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Jean Tanner's story

Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:36 pm

I'm a scam survivor and dedicated to warning others of the dangers of scammers via my facebook page.
I myself was scammed out of a great deal of money- but what was taken from me was much worse.
I was scammed out of self confidence and self-esteem.
My marriage and my family were destroyed by the situation.
This happened 10 years ago and even today thinking about it makes my heart beat faster.
Writing even this much is more painful than I expected!
Still, I have survived and support the great work being done here.

Re: Jean Tanner's story

Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:11 pm

Hi Jean and welcome. We tell people here that it gets easier every day but you're proof it never goes away completely - and maybe this is a good thing? Certainly you became more cautious and learned to protect yourself. There will never be a good reason to go though something like being cyber raped in a scam, but good can come from it. Your willingness to help and support others is a good thing.

Re: Jean Tanner's story

Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:34 am

Hello Jean Tanner and welcome,
You have come to right place for support as well as telling your story. Like you I was scammed out of a great deal of money, fortunately for me, it has only affected me and not my family. I have opted to go on with life and do all the things I want to do only with abit of caution where the wallet is concerned.
I am glad you are telling your story via facebook and any other means possible, it is the only way we can stop these horrible creatures that the devil has created.
We cannot allow the scammer to win by also taking our self-esteem and confidence, and I am sorry you still feel that void, but you lost much more than money, and I hope someday, because you are vocalizing your story, that others will listen and learn from your experience. I hope that someday, your family will realize the good you are doing in supporting others with your story.
Everyone on this site is experienced in helping with support in the healing and recovery process. Yes it is hard to tell your story, but the more you can tell it and be listened to, the easier it becomes.
Also, there is a great chat room on this site, and I hope you will come and join us. We have serious discussions as well as laughter - laughter is so good for the soul and the healing process.
Please take care of yourself, RF

Re: Jean Tanner's story

Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:21 pm

Hi Jean

Sorry to read about your scam experience and that it broke up your family. It has almost been a year now since I broke off contact with my scammer, so I can understand what you have been through, and yes I understand that the scars do remain. You are doing a great job in warning others on facebook. Dont let this take away your confidence and self esteem... take care HL

Re: Jean Tanner's story

Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:51 pm

Hi Jean and welcome to ScamSurvivors. Thanks for telling your story and for your efforts to warn others of scammers. Education is our biggest weapon against them. Feel free to post any input that you have to help others on this website. This is a community here, and we value all survivors' contributions.

Re: Jean Tanner's story

Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:33 pm

Hey, thanks forth support!
I do very little actually on FB- I simply post up articles as I find them and thereby let people see for hemselves what's out there.
A big hug to all of you here!

Re: Jean Tanner's story

Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:58 am

Hi Jean and let me also welcome you here!!! There’s really no such thing as small or big part in everyone’s efforts to fight the scam and letting the world know---everybody’s roles are equally important and I think you’re already doing yours. ScamSurvivors is a community (though still small but continues to grow) of supporters. Join us here. Who knows! By helping others who had been victims, listening to their stories and offering support, and also sharing your own story; it may help you to finally fill in the void that was created by your scammer 10 years ago and fully regain back your self-esteem and confidence. :D :D :D

Re: Jean Tanner's story

Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:41 am

Welcome aboard Jean. Thank you for all you do to help the cause. While it may not seem like a lot, what you do can have a huge impact, and probably does. It's hard to know just how many people you might have saved with what appears to be small actions.

Hope you'll stay and be a part of our community.
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