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The FAQs of life. Things your momma was too embarrassed to tell you about scammers.
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Our recent downtime. Here's what happened.

Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:14 pm

As you all no doubt noticed, our site was down for a few days. Here's what happened. We were the recipient of a DDoS attack. If you're not aware of what one is, simply put, someone sent a group of infected computers to use up so much of our resources that it overloads us and forces the people we rent the server computer off to shut us down. It was so bad that we spoke to our host company and they told us that even going to our very own server instead of using a shared one wasn't an option. We were left with two choices. We could either close the site down completely, or we could find a company that specialises in DDoS protected systems and move everything to their equipment. The fact we're up and running again lets you know what option we picked. This means two things. You should find the site much faster now, as it's on a much more powerful system and can (should - we're still keeping everything crossed for a while) cope with any further attacks. Also, we're having to pay a lot more to keep the site running. The new server is costing us around $250 a month so I'd like to ask you all to - if this site helped you and saved you money - please use the donation button at the bottom of each page to donate money to us. It can be anything from 5 dollars to a one off donation of your choice. Without your help we won't be able to keep the site running and helping people. Thank you all for your understanding and long may this site keep on fighting the scammers.

Re: Our recent downtime. Here's what happened.

Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:39 pm

Hi Wayne,
Glad to see you back tending the flock. I'll be sending a few yen & fish-heads along on Friday.

Re: Our recent downtime. Here's what happened.

Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:30 pm

Welcome Back -

We missed you and our morning read with our coffee. Thank you SS for being able to get up and running again. We need your support and now you need latte a week is all it takes to give back back - two lattes would be even better.


Re: Our recent downtime. Here's what happened.

Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:38 pm

Yay !

Glad to see the site is back Wayne !

Re: Our recent downtime. Here's what happened.

Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:45 pm

Wayne wrote:As you all no doubt noticed, our site was down for a few days. Here's what happened. We were the recipient of a DDoS attack. If you're not aware of what one is, simply put, someone sent a group of infected computers to use up so much of our resources that it overloads us and forces the people we rent the server computer off to shut us down..
It's nothing but the devil, trying to attack this website. Because of how many people you guys help. I just pray to God that he protect this website, for many other people will be able to receive the same help, you guys has help us with. and I will been sending a donation soon. And I think other people should do the same as well. May God bless you Wayne in everything that you do! :-)

Re: Our recent downtime. Here's what happened.

Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:54 pm

If anyone sees any glitches, then please let me know. There's bound to be some teething problems, so hopefully they can be fixed as they appear.

Re: Our recent downtime. Here's what happened.

Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:50 am

Glad to see you up and running again SS! :)

Already sent mine, though just a small amount for now but will try to keep it going. SS will always have my support. Thank you Wayne and the whole SS community for everything that you do. God bless everyone.

Re: Our recent downtime. Here's what happened.

Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:50 pm

I thought that I had been banned, donation coming soon, thanks for all your hard work.

Re: Our recent downtime. Here's what happened.

Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:42 pm

Thank you for your donation Tomi :)

Re: Our recent downtime. Here's what happened.

Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:26 pm

As an extra incentive, those who donate will now show up with their name in "supporter gold". For every $5 you donate, your name will be gold for a month to show others that you're helping the site. We're also going to be selling ScamSurvivors mugs to help raise money for the site in the very near future. Here are some images of a test one I made:




Each one will be made and shipped out by me. I'm also looking into several other items to sell. I can also do customised mugs if you're interested.
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