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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Nov 16, 2021 9:12 pm

I don't know if you are still Alive and Sound?
Because your silent are getting out of hand and you really need to say something about this transaction which you and I knows what we have been through in this transaction,

So what I am asking you to do now is to reply back to my email, so that I will inform you what you need to do to receive your Fund, like i said above , that this transaction is confidential and legal and also secret so try and see what you can do in making sure that you reply back to my email once you receive this email okay,

Because the PRESIDENT is really not happy with you and you really need to understand that what we are doing here is to help you regain all that you might have ever lost in the past and we want your maximum cooperation to avoid you thinking that we are here to scam you,

The Present PRESIDENT Mr Joe Biden Jr has placed an order on all the Beneficiaries that were supposed to have received their Funds, should do everything necessary to claim their Funds as soon as possible before they loose their Funds,

So right now I want you to understand that all you need to do now is to reply back to this email, so that we will know if you are still interested and alive in this transaction?

May the Lord be your strength forever and I want you to know that I am a child of God and I must deliver your Fund to your provided address once you do what you are told to do okay

Remember that once you reply back this transaction will be alive and we will proceed and finalize on this long Awaited Fund once and for all
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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Dec 01, 2021 7:17 pm

What is still keeping you in sending the required fee requested from you?

Right now and this minute, what is requested from you now is your urgent response so that you will inform us on the actual date and time you will send the needed fee which you were asked to send this week $500.00,

The President want us to use this Media to inform you that you only have this month to send the needed fee if Indeed you are really interested and willing to receive this your Long Awaited Fund,

So we are advising you to try your possible best in making sure that you follow the instructions given to you and saying when you are sending the needed fee this week $500.00???

We will be waiting for your reply once you receive your reply as soon as possible so that we will finalize on this transaction once and for all, unless you want to loose this Fund,
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Unread postby Big Al » Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:03 pm

Hello my dear Beneficiary,

The main reason we decided to email you right now is to inform you about this transaction for the very last time because you know that you and I have wasted much time on this transaction already and we need to finalize on this transaction once and for all,

So right now I will suggest that you reply back to my email immediately because we really need to proceed immediately and finalize on this transaction because from the look of things, it seems like you are not willing and capable of receiving your Fund,

We are advising you now to reply back to our email and state the reason for your silent and if you truly want to receive your long awaited Fund? Because we only have this year to finalize on this transaction,

You need to act fast in doing all the necessary things needed to finalize on this transaction because they are planning on consficating your Fund and you know what that means?

We will be waiting for your urgent response once you receive this email because we really want to commence immediately with this transaction before it will be too late okay
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Unread postby Big Al » Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:11 pm

This will be the first and last email that I will email to you concerning this transaction that you didn't do what you were asked to do for your Fund to be delivered to you since last year till now , and the reason why we decided to keep calm to you, is to know what exactly is the matter with you concerning this transaction?

So the IMF Authorities has been waiting to hear from you, in conjunction with the IRS , to know why and what is the reason for your absence and mute behavior towards this transaction?, What you are expected to do now, is to reply back and tell us if indeed you are still interested and capable of receiving your Fund,

The PRESIDENT Mr Joe Biden Jr has ordered for the immediate release of your Fund, but you must follow the instructions giving to you if you really want to receive your Fund and mind you the PRESIDENT said that anyone that refused to comply to the condition given to her/she should forget about the money because it will be transferred to the United States Treasury Account for better purpose and for the less privilege,

I want you to reply back to my email immediately so that i will know when you are sending the required fee which you were asked to send? Because we don't have much time on our side and i will urge you to act fast before is too late , we have giving you long enough to raise the needed fee since last year till now so don't blame using you loose your Fund

May God guard you and protect you from all danger abd be safe out there okay , your urgent response is highly needed here now so do wait once you receive this email because I very important that you reply back immediately.
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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Aug 19, 2022 6:11 pm

Greeting! Greeting!! Greeting!!!

The reason why I decided to email you today , is to inform you on the new development concerning your Fund since you have decided to be mute/ or should I say that you have been silent on my emails ,

The president of the country has ordered the immediate release of this transaction and also said that if the rightful owner of the Fund refuses to comply to the demands which the beneficiary knows that is the only delay we are still having in delivering his/her Fund to the provided address,

So you are advise to reply back immediately because this transaction needs to be finalized and you will receive your Fund and everyone with be happy at last , but you must say why and the reason for your absence and delay towards the needed fee which you were asked to send and when are you sending it because we don't have much time??

Mind you the Man who is claiming your Fund is still doing everything in his power to claim your Fund but we are delaying him because we need to jail him if you are really interested and willing to receive your Fund by paying the fee needed as soon as possible,

We want you to make sure that you reply back to this email once you receive it so that we will know the reason for your silent and when you are planning on sending the required fee for us to complete this transaction once and for all okay ,

I will be waiting to hear from you soonest because if you keep this silent of a thing then we have no option than to allow him claim your Fund, so don't say that you were not informed on time about this new development from the president okay
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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Sep 09, 2022 7:16 pm

Hello to you my dear friend,

This is Mr president emailing you direct , to know what is really the problem for your silent towards this transaction/Fund ? Which Mr Mark Edward is also claiming that you are no longer existing on this Earth ,

So the main reason I decided to email you is because I want you to know that Mr Goodman Richard is the one in charge of Delivering it to you in peace , so I want you to reply back to my email immediately you receive it if indeed that you are still alive and sound and you want to claim your Fund which you only have from now to next month to finalize on this transaction and receive your Fund and everyone will be happy and Joy will come back to your life again,

What you are expected and advise to do now is to make sure that you reply back to this email with immediate effect because is very urgent and important, that is the reason why I decided to email you and forward it to you and Mr Richard, so he will email it to you for you to read and reply , if you are interested and willing to receive your Fund,

Right now I want you to say why and when you are sending the required fee which you were asked to send $500.00 usd ? Because Mr Mark Edward is doing everything in his power to claim this Fund but we want to arrest him once you send the needed fee and he will be jail for claiming someone's else Fund and he will be in prison,

I will be waiting for the good news from you on when you are sending the required fee this week and how you intend to use in sending it because if you do not act fast you will lose this transaction/Fund , that is the reason I decided to talk to you direct through email okay

I am assuring you that if you can believe in me and trust in this transaction that I the president of the United States of America, the number one citizen of the Country, will make sure that you receive this Fund in peace once you comply with what you are told to do because that will be the last money you will pay to receive your Fund and you really need to act quickly because delay is dangerous, take my word and you will smile again because this transaction is confidential and legal and also legit , so what are you waiting for when you are this close in receiving your long awaited Fund?
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