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Regarding Reddit.

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Regarding Reddit.

Unread postby Wayne » Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:43 pm

Doing some research, I found a few mentions of this site over on Reddit. In those posts there were a few comments I'd like to deal with. This is in no way a knock at Reddit, rather a way to answer all the comments I saw there in one place.

"Are they legit? The site looks amateurish."
We are 3 people, and our entire tech team consists of me and Google. I'm a hardware guy. My background is in building and fixing computers, which I've done for over 35 years. I can build you a computer you'd absolutely love, but building a website is a whole other matter. The fact it's even running at all is nigh on a miracle. If you don't like how it looks, feel free to redesign it for us. Believe me, we're more than happy for any help and it'll take the pressure off me.

"They have sketchy targeted ads."

It costs us around £100 a month for the site. WE don't get paid. Site fees however DO need paying. We have a donate button here. If people donated, then we wouldn't need the ads. Unfortunately that hardly ever happens, and we're lucky to bring in $10 a month in donations. We don't do affiliate links as we'd lose our impartiality. In the past I've dealt with sites that offer to sponsor us, but in the same breath want us to remove any negative comments about them. We turn every one down, some more politely than others.

"There's nothing new there."

Do a little digging and you'll find many of the places you're quoting quoted us in the first place. Even law enforcement have done it, albeit without ever crediting us. We've been doing this here for over 10 years. Have a check to see when the other sites started talking about certain scams and see who offered up the advice they're giving first.

"The success rate number they quote seems unrealistically high."

It's comparing apples to oranges. We can only quote figures from the people who followed our steps. We can't count those whose videos were leaked before they came to us looking for help. We do have a pool of over 30,000 forms that were completed though, and in our steps we explain how to get the video removed if it's already been posted. If you want figures for those who came to us after their video was uploaded, then it's likely about 5% of the cases we deal with did have their video posted. Sites that quote figures for those whose video was posted will have a much larger number as they're the ones already looking for help in the "worst case scenario". Think of it this way. If a garage quoted the number of people who came to them with a broken vehicle the number'd be high. If they quoted the number of people who came back to them saying their repair didn't work it'd be a whole lot lower. Make sense?

"They're hard to find."

We rely purely on word of mouth. We don't have an advertising budget like the other sites. Of course a site that pays more a day to advertise online than many people make in a year is going to show up at the top. There are also sites that deliberately use the words "scam survivors" on their site and in their ads to take traffic away from us. Why would they do that? Money. They charge (sometimes ridiculously large amounts) for a service we offer for free, or for "help" and "advice" that is downright dangerous. We can shout from the rooftops, but if everyone else has megaphones then it's incredibly difficult to get your voice heard. You can help though. Help us get the word out. Tell others about us. A donation would be nice too, but simply telling others about us is far more helpful and doesn't cost you a penny.

Hopefully that covers everything.
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Re: Regarding Reddit.

Unread postby Wayne » Wed Dec 28, 2022 6:23 pm

Forgot this one, so let's add it now:

They ask a lot of personal questions.

There's reasons we ask the questions we do. It could be to check if you're a minor (in which case we may need to point you elsewhere), if the scammer said they were a minor (and if you knew they were claiming to be underage at the start, as that's a whole other kettle of fish), where you're from (so we can direct you to the right law enforcement agency if needed), if you paid, how much and how you paid it (as we work with some of the payment companies to help fight the scammers, and having payment references numbers helps in that), your email address (so we can send you the steps you need and contact you if we need anything more) and so on. We don't ask them for the sake of asking them. Plus of course we need information on the scammers so we can warn others. They find us the same way you did - by searching the scammer's name, phone number, name they say to pay the money to etc. Information has to be a 2 way street for it to work.
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