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Fri Apr 28, 2023 2:19 pm

Recovery Scam:

How are you doing?
After waiting to hear from you and your partners for a long time now, I decided to make this direct approach to you as my new resolution in order not to let it be as if I have anything in mind against you. I do not know if you have asked yourself why each time the approval of this fund is released, all of a sudden, the payment will be stopped, and one problem or the other will come up. If you have not asked yourself this question, this is an opportunity for me to tell you.

Some time ago, your partners, I mean the people that introduced you to the business, they approached me through my wife who works with the HM Treasury, a Government's Economic and Finance Ministry and requested me to assist them conclude a money transfer deal they had with you. They asked me to assist them by removing the original contractor's details from the database and replacing it with your details to make you appear as the rightful beneficiary of this fund.

I agreed to do it on condition that they will pay me GBP£80,000.00 as soon as your name appears as the beneficiary. I did as we agreed and demanded to be paid, but your friends started telling me stories, they even told me that you are the one that promised to send money to me, and up till now, I have not received a single cent from them and have not set my eyes on any of them? Based on their attitude, I decided to stop the fund release process because I cannot be denied my right in my own office considering the risk as it might affect my job.. Secondly, I know the source of the funds that you did not execute any contract or inherit any claim, although I am the only person privileged to know this information and it is a fact. Why I am making this clear to you is that I can see that you are still making efforts in order to conclude this money transfer deal.

Now I am ready to forget the past, I do not need the GBP£80.000.00 any longer from you but a good compensation from your mind. I need your assurance that those colleagues will be totally kept out of this transaction. I know that none of them are aware of my new approach to you. Stop spending your money unnecessarily to any of those Officers both here and overseas because you will not receive this money without my hand in it. I personally did the work at the beginning and only I can diligently complete the pending funds.

Finally, I need your promise that no official of those Banks you have contacted before will be aware of my involvement in this regard because of my position. Now re-assure me that you will be willing to compensate me and that you will assist my wife to establish a foreign account in your country where my compensation will be lodged.

I am a man of my word. If you are ready to conclude this business with me, kindly contact me so that we can have a chat over this issue once and for all. But if the reverse is the case, do not bother yourself to reach me and forget about this money.


Richard Meddings,
Financial Unit Programme Officer


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From: Richard Meddings <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 13:08:52 +0100
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Sat Mar 23, 2024 7:48 pm

Recovery scam.

Richard Meddings (UN Diplomat)
3500 N. Terminal RD, Houston,
Texas, 77032-5573, USA,
Tel: +1 (703) 703 7760.

Attn: xxx

Congratulations! I just arrived (George-Bush Int'l Airport) Houston-Texas, successfully alongside with your '2' sealed consignment silver metal trunk boxes containing your inheritance payment, which left England yesterday and to be deliver to your home address today as scheduled, but was with-held by the Custom Officers on duty at the port of entry checking point in the airport for the scanning/inspection of your '2' sealed consignment boxes where your funds is, which I refused them from opening and inspecting the sealed boxes, based on the strict instruction given to me by my boss when departing from our office in London, that on no condition should I allow allow anyone, Customs or the Airport Security Agency to open your sealed consignment boxes under any circumstance, till the sealed consignments are delivered to you in person safely and the funds intact as instructed, and warned not to allow the customs to know that the boxes contains your inheritance fund inside totalling $7.5million dollars.

After several arguments with them, this prompted me to appeal to the custom officers senior manager on duty, who is directly in charge of all incoming cargo, luggage, parcels and consignments trunk boxes scanning and inspections at the Airport cargo unit to seek for his help and further assistance after several arguments, which he finally did and advised me on what I can do to stop and prevent all the Airport Customs Officers on duty not to have the legal right to scan or examine your '2' sealed consignment boxes anymore, and ensure I do everything possible to protect your $7.5Million Dollars inheritance funds from been confiscated by the customs officers on duty at the airport here.

I was then told to immediately apply for an irrevocable (Non-Inspection Immunity Clearance Permit Order) from the Airport Custom Cargo Department, which must be tagged on each of your consignment boxes, which will automatically cover your sealed consignment boxes with immunity order, to legally restrict all Customs Controls Checking Points, Government Security Outlets and the Airport Authority from scanning, opening or examining your sealed consignment boxes anymore from inspecting them, till the boxes gets to your rightful destination safely attached with your (16) Sixteen Binded Original Hard Copies Inheritance Payment Proof of Ownership Classified Documents inside the box.

After receiving this vital information from the Director of the Custom Officers in charge, I then asked him what it will cost to obtain the requested (Non-Inspection Immunity Clearance Permit Order), and was told it cost an official sum of $3,760 only, to procure the non-inspection immunity clearance order, from the Airport Custom Clearance Department here in Houston-Texas, which is the only thing delaying me now from being able to deliver your '2' consignment sealed boxes to your home address today as scheduled, immediately you send the requested fee to me, to enable me pay and obtain the (Non-Inspection Immunity Clearance Permit Order) for your '2' boxes.

Below is the payment information you're to use to send the fee via Western Union (or) MoneyGram Transfer immediately, so I can have everything sorted out today and start coming with the '2' consignment sealed boxes to your home address today unfailingly.

Name: Michael E. Ekong
Address: Houston-Texas
Required Charges: $3,760
Payment Reference No:
Sender's Name:
Sender's Address:

As it stands now, you're therefore advised to ensure you send the required fee of $3,760 immediately you receive this urgent and very important mail to enable me obtain the requested (Non-Inspection Immunity Clearance Permit Order), for your '2' sealed consignment boxes, so I can be cleared and allowed to leave the Airport custom department with your sealed consignment boxes and have them delivered to your home address today unfailingly as soon as the immunity clearance fee is confirmed from you today. Call me upon receipt of this urgent mail on this number for more info and proper guidelines on how to get to your address.

Yours Sincerely,

Richard Meddings,
(UN) Delivery Agent,
Tel: +1 (703) 703 7760


Return-Path: <>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 16:50:54 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Hello xxx, I just ARRIVED now with your ($7.5M) inheritance payment, hope you will be available at home today for collection, once I clear your consignment funds boxes?

Number billable as geographic number
Country or destination United States
City or exchange location Virginia
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