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Post up any 419 emails you received. All persons/companies depicted in these emails are either fictitious or have had their identities copied/stolen by the scammers. Emails posted by staff are received unsolicited to their "catcher" accounts.
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Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:55 pm

Scammer's email address.:

Content of the email.: Dear xxx,

I have concluded the delivery arrangements of your Visa ATM card as I promised you, so you are required to pay for the insurance and delivery charges of the parcel containing your Visa ATM card. As soon as you pay it, your ATM card will be delivered to you in your country within 48 hours through the delivery team of the courier company and you will start fund withdrawals and other related commercial activities.

I have attached a copy of the ATM card to this e-mail for your perusal and confirmation.

Your friend and clergyman,

Reverend James Edward.


Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:55 pm

Scammer's email address.:

Content of the email.: The Insurance fee is $350 while the delivery fee is $150.00. Which is the total sum of $500.00. The delivery and handover is within 48 hours after the payments and you will start fund withdrawals the same day.

Your friend and clergyman,

Reverend James Edward.
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