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No story, but lots of experience.

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No story, but lots of experience.

Unread postby Pinky » Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:44 am

I can't tell you that I really know what it's like to be scammed, but I can tell you about my experiences in playing with these scammers. I think I know them well.

Most of you know me from another scam-fighting site. My background is that I am almost 60 years old and have been single for over 16 years. I once worked for a university computer department when the internet was getting started and I dealt with the trouble that mischievous and sometimes devious college CompSci students got into with our computers. I recognized early on the potential for both good and great harm that these computers could cause in our lives. I know that they are merely tools, but weapons in the wrong hands.

When internet matchmaking began, I was thrilled. I understood the power of databases, matching statistics, communications and the wide reach of the web. I was there on the first sites. I've met a lot of real people, but so far, not matched up with The One. I'll never give up hope (this week anyway :) ). However, about 6 or 7 years ago, I started getting strange contacts from men outside of any distance I was willing to go for a date. I have never been interested in strictly a virtual relationship (though there are some out there who are), but these guys were persistent. They all said they were world travelers and willing to settle down with me here in Utah. Now, let me tell you . . . Utah is a pretty state and I love it here, but most people would never dream of living in such a politically conservative state if they didn't have to. Just for starters, there are many restrictions over the consumption of alcohol, that the 'gentiles' as we call them, complain bitterly about.

Then I noticed that these same men were all younger than me and were often using professional studio portraits. And they were hot! A tall, good looking rich guy, standing next to a Jaguar convertible, with his jacket casually slung across his shoulder, dreamily gazing off into the distance . . . was writing me, a plump, mid 50's, divorced mother of 6 for a date? Huh? I was active on a couple of forum type websites at that time and on one we all made fun of the Nigerian 419, Inheritance and Trunk Box scams. I knew how to track IP addresses and yep! Sure enough these handsome (later scammers started using pictures of more ordinary faces) men were not writing from where they said they were. A couple of us did some searching and came up with a website that dealt with the scammers by scamming them back. Not for money mind you, but for just jerking them around, frustrating them and generally making their nasty business more difficult.

That site had a small section that was a forum for the 'Love Rats', the romance scammers. And that is where I discovered that the scammers were evolving into a new scam to target the most vulnerable and least deserving to be hurt, the people looking for love. I felt these scammers were lower than dirt for what they did. The other scams are criminal and malicious, yes but victims of those scams were most often looking for quick riches or willing to compromise their own integrity to get what the scammer was offering. I could not conjure much sympathy for those victims. And those scammers were so commonly stupid that they weren't very much fun to torment. But the romance scammers are a different breed.

Most romance scammers can and do the other scams as well, but I find the romance scammers to often be more cunning, calculating and manipulative. They have discovered that when dealing with emotions, people are much more fragile and it's easier to break down their common sense, propriety and even intuition. They rarely have to appeal to greed and instead of compromising their victim's morals and ethics, they use those values against them by preying on them. This is beyond wrong. If you're even the least bit spiritual you can surely see that this is the work of pure evil.

I made it my practice to chase after and torment these romance scammers. At that point I was invited by Wayne (who actually was my love baiting mentor) to join another site that specifically targeted romance scammers. And through that site I realized that not enough was being done to educate, comfort and console the victims of these scams.

Wayne himself actually started as a baiter, but like me he saw that there was a need for specific actions to be taken when someone was scammed and that there was a need for education and support to help people comprehend and deal with the reality they're suddenly faced with. The 'other' sites are more focused on exposing the scammers and both rely heavily on baiters to collect and publish information. For myself, I can't bait like I used to. My real life job and family are draining my time I used to have available to play. But I cannot step away from those who have been hurt by these scammers. Not when I know what's going on and when I know I can help. First it just feels good to know I've done something good to help others. The anonymity of the net even enhances this. And second, I believe as a Christian, that I have a moral obligation to do what is right and fight against evil.

This is who I am and why I am here.
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Re: No story, but lots of experience.

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:57 am

Pinky --- so glad you wrote your story. I just posted mine, I am sure sure someone will think we checked with one another as to what to write - they are so similar. You are great at what you you do Pinky, keep up the good, it puts the evil in it's place. Thank you, RF
A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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Re: No story, but lots of experience.

Unread postby Tomi » Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:18 am

Thank you Pinky for your compassionate heart. You have helped a lot of wounded souls. God bless you more.
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