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Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:22 am

IP address [?]:
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IP address country: Nigeria
IP address state: Lagos
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IP address latitude: 6.4531
IP address longitude: 3.3958

Received: from [] ([])
by (Royell Mail Server) with ASMTP id SCQ38146;
Mon, 08 Oct 2012 13:34:46 -0500
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2012 19:34:48 +0100
From: "Mrs. Anna Cane" <>
Subject: urgent reply needed
Reply-To: <>

Hello Dear
Naturally this mail will come to you as a surprise since we have not met each other. My names are Anna Yatash Cane. I am a Christian converted also I am a widow to late Mr. Nasah Cane Yatash who was killed during the United States raid against terrorism in Iraq. During the period of our marriage, we did not have any child. My husband was very wealthy and after his death, his relatives confiscated all his known assets and even went as far as excommunicating me because of my childlessness and cancerous ailment which was why escaped.

This happened at the early stage off my sickness which is cancer of the breast. I am presently in a cancer hospital where I am receiving treatment. Despite that, before my husband died, he has the sum of $15.5 million.US Dollars deposited in a finance company in Indonesia and the money has been lying there since all these years I have been sick. Now, my doctor told me that I have limited days on earth and that my life span will not exceed 95days due to the cancerous problems I am suffering from. Though what bothers me most is the Heart problem that I have in addition to the cancer. You see, with this hard reality I am facing, I have decided to donate the fund for the building of mosque, church in Africa, Asia Arab world or America or fund the upkeep of orphans, physically challenged children and persons who prove to be genuinely handicapped. But, I must ask that the money be used for
the purpose I have wished. On your acceptance to assist in this regard, I shall ask my late husband’s confidential attorney Ahmed Saliu of ( to contact you for details on how to go about it or call him in Saudi Arabia +966582194685.
I attach herein my two pictures.
Best regard
Mrs. Anna Cane
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