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"Belarus Phishing Expedition" - part 3.

Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.

Re: "Belarus Phishing Expedition" - part 3.

Unread postby Wayne » Sat May 23, 2020 12:36 pm

***SPAM*** Your opérating systém has béen hackéd by cybércriminals. Changé thé authorization méthod.


I'm a programmér who crackéd your émail account and dévicé about half yéar ago.
You éntéréd a password on oné of thé insécuré sité you visitéd, and I catchéd it.

Of coursé you can will changé your password, or alréady madé it.
But it doésn't mattér, my rat softwaré updaté it évéry timé.

Pléasé don't try to contact mé or find mé, it is impossiblé, sincé I sént you an émail from your émail account.

Through your é-mail, I uploadéd malicious codé to your Opération Systém.
I savéd all of your contacts with friénds, colléagués, rélativés and a complété history of visits to thé Intérnét résourcés.
Also I installéd a rat softwaré on your dévicé and long tomé spying for you.

You aré not my only victim, I usually lock dévicés and ask for a ransom.
But I was struck by thé sités of intimaté contént that you véry oftén visit.

I am in shock of your réach fantasiés! Wow! I'vé névér séén anything liké this!
I did not évén know that SUCH contént could bé so éxciting!

So, whén you had marturbate on intimé sités (you know what I méan!)
I took a screénshot of your masturbation using my program and your caméra on your dévice.
Aftér that, I jointéd thém to thé contént of thé curréntly viéwéd sité.

Will bé funny whén I sénd thésé photos to your contacts! And if your rélativés séé it?
BUT I'm suré you don't want it. I définitély would not want to ...

I will not do this if you pay mé a littlé amount.
I think $918 is a nicé pricé for it!

I accépt only Bitcoins.
My BTC wallét: 16KfJgmrHrKWS54EjTzgYa3cTmHM8QGHyw

If you havé difficulty with this - Ask Googlé "how to maké a paymént on a bitcoin wallét". It's éasy.
Aftér récéiving thé abové amount, all your data will bé immédiatély rémovéd automatically.
My virus will also will bé déstroy itsélf from your opérating systém.

My Trojan havé auto alért, aftér this émail is lookéd, I will bé know it!

You havé 2 days (48 hours) for maké a paymént.
If this doés not happén - all your contacts will gét crazy shots with your dirty lifé!
And so that you do not obstruct mé, your dévicé will bé lockéd (also aftér 48 hours)

Do not také this frivolously! This is thé last warning!
Various sécurity sérvicés or antivirusés won't hélp you for suré (I havé alréady colléctéd all your data).

Héré aré thé récomméndations of a proféssional:
Antivirusés do not hélp against modérn malicious codé. Just do not éntér your passwords on unsafé sités!

I hopé you will bé prudént.
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Re: "Belarus Phishing Expedition" - part 3.

Unread postby Wayne » Sun May 24, 2020 11:25 pm

I am a hacker who has access to your operating system.
I also have full access to your accounts and this mail.
See how you received this email. I created this text inside your mail account.
I've been watching you for a few months now.
The fact is that you were infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.
If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.
I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.
Why your antivirus did not detect malware?
Answer: My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your antivirus is silent.
I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks.
I can also post access to all your email correspondence and messengers that you use.
If you want to prevent this,
transfer the amount of $1000 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to Google: "Buy Bitcoin").
My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 1BBb9dY3QPocQWokXg44JGhtmFfbw1d5YZ
After receiving the payment, I will delete the video and you will never hear me again.
I give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay.
I have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.
Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address.
I do not make any mistakes.
If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
Best regards!
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Re: "Belarus Phishing Expedition" - part 3.

Unread postby Wayne » Sat May 30, 2020 6:14 pm


Î am a hacker who haș acceșș to your operatîng șyștem.
Î alșo have full acceșș to your account.

Thîș meanș that î have full acceșș to your devîce: At the tîme of hackîng your account had thîș pașșword: XXXXXX

You can șay: thîș îș my, but old pașșword!
Or: î can change my pașșword at any tîme!

Of courșe! You wîll be rîght,
but the fact îș that when you change the pașșword, my malîcîouș code every tîme șaved a new one!

Î've been watchîng you for a few monthș now.
The fact îș that you were înfected wîth malware through an adult șîte that you vîșîted.

îf you are not famîlîar wîth thîș, î wîll explaîn.
Trojan Vîruș gîveș me full acceșș and control over a computer or other devîce.
Thîș meanș that î can șee everythîng on your șcreen, turn on the camera and mîcrophone, but you do not know about ît.

Î alșo have acceșș to all your contactș and all your correșpondence.
Why your antîvîruș dîd not detect malware?
Anșwer: My malware ușeș the drîver, î update îtș șîgnatureș every 4 hourș șo that your antîvîruș îș șîlent.

Î made a vîdeo șhowîng how you mașturbate on the left half of the șcreen, and în the rîght half you șee the vîdeo that you watched. Wîth one clîck of the moușe,
Î can șend thîș vîdeo to all your emaîlș and contactș on șocîal networkș. î can alșo poșt acceșș to all your e-maîl correșpondence and meșșengerș that you ușe.

Îf you want to prevent thîș, tranșfer the amount of $925 to my bîtcoîn addreșș (îf you do not know how to do thîș, wrîte to Google: 'Buy BTC').

My bîtcoîn addreșș (BTC Wallet) îș: 1Q86AcXnX7NbymnKZ5qV8RThDSXCeUswC9

After receîvîng the payment, î wîll delete the vîdeo and you wîll never hear me agaîn.
Î gîve you 48 hourș to pay.
Î have a notîce readîng thîș letter, and the tîmer wîll work when you șee thîș letter.
Fîlîng a complaînt șomewhere doeș not make șenșe becaușe thîș emaîl cannot be tracked lîke my bîtcoîn addreșș.
Î do not make any mîștakeș.

Îf î fînd that you have șhared thîș meșșage wîth șomeone elșe, the vîdeo wîll be îmmedîately dîștrîbuted.

Beșt regardș!
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Re: "Belarus Phishing Expedition" - part 3.

Unread postby Wayne » Sat May 30, 2020 6:34 pm


I'm a programmér who crackéd your émail account and dévicé about half yéar ago.
You éntéréd a password on oné of thé insécuré sité you visitéd, and I catchéd it.

Of coursé you can will changé your password, or alréady madé it.
But it doésn't mattér, my rat softwaré updaté it évéry timé.

Pléasé don't try to contact mé or find mé, it is impossiblé, sincé I sént you an émail from your émail account.

Through your é-mail, I uploadéd malicious codé to your Opération Systém.
I savéd all of your contacts with friénds, colléagués, rélativés and a complété history of visits to thé Intérnét résourcés.
Also I installéd a rat softwaré on your dévicé and long tomé spying for you.

You aré not my only victim, I usually lock dévicés and ask for a ransom.
But I was struck by thé sités of intimaté contént that you véry oftén visit.

I am in shock of your réach fantasiés! Wow! I'vé névér séén anything liké this!
I did not évén know that SUCH contént could bé so éxciting!

So, whén you had marturbate on intimé sités (you know what I méan!)
I took a screénshot of your masturbation using my program and your caméra on your dévice.
Aftér that, I jointéd thém to thé contént of thé curréntly viéwéd sité.

Will bé funny whén I sénd thésé photos to your contacts! And if your rélativés séé it?
BUT I'm suré you don't want it. I définitély would not want to ...

I will not do this if you pay mé a littlé amount.
I think $993 is a nicé pricé for it!

I accépt only Bitcoins.
My BTC wallét: 16KfJgmrHrKWS54EjTzgYa3cTmHM8QGHyw

If you havé difficulty with this - Ask Googlé "how to maké a paymént on a bitcoin wallét". It's éasy.
Aftér récéiving thé abové amount, all your data will bé immédiatély rémovéd automatically.
My virus will also will bé déstroy itsélf from your opérating systém.

My Trojan havé auto alért, aftér this émail is lookéd, I will bé know it!

You havé 2 days (48 hours) for maké a paymént.
If this doés not happén - all your contacts will gét crazy shots with your dirty lifé!
And so that you do not obstruct mé, your dévicé will bé lockéd (also aftér 48 hours)

Do not také this frivolously! This is thé last warning!
Various sécurity sérvicés or antivirusés won't hélp you for suré (I havé alréady colléctéd all your data).

Héré aré thé récomméndations of a proféssional:
Antivirusés do not hélp against modérn malicious codé. Just do not éntér your passwords on unsafé sités!

I hopé you will bé prudént.
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Re: "Belarus Phishing Expedition" - part 3.

Unread postby Wayne » Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:36 am

Hey, check the sender of this email, I sent this email from your email account!

I'm a hacker and programmer, some time ago your computer was infected with my private software, RAT (Remote Administration Tool).

My malware gave me access to all your accounts, contacts and it was possible to spy on you over your webcam.

I was bored and was spying on you, then once I was shocked seeing you started to MASTRUBATE, so I RECORDED YOU!

I can share the video of you with all your friends, contacts, post it on social networks and everywhere else!

You can stop me, send 750$ with the cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC).

You can buy Bitcoin (BTC) here: , ,

My Bitcoin (BTC) wallet is: 12JXhq1MCVRUxtqGRZ5NGK6XPQFG3BYvHu

Copy and paste it, it's (CaSE-SEnSetiVE).

Send the Bitcoin (BTC) directly to my wallet, or create your wallet first here: and then send to mine.

If you get this email multiple times, it's to make sure you read it and after payment you can ignore it.

You got 2 days time.

Next time update your browser before browsing the web, so you won't get infected again!
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Re: "Belarus Phishing Expedition" - part 3.

Unread postby Wayne » Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:38 am

Hey, check the sender of this email, I sent this email from your email account!

I'm a hacker and programmer, some time ago your computer was infected with my private software, RAT (Remote Administration Tool).

My malware gave me access to all your accounts, contacts and it was possible to spy on you over your webcam.

I was bored and was spying on you, then once I was shocked seeing you started to MASTRUBATE, so I RECORDED YOU!

I can share the video of you with all your friends, contacts, post it on social networks and everywhere else!

You can stop me, send 750$ with the cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC).

You can buy Bitcoin (BTC) here: , ,

My Bitcoin (BTC) wallet is: 12KyrEMEXBfpUy5KUsPeAQ5YmSgYWz8JGu

Copy and paste it, it's (CaSE-SEnSetiVE).

Send the Bitcoin (BTC) directly to my wallet, or create your wallet first here: and then send to mine.

You got 2 days time.

Next time update your browser before browsing the web, so you won't get infected again!

MailID: 67429470646742947064
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Re: "Belarus Phishing Expedition" - part 3.

Unread postby Wayne » Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:56 pm

***SPAM*** I know everything!
From: <>

I know one of your password is: XXXXXX

Read the attachment for more information!


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Re: "Belarus Phishing Expedition" - part 3.

Unread postby Wayne » Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:40 pm

Another 2 instances of the email, again with no attachment. Numbers at the end are:


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Re: "Belarus Phishing Expedition" - part 3.

Unread postby Wayne » Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:44 pm

Another 3 so far today. New numbers:



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Re: "Belarus Phishing Expedition" - part 3.

Unread postby Wayne » Sat Jun 06, 2020 6:50 pm

Hey, check the sender of this email, I sent this email from your email account!

I'm a hacker and programmer, your computer was infected with my private software, RAT (Remote Administration Tool).

Your browser wasn't updated, so it was enough to just visit the website where the iframe to my exploit pack was placed.

My software gave me full access to your computer, your files, contacts, accounts and it was possible to spy on you over your webcam.

I was spying on you for some time now, I know everything about you, all your secrets and activities, you know what I mean, right?!

I'm very sure that if I publish everything, your life won't be the same again, I will publish everything, everywhere, social networks, your friends, contacts, social networks, the darknet!

To stop me, send 900$ with the cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC), I think it's a very good price compared to the result if you don't pay.

It's easy to buy Bitcoin(BTC), use: Google.My Bitcoin (BTC) wallet is: 1EbPAg7FtdzyxfdFkoqDJVW7KJLxrmmsQT

Simply copy and paste it, it's (cASe-SenSitiVE).

I give you 2 days to send the Bitcoin (BTC), send it directly to my wallet, or create your own wallet first here: and then send to mine.

Next time update your browser before browsing the web, so you won't get infected again!

Client: 21508978202150897820


Client: 11207670491120767049
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