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Mon May 13, 2024 3:09 pm

Part of reports on Ukraine Scams: search.php?keywords=UKRScams

Money transfer scam.

Dear Respectfully

Seasonal greetings from Janek Stanislaw Bzymek

I am Janek Stanislaw Bzymek, the Auditor General of one of the leading financial firms here . I have in my bank an existing money valued at US$3.700,000.00 (Three Million , Seven Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) in account Number 00014-2558-2004 that belongs to a customer who happens to have the same surname as yours. Sadly he was among the death victims in the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24th February ,2022 at the age of 47 years.

I am now seeking your cooperation to present you as Next of Kin/ Heir to the account, since you have the same surname as him and my bank headquarters will release the funds into your account as next of kin to the deceased.

I want you to reply urgently so I will give you full details on how this business transaction will be executed. Reply strictly to my private email account: upon the receipt of your reply we shall go through the details and how we can proceed. Have a nice day, Anticipating your communication.

Janek Stanislaw Bzymek


Return-Path: <>
From: Janek Stanislaw Bzymek <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 13:45:41 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Dear Sir
To: undisclosed-recipients:;


Wed May 15, 2024 9:15 am

Scammer's email address.:
Content of the email.: Please before we move forward, I will want your reaction on my mentioned information which am repeating below.

Finally, It is very important to notify you on time that as much as inheritance fund is concern and before the bank accept you as beneficiary heir to the inheritance WILL of the deceased customer, You will present a probate court affidavit therefore we can not achieve success without involvement of lawyer who will handle the probate on your behalf. Please i wouldn't want a situation whereby this transaction will stop on half way that is why am explaining the process to you at this earlier stage so that if you are interested you will bear the procedures in your mind.
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