
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Post up any 419 emails you received. All persons/companies depicted in these emails are either fictitious or have had their identities copied/stolen by the scammers. Emails posted by staff are received unsolicited to their "catcher" accounts.

Unread postby Wayne » Thu Apr 18, 2024 3:59 pm

Scammer's email address.:

Content of the email.: Dear Dear xxx

Good day . We are in receipt of your mail dated 9th April 2024. We are ready to finance any of your projects .
Sir, our Deal sizes up to $50.000:00 Minimum Funding --- $500,000,000 Maximum Funding * Rates as low as 2% both home and
overseas. * 3-25 year terms * Broker friendly * Closing typically in under 7-14 workings day * for either personal or business loans,


1. Our loans are given at a much subsidized interest rate of 2%. There is the
possibility of monthly repayment, bi-annual repayment and annual repayment.

2. We do not charge fees on the processing of the loan.
All processing fees, bank fees, attorney fees are paid solely by us.

3. However, in the event a borrower has no collateral within the UK, such a
borrower will be required to secure a payment protection insurance premium.
This is a one time insurance payment, which is paid directly to the insurance
company. This is the only cost, which the borrower will incur and it is paid,
before the loan is approved for payment. After the signing of the loan and
insurance contract, the insurance premium is paid, before the loan is
transferred via SWIFT 103.

4. Objective: The purpose of the insurance is to ensure that both parties, the
lender and the borrower, are protected in the event of a default on either side.
In the event that the borrower is unable to meet the monthly payback date,
the insurance company will step in.
Similarly, the Insurance company guarantees that the Lender follows all of
the conditions of the loan arrangement.

5. The maximum loan tenure is 25years. We do approve a 2years( 24Months) grace period for business loans within 3 to 9 years. For businesses above 9 years would attract a 1 year grace period.

6 Find attached the company Loan Application complete the form and send it back to us so that we will be able to give you the loan calculation and our terms and conditions. Including the loan repayment plan

7 your specimen copy of your valid international passport ID or any form of identification for verification exercise send it via Email attachment

As we progress with the loan application process we will give you the insurance company contact ,

If you are okay, kindly get back to me, so that we can proceed with the drafting
of the offer letter and Loan contract/agreement, for both of us to sign


Mr Paul McCann
Capital Funding One Limited
Cheshire House Gorsey Lane.
Widnes Cheshire
England WA8 ORP UK
WhatApp : +44 7407649394
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