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scams to my account--Blufox

Post up any 419 emails you received. All persons/companies depicted in these emails are either fictitious or have had their identities copied/stolen by the scammers. Emails posted by staff are received unsolicited to their "catcher" accounts.


Unread postby Bluefox » Thu May 10, 2012 1:08 am

from: Gold Miner

Dear Sir
I am Mr, PATRICK ADDO a native of TARKWA VILLAGE GOLD MINES COMPANY LIMITED. in Republic of ACCRA GHANA West Africa .Am contacting you on behalf of my Community which comprises of mainly local Gold miners to represent and as well look for a prospective buyer for the bulk of Gold mined locally in our Community.

My Community in conjunction with the Village heads has in their possession
this article (Gold Dust)
Kindly open the attachment.

1. 150Kgs Gold Dust
2 100kgs Gold Bars
3. 22+carat plus
4. $40.000 USD for one Kg.

The Community as well as the right to go into any contract of extraction or
mining with any interested person or company depending on the discussion
reached between both parties concerned.
If you are interested I would be glad to see you in ACCRA GHANA to sign an
agreement before you can carry the Gold dust back to your country
with me. I remain to hear from you soonest.

Best Regards.



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Unread postby Bluefox » Thu May 10, 2012 1:12 am

from: Lucian Midombo


Después de mucha consideración sobre este asunto, he decidido contactar con usted, el trabajo de expatriados en este país hizo un gran depósito a plazo fijo a mi oficina (es decir, el banco) aquí en la República de Benin antes de su muerte sin ningún tipo de certificado junto a los familiares designar a su cuenta en mi oficina, que se ha clasificado automáticamente sus depósitos para el mandato de los beneficiarios abierto o su depósito de (EE.UU. $ 6.2M) se lo devuelva al Gobierno de Benin.

Soy Lucian Midombo, un banquero profesional aquí en la República de Benin. Sólo estoy en contacto con usted como un extranjero para que podamos trabajar en conjunto para reclamar estos depósitos juntos, porque los fondos no puede ser aprobado a un banco local aquí, pero sólo puede ser aprobado a cualquier cuenta bancaria extranjera, porque el dinero es en la cuenta de dólar de EE.UU. y la fallecido en cuestión es de su región, lo cual es una ventaja añadida para usted, así que buscar su buena cooperación para hacerse pasar por un beneficiario a la persona fallecida a través de la correspondencia de apoyo a mi oficina, que es el banco que nos dicen estos enormes depósito de la suya en mi oficina. Voy a guiar a profesionales de la información que se requiera de vosotros desde mi oficina de la manera más discreta para que tengamos éxito en esta asociación para nuestro desembolso mutuo.

También tenga en cuenta que el depósito difunto tiene un beneficiario abierto y cualquier extranjero puede poner la reclamación sobre el fondo, independientemente de su tribu, los nombres y la religión siempre que disponga de la información secreta en la cubierta del archivo de seguridad del depósito de fallecidos que voy a presentar a usted a la demanda por las autoridades de mi banco.

Mi objetivo es asegurar un individuo honesto y confiable a quien yo pueda confiar a estos fondos y que actuará como fiduciario en espera de mi llegada a su país ya que mi periodo de desconexión de servicio está cercano. Por favor, si usted está interesado, no dude en responder este mensaje para obtener más detalles sobre los pasos a seguir, hacia la maximización de esta gran oportunidad para nuestro beneficio financiero personal.

Espero su respuesta favorable.


Lucian Midombo.



After much consideration on this matter, I decided to contact you, the work of expatriates in this country made a great fixed deposit to my office (ie the bank) here in the Republic of Benin before his death without any type of certificate along with the family to appoint its own in my office, which has automatically qualified for the term deposits of recipients open or deposit (U.S. $ 6.2M) it back to the Government of Benin.

Lucian Midombo am a professional banker here in the Republic of Benin. I am only contacting you as a foreigner so we can work together to reclaim these deposits together, because the funds can not be approved to a local bank here, but can only be approved to any foreign bank account because the money is the U.S. dollar bill and the deceased in question is in your region, which is an added advantage for you, so look for their good cooperation to pose as a beneficiary to the deceased through correspondence in support of my office, which is the bank tell us these huge deposit of yours in my office. I will guide information professionals is required of you from my office in the most discreet way for us to succeed in this partnership to our mutual disbursement.

Also note that the deposit has a deceased beneficiary any foreigner can open and put claim on the merits, regardless of their tribe, names and religion provided you have the secret information in the file cover security deposit deceased who'll introduce you to the demand by the authorities of my bank.

My goal is to ensure an honest and trustworthy person whom I can rely on these funds and will act as trustee pending my arrival in your country because my period of disconnection of service is near. Please, if you are interested, feel free to reply this message for details on the steps towards maximizing this opportunity for our personal financial benefit.

I await your favorable response.


Lucian Midombo.
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From Linda Ahmed

Unread postby Bluefox » Thu May 10, 2012 1:13 am

from: Linda Ahmed

From Linda Ahmed

With profound respect and humble submission, I beg to state the following few lines for your kind consideration, I hope you will spare some of your valuable minutes to read the following appeal with sympathetic mind. I must confess that it is with great hopes, joy and enthusiasm that i write you this mail which i know and believe by the faith that it must surely find you in good condition of health, My name is Miss Linda Ahmed,I am the only daughter of my late parents Mr.and Mrs Ali Ahmed,

My father died earlier some months ago and left me the only Daughter behind, He died in heart attack because of killing of innocent people in my country Cote d’Ivoire crisis.. Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of mine who was with him at that time. But God knows the truth! My mother died when I was just 6yrs old, and since then my father took me so special.

Before the death of my father on he called me and informed me that he has the sum of USD$6,500,000.00 he deposited in a Bank here Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire. He told me that he deposited the money in my name, and also gave me all the necessary legal documents regarding to this deposit with the Bank.
I am just 20 years old and a university undergraduate and really don't know what to do. Now I want an honest and God fearing partner overseas who I can transfer this money with his assistance and after the transaction i will come and reside permanently in your country till such a time that it will be convinient for me to return back home if i so desire. This is because i have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of incessant Presidential political Crisis in our country Cote D'Ivoire.

The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life. I also want to invest the fund under your care because i am ignorant of business world. I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards. Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded. Now permit me to ask these few questions:
1. Can you honestly help me from your heart?
2. Can I completely trust you?
3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the fund has being transfeered to your account and i come over to meet you ?

Please, consider this and get back to me as soon as possible, Immedaitely i confirm your willingness, I will send to you my picture and also inform you more details involved in this matter.
Anticipating hearing from you soon, Thanks and may God bless you for your concern to help an orphan like me.
Kind Regards,
Miss Linda Ahmed.
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Good Day!!!

Unread postby Bluefox » Thu May 10, 2012 1:14 am

from: Mr Ali Musa

Good Day!!!

My Name is Mr Ali Musa I`m the Bill and exchange manager of ADB Bank In Ouagadougou Burkina Faso West Africa.

have a business proposal in the tune of $6.2m (six million two hundred thousand United States Dollar only) after the successful transfer we shall share in ratio of 40% for you and 60% for me.

Should you be interested, so we can commence all arrangements and I will give you more information on how we would handle this project? Please treat this business with utmost confidentiality and send me the Following information's bellow;

(1) Full names:
(2) Private phone number:
(3) Current residential
(4) Occupation:
(5) Age and Sex:

Best Regards,
Mr Ali Musa
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My dearest in Christ i am contacting you from hospital pleas

Unread postby Bluefox » Thu May 10, 2012 1:16 am

from: Josephine Josephine

Dearest one in the Lord,

Greetings in the Name above all names, Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour, I am
Mrs Joesphina Graham, and married to Mr. Gordian Graham who worked with Kuwait
embassy in Ivory Coast for many years. My matrimonial situation is that I lost
my husband and two kids in Motor accident on 27 December 2008.

I am suffering from Cancer and I am suffering very bitterly as I write you this
message with help of a Nursing Sister in Christ working here in the same
hospital, my doctor just informed me that my days are counted considering my
health status. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of Four
Million Dollars in one of the International Bank here in Cote D'Ivoire

I want this fund to be used in Christian Activities like Orphanages, Christian
schools, Widows, motherless home for propagating the word of God and to
endeavour that the house of God is maintained. The Bible made us to understand
that blessed is the hand that grivet". I took this decision because I don't have
any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not
Christians and I don't want my husband's efforts to be used by unbelievers.

I want you and the organization to always pray for me because the lord is my
shepherd. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. Whoever
that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and Truth.

Please if I reach you this time as I am hopeful endeavour to get back to me as
soon as possible to enable me confide more and more in you and update you with
further details and instructions.

Yours Sister in Christ
Mrs Joesphina Graham
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Strictly To You !!

Unread postby Bluefox » Thu May 10, 2012 1:17 am

from: Davidsyn And Associate .

Good day,

I am Barrister David Syn, with {Davidsyn & Associate} I must solicit your confidence in this transaction; this is by virtue of the nature as being utterly confidential. Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and overwhelmed, but I assure you all will go accordingly.

The project I am presenting to you is a case of my late client who willed $15.9 million to his next-of-kin. It was most unfortunate that he and his next-of-kin died on the same day in an auto-crash. I am now faced with indecision of who to pass the funds to. This email might come as a surprise to you, since there has been no previous correspondence between us. My purpose of contacting you is for you to help secure the funds left behind by my late client, to avoid it being confiscated or declared unclaimed by the financial institution.

The financial institution has issued me notice to contact and provide an existing relative or the funds will be declared unclaimed and diverted to the financial institution's treasury. So far, all my efforts to get hold of someone related to my late client has proved abortive. I am actually asking for your Consent to present you to the financial institution as the Next of Kin/beneficiary of my late client's fund, so that the proceeds of this will be released to you.

I shall provide all the documents to back up the claim as my client's Next of Kin. All I require is your honest co-operation and commitment to enable us achieves this transaction. I wish to point out that I want 10% of this money to be shared among charity Organizations, while the remaining 90% would be shared equally between us. This transaction is risk free. I will use my position as the client’s attorney to guarantee the successful execution of this transaction.

Please contact me via phone +234 817 551 9974 and return e-mail to: {} upon your positive response. I will provide you with further details and relevant documents that will help you understand this transaction.

Warm regards,

Barrister David Syn
My Direct Mobile Line : +234 817 551 9974
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Urgent reply

Unread postby Bluefox » Thu May 10, 2012 1:18 am

from: Sarah Ghanem via


Greetings to you and your family, firstly I apologize for sending you this sensitive information via e-mail, instead of a Certified mail/Post-mail. This is due to the urgency and importance of the information.
My name is Shukri Ghanem, the Libyan oil minister and head of the National Oil Co-operation of Libya. I would like to use your relationship with me to pull my wealth out from our African continent. I was high-ranking Libyan official but I defected and fled the country on the May 17th 2011. I have huge amount of fund with Oilibya Petroleum Company in Ivory Coast I need help to divert this fund far from Africa.

Thank you
Shukri Ghanem
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Unread postby Bluefox » Thu May 10, 2012 1:19 am

from: James Lamb

Good day,

It is understandable that you might be apprehensive because you do not
know me nevertheless, I have a lucrative business proposal of mutual
interest to share with you. I got your reference in my search for someone
who suits my proposed business relationship.

I am James Lamb, an Accountant in reputable Bank in West Africa. I will
need you to assist me in transferring some funds valued at $25,500,000
Dollars (Twenty-Five million five hundred thousand United States Dollars)
from a bank here in West Africa to your country. This transaction is legal
and risk free. I shall provide you with the account information which will
enable you log in online account.

Kindly endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters, and please
NOTE: I am not looking for TRUST BREAKER, but a co-confidant, please.

I shall furnish you with more information as soon as I receive a positive
response from you.

Kind regards,

Mr. James Lamb.
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Unread postby Bluefox » Thu May 10, 2012 1:20 am

from: benson

Hello everyone, I'm Mr.benson, private loans Creditors
There is a lifetime opportunity to pay your bills on credit and personal debt
and his own business for private companies and individuals
begins at The amount of 3%. To contact us today by e-mail

Loan application form:

Phone Number:
Amount needed:
Duration of loan:
Have you ever?
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Attention Beneficiary,

Unread postby Bluefox » Thu May 10, 2012 1:26 am

from: United Nations

United Nations Assisted Program
Directorate of International Payment
United Nations Liaison Office - Africa

Attention Beneficiary,

This email is to notify you about the release of your outstanding payment which is truly $2.500,000.00 Million Dollars The Federal Government scheduled a time frame to settle all foreign debts which includes Contract/Inheritance/Lottery (Sponsored by Microsoft and Shell Petrolum Lottery) and other international loans. News had it that over the past,numerous individual(s) who happen to be impostors (claiming to be individuals, banks and organizations) are claiming to release numerous sums of fund via numerous ways.

You have two options to receive your payment which is either a Pin Based ATM card or Certified Cashier s Check. You are advised to select one out of the two options on how you wish to receive your $2.500, 000.00 Million Dollars through ATM card or Check which will be shipped via Apex Express Shipping Courier Company and would get to you within 2 to 3 working days at most.


The actual fees for shipping your ATM Card/ Check is $125.99 Dollars but because Apex Express Shipping Courier have temporarily discontinued the C.O.D which gives you the chance to pay when package is delivered for international shipping as stated on their We had to sign a contract with them for bulk shipping which makes the fees reduce from the actual $125.99 Dollars to $98.99 Dollars nothing more and no hidden fees of any sort! You are advised to contact the disparch officer responsible for the shipping of your Check or ATM Card with the following information for shipping of your payment through Check or ATM Card.

Contact: Mathew Benson

United Nation Dispatching Officer

E-Mail: ( )

Tel No: 00229 98682153

Make Sure you provide him with the following information:

1,Your full Name.
2,Your Address where your payment will be dispatch to you:.
3,Home/Cell Phone:.
4,Preferred Payment Method (Check or ATM):
5,Passport ID

The dispatching officer will provide you with instructions on how you are to make the payment of $98.99 Dollars only for the shipping of your ATM Card or Cashier s Check. Remember that you are not paying any fees extra no matter what. Once again note that the actual Apex Express Shipping Courier Retail Price is: $125.99 Dollars Your Price (Because of our contract signed): $98.99 Dollars ($27.00 Dollars Savings!)

Dr Micheal Gobsin
UN Envoy (African Region)
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