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You can lead a horse to water.

Sat Sep 02, 2023 1:14 pm

Let me give you some brief history on this. When a scammer uses a script that has an email address leading to a website that no one owns anymore I like to buy it and then redirect anyone going to it here. It's a few dollars a year and hopefully saves people from falling for the scam. Likewise, if it has an email address I get it to redirect to my site account so I can send an email warning to them. Last month alone about 50 people went to one of the sites we own.

Yesterday I received two emails from people who had replied to the scammer's email. One had even sent a copy of his passport. I sent out emails warning them about the scam and explaining how we came into possession of the site. One hasn't replied. The other however decided to reply with this:

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OK, not the result I was hoping for. I wrote back and said "Just promise me you’ll treat any emails you receive in the future with the same amount of scepticism. So long as you’re not sending money to anyone our job is done". He replied back with this:

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At this point I'm done with him. As I said in an X post on this, it doesn't matter if it's the first time or the one thousandth time you get a reply like this, it stings. What we do is hard. It's mentally draining, but still we do all we can to help people. When you get a reply like this, just for a brief moment you think to yourself "Well f*ck you then! You get scammed, don't come here looking for sympathy!" before moving on with your life. We've done what we can, whatever happens next is on them. Just like dealing with scammers, you can't let it get under your skin when someone reacts like that to you. I still remember my very first warning on Facebook back in 2006. I created an account just to warn someone, and they replied back in no uncertain terms telling me where to go, ending with "Anyway, you don't have any friends here" as if that's what mattered. And if you think that's bad there's the people who then go on to tell the scammer that you warned them after you asked them not to. All you can do when it happens is move on. Warning isn't for everyone, and instances like this are the reason why. Do I hope these people end up getting scammed? Of course not. But there is that moment when you want to fight back. We are after all only human.
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