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Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:11 pm

Be sure you do a complete virus scan on your computer.

With any of these links you maybe got something more as you knew, such as a key-logger or a RAT, for example.

Re: recovery and reassurance

Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:49 pm

I definitely did after clicking the link but didnt find anything. The link that grabbed my IP was a grabify link. I've wiped the drive and did a full reformat of that machine but no longer using it.

Re: recovery and reassurance

Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:11 pm

Hello everyone,

First, thank you very much for the initiative of this forum.

I'm a french guy who was scammed by Webcam sextorsion 19 months ago. It happened very fast. In fact the scammer made contact through Instagram and he captured the video through Skype. He didn't blackmailed me. I blocked him everywere very fast, in 1 or 2 minutes. I never received a link to the video and none of my friends told me that they received a weird video of me, so i assume that the scammer never sended the content to anyone. I googled my name many, MANY times and never found anything. The only thing he did was play back my video through Skype. I never received any message from him after this incident. He never tried to contact me after that and he never received money from me. I think i'm totaly safe now.

Sometimes i have a strange feeling about this bad adventure. Sometimes i'm worry about this video. I'm worry that this video will, somehow, have consequences in my life. I don't know why, but its hard for me to forget and fully recover.

I discovered this forum 3 days ago. I'm very thanksfull to the people who made this forum.

Re: recovery and reassurance

Wed Nov 17, 2021 11:26 pm

After all this time without you sending any money and no contact from the scammer he has moved on to other victims.

1. They work on 20 - 30 new victims per day.
2. No money and no way to threaten you and blackmail scammers move on to other victims quickly.

If you've read and followed our blackmail steps you should be ok.

If you haven't done our steps you can find them here.

Webcam Help.PNG

Re: recovery and reassurance

Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:49 pm

Thanks you for your response.

I followed the indications you gave me. Thanks again for the help provided by this forum. I read many posts and i'm reassured. I'm deconstructing the fear created by the scammer. I think the risk of the video be published is almost zero.
They probably deleted it...

Re: recovery and reassurance

Thu Jan 13, 2022 4:46 am

I'm in big trouble.

Scammer is trying out to My friends after 2 years.

Looks like, the scammer screenshot my LinkedIn contacts while I got scammed.

Now, he has created a FB account using my name and sending Friend request to those LinkedIn contacts.

What should I do, please suggest me

Re: recovery and reassurance

Thu Jan 13, 2022 12:54 pm

I recently had my FB account cloned too.
What I had to do to kill the fake account was...
1. Go to the fake FB account.
2. Click on the three dots just below the "Message" bubble.
3. Click "Find support or Report Profile.
4. Click "Pretending to Be someone.
5. Click "Me".

My reporting the fake account by myself didn't solve the problem.
One of my RL Facebook friends had to do the same process before they would delete the account.

Re: recovery and reassurance

Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:31 pm

Irony is I don't have any social media account except for LinkedIn

Even after years , this is causing nightmares. I deeply regret for whatever I did.

Re: recovery and reassurance

Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:54 pm

You should get the FB account killed by asking two friends to do the process above rather than doing it yourself.

The last thing you should do is break silence with the scammer.
Frankly, I'm surprised they would return after two years.

Re: recovery and reassurance

Thu Jan 13, 2022 4:48 pm

Big Al wrote:You should get the FB account killed by asking two friends to do the process above rather than doing it yourself.

The last thing you should do is break silence with the scammer.
Frankly, I'm surprised they would return after two years.

You mean I should get in touch with them ? I remember following all the steps mentioned on the forum. Toll date, I did not create any social media.
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