
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

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Be careful when using "example" URLs.

Unread postby Wayne » Mon Apr 22, 2024 9:52 pm

I had an email today from a company whose site name was listed here, not as a scam but as an example of what a scam website name could look like. As it happens, it wasn't a post we'd made. Not long after we started we were asked by another site if they could post up a bunch of threads here as they were closing down and didn't want the information to go to waste. Thankfully the site was cool about it and I deleted the reference right away. I've done something like this in the past for the books I've written, but before using it I made sure no one else owned it, then bought the domain myself. That way I knew there'd never be a problem. I guess not everyone is as forward thinking as I am....
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