti scam. burn in hell and be your whole life alone

My reply:

Thank you for your nice offer. I am very careful about whom I want to f*ck. You don't qualify even on a waiting list for that, honey. Thank you for letting me know you that you are a scammer. And sorry to disappoint you in that regard: it was not me, but if I ever met the one who reported you I will buy him a beer.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
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Re: Zingers.....

Unread postby Big Al » Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:34 pm

God will pay you back for playing and joking with me.
thank you.
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Re: Zingers.....

Unread postby firefly » Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:14 pm ... 11&t=62434

"She" is still pissed... all in the same day...

You do not even read my letters.
I wrote secret words and encrypted them. <- nope, she has not ;) - but good to know
And you put my letter on anti scam.
I checked you and you fell into a trap. You're stupid.
I declassified you and told other girls to be careful with you.
I warned all the other girls that you are throwing their profiles in anti scam.
Now all the girls are warned and will not fall for your bait.
You f***ing asshole.
I fucked your mother in the ass.
Your mother is a whore and she bore you a bastard.
I do not know why your mother fucked and she was yelling at the pain in female genitalia!

Well, I see that your father is a f***ing asshole too.
Well, in any case, I fucked your whole family in their hairy ass.
Especially screaming from the pain of your mother when she poked a thick c*ck in her small anal.
I want your mother fucked in the mouth and finished in her mouth.
I want your mother to scream in pain.
yes, you can rape your mother and f*ck her in the mouth, in the female genitalia, in the ass.

Hi my love! I'm sorry that I got excited and told you rude words. I
know that it's not you who's to blame. You're good and I believe you.
I want to continue our communication. It can also be divided into two
parts. Benefit for large companies, I have already touched on above.
But there is one more important nuance. Concerning the cultural
integration of a commercial product into a mass culture. I'll sharpen
it for clarity: turning just well-made proprietary intellectual
property into a kind of "de facto standard", in my opinion, can only
be piracy. Exclusively due to theft software, the book, the film
becomes available to the social lower classes, and paraphrasing Marx,
the idea of ​​a product (or brand) "embraces the masses and becomes a
material force." Here you need an example. Take the most famous
small-soft trademark. Throughout the substantial part of the 1990s, it
was possible to count the users of alternative operating systems
windows on the fingers. And, naturally, the licensed of all these
copies was only a very small part. But since the second half of the
zero the situation has changed qualitatively. The "Ponosov affair"
died down, and the era of Linux was everywhere in state institutions.
It's been eight years now, and what do we see? Has there become
radically more household "linuxoids"? Do we see a mass transition of
society to alternative MS platforms? No. We see something else. People
buy licensed software where they used pirated software yesterday. It
was more difficult to defeat the habit. And this habit in the long run
is clearly working for a non-greedy brand-builder. I also speak about
this from my own experience. Your submissive is a viniculturist with
20 years of experience, and none of the three attempts to move to a
trendy non-mainstream Linux over the years has led to nothing. I found
more experiments with the semi-axis (OS / 2) in the mid-90s, when it
seemed that the alternative to the power of small-scale (and at the
same time the mythical synthesis of the Apple and IBM platforms) is
already close. Why is this all happening? The answer is: piracy is
delaying. First, people firmly sit down on shareware pirated software.
Around him formed a circle of their daily habits and skills. And when
they are left with no choice but to care for an unfamiliar free
platform, they start paying. This is the nature of man. On three and a
half laptops, which we use with my wife today, there is a licensed
"Windows" True, it was still produced by the manufacturer and
since then we have only reinstalled it, using the "native" license
keys. The main thing that it is necessary to know the large
manufacturer of proprietary content about piracy - people follow the
convenience. If the energy is easier to download than to buy, a normal
person will prefer to download. If you want to pay for your product -
make it faster, cheaper (taking into account the time for fighting
viruses, crooked voice, poor quality), more convenient, morally
pleasing and, most importantly, safer than pirates. The benefit for
authors and small producers is that piracy takes care of - for honest
bribes, of course - the function of advertising (and word of mouth) of
your product. Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails were the first in the
music business to see this and take a step towards the challenges of
the era. Their albums can be downloaded in a good quality directly
from official websites. At the same time, if you pay a little, then
they will be delivered to you as an exclusive one. The result is very
good sales, multiplied by the increased loyalty of the audience. In
general, there is evidence that pirated digital copies correlate
exceptionally well with conventional sales. But here is a
controversial issue - it is not clear what exactly is the cause, and
what is the consequence.

My reply:

So... you are telling me you have a d*ck? Or that you are a d*ck? Hard with this translation... but I knew there is a reason I don't wanna f*ck you. The antibiotics will cost too much...
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Re: Zingers.....

Unread postby Big Al » Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:37 pm

Another happy Ladette:

if you like your life and you don't want your life to turn miserable been affected with sickness then you have to get this into your head. Why do you put my names, email address and photos in scam? Do I owe you anything or have you sent me any money as your prove? I am giving just 3 days to remove everything about me from scam. I am an African woman, if you don't remove it you will regret your life. I have your photo and your full names. If you don't remove everything about from scam, I will scan your photo out then I will take it to the shrine in my village. I will take your photo and your full names to the biggest juju shrine place in my village so that the shrine priest will make your life miserable. I am from a place they called Fula in the Gambia, so go and ask about the place I came from. If I asked you for help or assistance does that mean you will show your wicked heart? Do you help me or send me any money? You will have yourself to blame. I gave you just 3 days. Accident will be your portion just wait.

I guess I'm a goner again...


I tried to get her phone number to call and talk about the curse:

Good morning !
You were the only one I sent such information to because you was the only person I was writing to. You are only the person I told about my traveling and it was exactly everything I was emailing you that you put as scam. Why do you do that and what did you do that for? Do you help or assist me in any way? So why do you put my email address, names and very thing I was sending you on scam? Why are you so wicked and heartless? I bet you, you will live to regret it. If you are the person that do such thing to me, you will never know peace. Women shall always be your enemy forever, no matter how you try to please any woman, they shall turn against you and also betrayed you. As I said before if you do not remove those things about me from scam, you will regret it.

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Re: Zingers.....

Unread postby Big Al » Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:28 am

...and another one who found their stuff on our site:


You post what I sent to you in google. Hahahahahaha

I have your details too I will post it too I will forward it to FBI that you scam me 100,000 Dollars.

I cant leave you man
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Re: Zingers.....

Unread postby Big Al » Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:37 am

Another love message from Rina:

You are a great liar without no conscience. That is the reason why am taking your name and photo to my village so the oracle priest can lay a courses on you and make your life miserable. When you start having different strange dreams before you know it, it is too late for you.

Pot calling the kettle black?
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