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I got cam scammed

Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.

I got cam scammed

Unread postby naiveGuy » Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:08 am

I am stressing so much right now.

Basically i went on chat roullette a day or two ago and was randomly talking to people. When i struck up a conversation witha seemingly pretty girl. After a while chatting she asked for my facebook but i declined and said that i have skype. She knew my name at this point and happened to locate my facebook. We started talking on skype and you know what happened next. We exchaged some photos and she had several but i was skeptical it was a man trying to get me to undress or a woman not in the photo. But then she sent me a facebook request and even though i didnt accept i could see her page and she seemed like a real person. So sure enough when the webcam came on there she was and i obliged in the seemingly mututal fun we are having. After a while the screen went blank my name flashed on the screen along with all the contacts on my FB and they started playing my video back to me. I am so embaressed i cant believe i could be this stupid. They are asking to to send money through western union or they will show my friends and family. I have some details of this person but i am scared to post them here however i will post them in private. I obliged and sent the money they requested and they are still asking for money i have blocked all contact and have since upped my facebook security. Do i have anything to worry about i know i shouldnt of sent the money. But i think they will not show the video because if they do i have no reason to send more money
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Re: I got cam scammed

Unread postby Wayne » Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:41 pm

viewtopic.php?f=20&t=580 will explain everything. Please be sure to post up the scammer's details. That way others will be saved from going through what you are now.
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