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17 years!

Blog posts and news about the site.

17 years!

Unread postby Wayne » Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:57 pm

Let me throw some numbers at you. I'm 51. I've been doing this for 17 years, from the moment I discovered the baiting community on December 5th 2005. That's a third of my life. Let's say I became an adult at around 17. That means I've been doing this for half of my adult life. That's a whole chunk o' change in anyone's eyes.

In that time I've seen a lot. I've seen baiters come and go, I've seen antiscam groups claim the be "the #1 antiscam site on the internet", only for another one to say the exact same thing. We can't all be #1 can we? Besides, anyone with any sense knows we're #1.

I've seen my face in the media all around the world, and I've seen me described as "lisping Welshman" and "softly spoken with a lilting Welsh accent". Guess which one of them I've refused to ever work with again. I'll give you a clue, it's the one that casually mentioned one of the things I was bullied for as a child.

I've seen scams come and go, change and evolve, use every newsworthy incident and become more technical. I've seen the media run the same "Beware of scams this XXXXXX season" stories year after year. We'll have Christmas, New Year, Valentine's, tax season, holidays and so on. Same year in, year out.

And through it all I've been surrounded by a small group of like-minded people. Sure, some have moved on over time, but we remain. We're not going anywhere. We fight every day, not just against the scammers, but against misinformation, apathy and those trying to silence our voice. We fight every day, and we will continue to fight.

I'm going to finish this by deliberately misquoting the lyrics to a Styx song:

Cause I've seen them all you know
I've seen them climb and I've seen them fall
I've seen them come and I've seen them go
And through it all there's only one thing that matters
And that's simply
You and I
Yes, You and I
For we are the #1 antiscam site on the internet.
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