
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Potential blackmail - what files do they use?

Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.

Potential blackmail - what files do they use?

Unread postby butterfly » Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:42 am


I am a woman and it seems most of you are men, but yes it has happened to me too. But I have not yet told the scammer that I know he is scammer (apart from the fact that I have blocked him). He has video footage of me (I just know it), performing in front of the camera and it is only a matter of time before he starts to use this against me.

I am trying to get there before he does and block at our server all email addresses which may contain video footage. I can do this with all email addresses which have yahoo, or hotmail endings etc.

Can anyone please tell me, if they have ever experienced video being sent to email addresses for blackmail, which would have been recorded using Yahoo messenger, what type of files they use, or do they use a youtube link?

I have subsequently closed my facebook (do they harvest you friends first?) and also my Linkedin. Has anyone ever known them to target Linkedin?

Any information you guys can give me is really really appreciated.

Btw, I wanted to thank you for having so much information on this topic. It has taken me ages to find you. I was beginning to think I was the only one who was this silly.
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Re: Potential blackmail - what files do they use?

Unread postby poorsadguy92 » Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:19 pm

I am one of the victim of this kind of blackmail. Hmm, I am a male. My suggestion is you must deactivate your facebook and never open it again. If you have other social web account which linked with the same email as you used in FB, deactivate them as well. As long as they could not contact and reach you, they cannot threat you and hence the video will be meaningless to them. REMEMBER ! NEVER PAY EVEN 1 CENT to THEM !! If you pay them, they would not delete the video. In fact, they will threat you in advance and ask for more money.

I totally understand what is your feeling now. Believe me, time do heal ! Share your stories to your trusted and best friends. They would surely support you and the thing you need the most is SUPPORT ! If you have any doubt, you are welcome to drop a message here ! We will surely reply you and fully support you !

Be strong and stay positive !! =)
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Re: Potential blackmail - what files do they use?

Unread postby firefly » Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:22 pm

Hello, butterfly,

it is a nasty experience, sorry to hear you experienced something like this. About what you can do after that to stop the scammer acces to you we have one general topic here with some answers here: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1242.

The recorded session from the web-cam is usual posted on Youtube and is sended as link. If you find the video posted there, you can report it for offensive content and it will be closed. Same for Facebook.
The good thing is the scammers usual dont harvest your friends first. They can try to befriend some of your friends, if they seems to be potential victims. Maybe you can tell your friends not to click on links sended by unknown persons, because those links can infect their computer with viruses, trojans etc.

Can you tell us few details about the scammer, please? Email adress, username online, where you must send the money? If you have pictures with him, can you post them, please? 100% the scammer has not played this game just with you and right now he has other victims in the hook. So long the details about him are reported, other potential victims can find them and can avoid fo be scammed.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Re: Potential blackmail - what files do they use?

Unread postby butterfly » Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:05 pm

Hi Firefly

Thank you for your reply. So the links are usually all youtube? Is this because this is the easiest method of publishing them? I'm sorry for continuing to clarify, but I have been asking the files type question with so many people this last week including the UK and the Australian Federal police and no-one can give me any real answers. (which really bothers me - they all tell me to report to police once I have been blackmailed - yeah right as if I'm going to wait around).

So If I were to block at my company server all emails which include youtube in the link, and come from emails with extensions such as yahoo or hotmail, can you think of anything else? Any other email extensions that they normally use? I may do attachments as well. (I'll just have to advise the staff there is a new rule that all personal email must be received in their personal email addresses)

If I were to search for web cam footage of me, what do you google? If possible, I want to be able to set up an automated notification where I get notified the minute I get anything uploaded which includes me - however I don't think that would be possible. Do they usually use your name? Or not always? How have other people found the video footage of themselves?

Also I really want to thank you for being able to speak openly about this topic. There is so little awareness out there regarding these dating scammers , unless you get burnt and then go searching. I'd really like to discuss when all this is over about how I can help in getting the word out there. I would like to see legislation on dating sites too, because I would sign-up and be OK with having my ID scrutinised if I knew it were for my own protection

I have loads of info on this guy, can I just email it all through? If so what email address.

Kind regards
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Re: Potential blackmail - what files do they use?

Unread postby Wayne » Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:26 pm

It's usually YouTube we see the videos appear in, but they can also upload them to FaceBook. This is all still conjecture based on what we know so far, but they tend to put the person's name in the video title. You can set up a Google search of your name, but it may be impossible to block people from seeing a link to you should the scammer post it short of blocking both YouTube and FaceBook as well as any other video sharing sites. And that only covers the workplace, not what people see at home. If I were to try and keep myself as safe as possible, I'd completely block the scammer to stop him being able to attempt the blackmail in the first place. After all,what good is a threat if it's never read? You can post up the scammer's details on the forum, just be sure to remove anything that may identify you. Any issues, feel free to either PM me or chat to one of the site members in our chat room.
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Re: Potential blackmail - what files do they use?

Unread postby SlapHappy » Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:35 pm

The most common threat they use is youtube links. They may threaten FB posting, but then they run the risk of mass exposure as a scammer to others, and would have to make up a new profile and get their "fake friends and associates" back onto the new profile. This takes time and some work, and scammers do not like to work, unless the potential target involved has a lot of money that they think they can grab, and they believe them to be scared enough to pay.
They could host them on a porn site, but your friends would be very unlikely to click on those, so it's not that common.

You can set up Google Alerts to notify you if any personal names, addresses, phone numbers, or whatever details the scammer has on you are posted with a link. If something shows up, you will get an email from Google.

Feel free to spread awareness of scams any way you have an opportunity. Some have been interviewed by newspapers and magazines, some have done training sessions at community centers, schools, etc. Some Governments have taken small steps toward attempting to make dating sites safer. In Australia, they have voluntary guidelines that were drafted this past year by a Government Agency and have gotten a few sites to agree to adopt them on their sites. But there is no accountability or enforcement involved in them. It's left up to the dating site owners to attempt to adhere to them.
Some members of this site, myself included, were asked to give suggestions to the ACCC for inclusion in the guidelines.
Read the Best Practice Guidelines of Dating Websites here: ... uidelines/

Please post all details of your scammer here on the forum. Important Information section has help and instructiuons on how and what to post. Please remove all your personal information from your posts. We only want the scammer's details, not yours. Thanks for posting them. :)
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: Potential blackmail - what files do they use?

Unread postby butterfly » Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:37 am

I want to thank you for being the first real informative group I have spoken to all week regarding this issue.

How do I remove any personal info regarding me from posts I have already put up?

When do I upload the scammers info?

I would like to tell my story (it's an interesting one!), once this is all over and my profile is dead and buried in the Ghanian internet cafe.

Are you guys based in Aus or USA?
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Re: Potential blackmail - what files do they use?

Unread postby Wayne » Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:00 am

If there's anything you want removed, it has to be done by a mod or admin. We have to do this to prevent scammers from threatening or cajoling people into removing their details. Sadly it's something we've seen happen in the past. You can upload your scammer's details now, but be sure to avoid posting any of your own details.

If you want to tell your story, then feel free to when you're ready, but please be sure to put up the scammer's details now in order to help others. And to answer your last question, we're from all over the world. We have members from the USA, UK, Canada and Australia among others.
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Re: Potential blackmail - what files do they use?

Unread postby firefly » Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:01 pm

Scammers details mean for us:
- email adress - username online
- pictures used by the scammer
- profile elements used by the scammer
- phone numbers /adress for money delivery
- the story - where you have meet him, what has he told you about himself
- any other details able to prove his scam activities - chat log or email text.

When you post, delete your own personal details - your name, location, place of work, phone numbers etc., we need just those elements able to expose the scammer. If your username here is already used by you somewhere else online, just let us know and we will change it, for your own protection. No one will be able, in this way, to identify you as the username who reported here.

Take your time before to post, butterfly. But also try not to forget the scammer may have other person in the same trap right now and so long the details about him are reported online, other potential victims can find those infos and can avoid to be scammed.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Re: Potential blackmail - what files do they use?

Unread postby SlapHappy » Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:46 pm

Butterfly, your scammer is right now busy scamming others, many others. Please post his details as soon as possible to spare them the same hurt that you have just gone through. We do not want your details, only his.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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