
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

What we don't do.

Blog posts and news about the site.

What we don't do.

Unread postby Wayne » Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:48 pm

We don't hack, we don't use anything illegal, we don't "scam the scammers", we don't educate scammers, we don't insult scammers, we don't use any racist language, we don't treat anyone differently depending on their race, colour, sexual preference, religious beliefs or political opinions, we don't charge people to help them, we don't accept sponsorships, we don't work for any government agencies, we don't treat you any differently if you don't donate, we don't take a wage, we don't edit posts if it upsets the site we mention, we don't care where the scammers are, we don't allow spammers on our site and we don't care how much we upset scammers.

What we do do.

(hee hee, he said doodoo!!!!)

We do post up every piece of scammer information we can, along with details of any new or emerging scam we see. We also say "screw you" to any scammer that tries to get their details removed here. And quite frankly, when that happens we double down on the research to provide even more evidence of their scamming ways.

In other words, we post everything we can and will never be intimidated by scammers trying to get their details removed, or legitimate companies who haven't read what we do before trying to demand we remove their details posted by the scammer in their emails to us. Our #1 priority will always be to get the scam details out to prevent people from being scammed, and we'll fight anyone who tries to stop us. Try us....
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