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Keeping my family safe.

Unread postby Wayne » Sun Sep 17, 2023 10:58 pm

Imagine having someone threaten to r*pe your mother. Yeah, that's happened to me.

What about threats to kill your family? Yep, that's happened too. It's all part and parcel of being part of the antiscam community.

What we do has a huge risk to it. It's why we have to use fake names, addresses, dates of birth and (for the most part) hide what we look like. We don't have personal social media profiles because we can't risk exposing out friends and family. For the past 19 years I've had to be "Wayne May". That's not my real name, nor are "Jeff Davies" and "Kari-Anne Liebling" the names of the other volunteers on this site. We're real people, but the details about you see online are all carefully constructed to protect the real people behind the names. Does that make us cowards? Of course not. What it does is make us people who want to do what we do whilst protecting those around us from the criminals we fight. There's a balance we have to keep in order to fighting the scammers while at the same time making sure our nearest and dearest are safe.
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