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Pictures of the people hiding behind the stolen photos. You can also find details of any scammers stupid enough to join our forum.
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Sun Jul 03, 2016 9:04 pm

we have goat small.jpg
we have goat small.jpg (13.31 KiB) Viewed 24809 times

This small boi of a goat scammer came to ScamSurvivors last month. He begged and pleaded with us on the forum telling us he was not a scammer, after he saw proof of his scams and his ugly MUG(U) shots posted in the topic, along with some of his scamming buddies. He aked for them to be removed. We deleted his account, and he made another tearful plea, saying it was worse than killing him to be posted here. I grieve, not. He was deleted again.

Did this MUGU OF THE WEEK learn his lesson and see the fruitlessness of his attempts? Hell, no.
Well, today he decided that sending an email to both admins would do the trick for him and get them removed. He is sadly mistaken. The posts will remain here, until the death of the internet itself. Go here to see his scams and his real face and those of his scamming pals >> ... =6&t=25601

And because of his stupid action of emailing our staff, he wins the coveted MUGU OF THE WEEK AWARD!
Congratulations, mugu. You deservedly earned this award.

And just to prove that we at ScamSurvivors are not totally cruel-hearted and callous, as your reward for being a pathetic mugu, I have personally reserved a private stall for you at the South Bauchi Goat Cheese Farm. There you will be able to get away from the constant ridicule and daily beatings of your wife, family, friends, and your oga.
Your life at the Farm will be filled with joy and contentment. No longer will you be compelled to scam innocent people to feed your voracious appetite for gluttony and destruction, but will have your every need fulfilled as the goat that you are. Feedings and milking will be sharply at 6AM and 6PM everyday (don't be late!), your straw bedding will changed for you once a week; try to remember not to sh1t or piss in it like you do now. The caretakers do not like smelly goats.

Your travel expenses to the Farm will be reimbursed upon arrival. Welcome!


Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:08 pm

Rumor has it that our mugu's business is getting badly hurt. His ego is severely bruised. His friends are looking upon him with disdain, and he will never be the BIG SHOT fantasy businessman that he dreamed of as a young scammer goat when he started his evil empire. BAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! He has been harassing every anti-scam website that has his scams posted to take them down, still claiming that he is not a scammer. They are not removing them, of course, as it is so obvious that even a child can read the proof and know he is a scammer. His world is crumbling around him. And it's about time he gave up on his life of crime, confess, and repent before it is too late for him. Death is staring him in the face, getting closer now. BBAAAAHHH!

Well, maybe we can help him in his road to recovery from an exposed goat scammer to a real flesh and blood goat.
I received the missing images that were posted in his scamming topic, and replaced them today. Now the proof that was missing will be staring him in the face again, and hopefully he will reject his old life and accept his new fate as a pleasant old real goat, being pampered at the South Bauchii Goat Cheese Farm. Let us all pray that he sees the Light, and stops his self-destructive suicidal path to Hell. Because everyone loves a real goat more than a scammer.


Fri Jan 31, 2020 7:28 pm


Skype name: Paul Nyuydze
Skype profile ID: live:pnyuydze

Skype name: Paul J
Skype profile ID: sheywantoh

This mugu dropped by the forum after almost 4 years. So, how is the goat farm treating you, mugu? What? You broke out and ran away? We'll have you corralled , and take you back. Your friends miss you.


Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:19 am

Hello SlapHappy and Team,
How are you doing? hope great. Thank you for the award. I never knew contacting the admin was an offense in this platform. I still come to this platform after several years to deny the allegations labelled against me and my charity organization Spring Vision - Cameroon. All other oil or what companies maxis company ltd FAKE, watson company ltd FAKE, agro farm oil ltd FAKE, Kizzt sunflower Company FAKE, Andrew chemicals plc FAKE, against my name and my previous phone numbers are all fake. i don't know anything about them. it's rather unfortunate that i have never ever resident in those localities before. The fact is that when i went for my medical clinical experience, we were attacked by armed robbers and all our phones and belongings were seized. all my email and phone numbers were compromised maybe from the phone or from a cyber cafe where i used to browse the internet. Due to the fact that the phone numbers were registered in my name anyone could do anything to blackmail me and it happened. and equally my email accounts in my phone already had passwords saved. i later struggled to retrieve my main yahoo account but i actually lost the amount of my charity organization. i believe its from there that all this trash are coming up against me. I am here to proof to you and the world that i am not a scammer, i have never been and will never ever be. i am a medical professional and i work very hard to take care of myself and help others. I am going to attach the email communications from a fellow organization that cheerfully sponsored the activities of Spring Vision - Cameroon for everyone to analyzed and determine if i am telling the truth or not and better still you can contact the email addresses therein to confirmed if actually it's true. This organization is called xxx. Luckily enough our communications were in my personal account that i was able to retrieved but i lost most of the messages in the charity email account that was compromised by thieves. It is said that not everyone who happens to find him/her self in prison is a criminal. about 95% of those persons in prison are victims of circumstances as i happen to be one.


Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:32 pm

I posted this email communications with xxx who funded our project as proof and it was deleted. please admin don't delete it again. Thank you very much.

Please note: the proof submitted appears to a successful scam done on an innocent third party. Do not post again.- SH


Thu Feb 06, 2020 5:33 am

With due respect sir this is ridiculous. Are you serious? you must be kidding. what third party are you talking about sir? I posted proof to deny the allegations against me and you say the third party is innocent? why didn't the third party report me to you? why should i report an innocent person who helped orphans and vulnerable children to go to school by paying for tuition, books, school uniforms, school shoes, school bags, writing materials, feeding and more? why not contact them and verify if the information i provided is true or false? Two (2) xxx representatives paid their flights to Cameroon for project evaluation on site, approved and funded the project. is this how scamming is done? that someone will come and visit your project site, evaluate the project, fund it and you called it a scam? seriously sir?
this is a link to Spring Vision's facebook page [link removed] with some pictures for you to see for more information as proof. fortunately there's is a youtube one minute video [link removed] for another proof. sir, please i will appreciate if you can contact the various representatives from xxx xxx to clarity this issue.
please if anyone wishes to get more information contact me or
thank you . as i said not everyone in jail committed an offense. most of them or a majority of them are just victims of circumstances.
Thank you


Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:34 pm

You know what is ridiculous? That you come here every couple of years to deny our proof that you are a scammer.

This is the proof, plain and simple. ... =6&t=25601

You say you were "attacked by armed robbers and all our phones and belongings were seized. all my email and phone numbers were compromised maybe from the phone or from a cyber cafe where i used to browse the internet. Due to the fact that the phone numbers were registered in my name anyone could do anything to blackmail me and it happened. and equally my email accounts in my phone already had passwords saved." Nonsense. You simply want to cover your tracks and make believe your scams did not exist. You will get no help here, I do not care what you say.

Youtube and facebook groups links do not prove a thing. Anyone can make one, or join one, even a criminal.
I also deleted the name and emails of the innocent persons that you have enclosed in your proof. We do not publish victim names here, besides you scammed them as well making them believe that your fake charity existed.

This topic will explain our position on removing our double checked information in the forum. Thread of Shame viewtopic.php?f=21&t=70275

I'll give just a bit of friendly advice. Leave here, and never come back to plead your innocence. You are digging a bigger hole for yourself here. The chicken digs out the knife that kills it.

Ukpala gbabara n'ikpo okuko na-ala ala mmuo.
[The grasshopper that runs into the mist of fowls ends up in the land of spirits.]

Strike three!! Your're out! :twisted:
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