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username on Youtube yum yumyumyum

Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.

username on Youtube yum yumyumyum

Unread postby firefly » Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:51 am

Being with another victim in the Chat Room, we deactivate 2 other videos posted already on Youtube by the same scammer in less than 10 minutes.

"Her" details from Youtube:

Youtube profile: yum yumyumyum
Last activity 21.10.2012
Member since 11.10.2012
Country U.S. Virgin Islands

The Youtube account was registered using one Google+ profile, but this last one is no more active.
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Re: username on Youtube yum yumyumyum

Unread postby worriedman » Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:04 am

Hello all,

So as you can see from above there is a scammer going by the YouTube username "yum yumyumyum.' I am a victim of this scammer, so this is how my story goes.

Tonight, I was on the adult website known as It used to be a popular site for people to chat with each other about adult content. However, because the main chat site is down, a lot of users have been posting up their yahoo/Skype/MSN usernames to chat via those messengers. So as I was browsing the girls on the site, I added the scammer's yahoo username to my account.

After talking with her for about 30 minutes, she wanted to know if I was down to strip down nude so we can both watch each other. Of course, being a guy, I did what she wanted me to do. Well, after about a minute of posing nude on yahoo, the scammer told me that if i didn't pay "her" money that they will post up the video on youtube and send it to my friends on Facebook. Getting really nervous, I started to panic. Eventually, she did post up the minute long video on youtube, and so I immediately blocked her from my yahoo messenger. About 5 minutes afterward, the video was gone.

For the past hour and a half the video is still not online. I just wanted to say that I did not use my main e-mail account AND did not show "her" my facebook. But I still have taken the precautions of deleting my yahoo account, and the account that I used for the adult site.

Right now, I am trying to search up the scammer's yahoo username because I want to get back at this person for what they have done.
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Re: username on Youtube yum yumyumyum

Unread postby firefly » Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:16 am

Thank you, worriedman, for your post.
Good you found us. As you can see, any single detail report count.
So, please, if you can remember more about this one, we will wait to see it here.
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Re: username on Youtube yum yumyumyum

Unread postby Wayne » Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:37 pm

If you can remember the Yahoo name that would be absolutely brilliant.
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