
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Post up any 419 emails you received. All persons/companies depicted in these emails are either fictitious or have had their identities copied/stolen by the scammers. Emails posted by staff are received unsolicited to their "catcher" accounts.

Unread postby Big Al » Wed May 15, 2024 8:10 am

Loan Scam:

From Dr.Jacob Sani
Regional Manager
Unicap International Investment Consultant Finance Ltd
Contact Email:

Greetings to you Sir / Ma

Contact Us for an Investment Project / Loan Offer.

I am Dr.Jacob Sani, an International Investment financing Consultant Ltd working for top investment financing companies in Kuwait and Qatar, Switzerland, UK, Hong
Kong, Japan, Middle East and Turkey. I help clients and individuals and organizations seeking investment funding for their viable investments or projects anywhere in
the world.

We are interested in funding projects and investments from $10 million and above up to a period of years for project investment/ loan approved from top

global rated banks or through Joint Venture (JV) project partnership funding with some top global net worth investors
We are currently interested in funding viable businesses, investments or projects in the following areas of interest, after a successful one-on-one investment

presentation with the investors team of fund managers: We also pay 1% commission to brokers, who introduce project owners for finance or other opportunities.

* Starting up a Franchise
* Business Acquisition & Expansion
* Medical/Healthcare procurement & Supplies
* Capital/Infrastructural Project
* Oil, Gas & Renewable Energy
* Commercial Real Estate Purchase & Development
* Hospitality & Leisure

* Government/NGO Contract Execution
* International Trade Financing

Get in touch, if you have a viable project that requires funding.
Yours Truly,
Dr.Jacob Sani
Regional Manager
Lady Maryam Ibrahim
Unicap International Investment Consultant
Contact Email:


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Subject: Contact Us for an Investment Project / Loan Offer.
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Big Al
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