
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

katherine.yu5, aiko_delafuente on Facebook

Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.

katherine.yu5, aiko_delafuente on Facebook

Unread postby ScamVictim :( » Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:02 am

i am also have a same situation here happened on 12 July 2012. were having video chat on FB, after that he/she request for money, im ignoring him/her. im not sure whether my video has been sent to my friends and family list or not, now im continue my life with phobia, scared, embarrassed and moral down :( i have blocked this person advised from this thread. below is the detail of our chat:

FB name: Katherine Yu
skype name: katherine.yu5, aiko_delafuente

Katherine Yu: Let me see if you can help me

Katherine Yu: http:/ /
Attachment Unavailable
This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you.

Katherine Yu: Do you want me to send this to all of them now?
Its no use even you delete me, block me or deactivating your facebook i can still contact them when ever i want coz i save their profile URL's

xxxx: please dont

Katherine Yu: So want me to spread out your video or settle this?

xxxx: no2......

Katherine Yu: Want to settle this or not?

xxxx: please i beg you....
what do you want me to do?

Katherine Yu: Its no use even you call a police they cant help you coz i plan this already. they cannot stop me spreading it up or trace me
All i need is your help and i will delete everything and i wont bother you anymore

xxxx: yeah im asking what you want me to do?
please dont do that... please....

Katherine Yu: My sister has a kidney problem and i need 1000rm now for her dialysis

Katherine Yu: So want to end this or not?
Talk to me, im giving you 5mins to reply on my message.

xxxx: how can i made a payment

Katherine Yu: Do you know western union?

xxxx: yap

Katherine Yu: So go there now and send the money, and all this is done all i need is your help. and i promise to delete everything and i wont bother you anymore
Its for my sister sake

xxxx: yap i have to search that in my country
the branch first

Katherine Yu: Im gonna search it, let me know your city

xxxx: xxxx?

Katherine Yu: your city in xxxx
Let me search it, or we both search it. what is your city?
The only way to end this is to cooperate and i wont do anything aslong as i know that you will send the help im asking.
But if you will refuse, block me or deactivating your facebook, then i will start sending it to them, so dont do such thing.
So whats your plan now? last question. Reply me in 5mins

xxxx: please dont

Katherine Yu: Okay so settle this or not?

xxxx: yeah in xxxx
if you need help why dont you ask earlier

Katherine Yu: Coz if i didnt do this to you i know you wont help me, im serious on this
so take me seriously

xxxx: im so sad....

Katherine Yu: Theres a lot of western union in xxxx

xxxx: please dont do this to me, i dont know what to say

Katherine Yu: Exact address of your place i will search for the nearest western union near you

xxxx: one of that?
but you have to give me some time, i need to get cash

Katherine Yu: CIMB bank, AGROBANK, HORIZON and REMIT INTERNATIONAL has the western union
I need it right now

xxxx: yup i will do it

Katherine Yu: You already deal with it, so end this thing now.

xxxx: please dont upload

Katherine Yu: So are you going to the western union now?

xxxx: i will find way

Katherine Yu: Yes i wont. I already privated it. I will delete it after this deal/
How long will i wait for you? i need it 2pm

xxxx: asap

Katherine Yu: Okay so im giving you 1 and half hour to do it

xxxx: please a bit more

Katherine Yu: How much do you have now? how about the half then go look for the half until tmro
or end of this day
I need it on or before 2pm

xxxx: please i need a time
im not rich
so you have to understand that

Katherine Yu: how much do you have now? i need it on or before 2pm

xxxx: i need time to find

Katherine Yu: No i need it now. So tell me how much do you have now

xxxx: 100, 200
i can give you more but i need time please

Katherine Yu: Okay send me the 200 now. right now and i will give you time to get the 800

xxxx: ok

Katherine Yu: So go to the western union now and send the money
I will give you my brother details hes the one who will pick up the money

xxxx: there a lot western union here, which branch are your brother

Katherine Yu: Just go there and send the money. save this details heres the receiver

First name: Prince
Last name Mendoza
Address: Quezon city
City: Quezon city
Province: Quezon City
Country: Philippines
Postal code: 1116
Number: +639272261405

Katherine Yu: Save that details

xxxx: ok
im so sad please save the video to private

Katherine Yu: When you get to the western union they will give you a filling up form, fill it up correctly. and you should bring your identification card, the money and the receiver details
Yes its on private now. listen after you send the money i need you to get back online. I will wait you here for 1hour. It takes only 10mins to send the money.

xxxx: ok

Katherine Yu: Coz i need to know the MTCN, your FIRST and LAST name that you write on the receipt and the Ammount. So go now i will wait for you. EXACT 200 okay

xxxx: you need to give me time
i need to get a train, bus, traffic jammed to get there
please understand me
i want to help you

Katherine Yu: Okay when youre done you can go to some computer cafe to online

xxxx: ok i will let you know

Katherine Yu: Okay go now im waiting

Katherine Yu: Hey


Katherine Yu: Hey you! You didn't keep you words. Then I should that spreading your video now

after that i blocked him/her on fb, remove all my details at tagged. now im continue my life with nigthmare all day and night....

need everyone help to report the youtube user and that videos to be removed..........

im really2 learn my mistakes and wont webcam chatting anymore :( :(

please help me :'(
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Re: Have been Blackmailed, what do I do?

Unread postby duckhunter » Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:24 am

Awww my gosh ScamVictim ... so very sorry you are dealing with this.

First, block and delete the criminal, then block all of your contacts. Next, it would appear that your best choice is to come clean with anyone you can, and warn others that you are being blackmailed. Tell them not to open any attachments or click any links.

DO NOT enter into negotiation with the scammer, which would only lead to further demands for money, and will not in any way alleviate your problem. It will only get worse and cost you more money. Yet the threat will still hang over your head.

Hang in there, do the best you can to mitigate the damage, and remember that we are here with non-judgmental advice and support. So sorry this has happened to you.
"It is good to see what is beautiful, but you must also observe the ugly things ... you must be awake to everything ... you must be exposed to things which you don't quite understand, for the more you ponder over these matters which may be difficult for you, the greater will be your capacity to live richly." Krishnamurti.
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Re: Have been Blackmailed, what do I do?

Unread postby ScamVictim :( » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:36 pm


many thanks for the advice, i've blocked he/she, do you think that i've to warn to all my friends about this early? im embarrased to face them. im hoping that scammer will not sent the videos to my family, friends as i dont receive any news from them until today. as for now my video are in private in youtube, but i have reported to youtube to remove it by giving the video's URL.

this tragedy make me scared all day, fastened my heart. i'm really guilty to god :'(
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Re: Have been Blackmailed, what do I do?

Unread postby Wayne » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:52 pm

It's the lesser of two evils. You either say to your friends, "Look, I screwed up. If you get a link to a video about me, please don't open it. And be very careful about anyone that wants you to remove your clothes online as they could try to blackmail you with it." or constantly live in fear that the scammer will send them a link to the video somewhere down the line. It really is better to be up front about it as you're not only protecting yourself but your friends and family too. If the scammer has your contact list, who knows which one of them they may try and target next.
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Re: Have been Blackmailed, what do I do?

Unread postby duckhunter » Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:11 pm

I agree. You are SO not alone. From all appearances, there are many many men who enjoy doing what you did -- telling them your 'version' of the story you save others from the same type of ordeal you are facing at present.

You may also sleep better knowing you eased the potential pain your mofo scammer has planned for you.

Whatever the case, batten down the hatches. This is not going to be the easiest next few weeks of your life ... but it WILL go away after one heck of a nasty little ride.
"It is good to see what is beautiful, but you must also observe the ugly things ... you must be awake to everything ... you must be exposed to things which you don't quite understand, for the more you ponder over these matters which may be difficult for you, the greater will be your capacity to live richly." Krishnamurti.
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Re: Have been Blackmailed, what do I do?

Unread postby Pinky » Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:46 pm

I agree with Wayne and Duckie, that coming clean with friends is probably the best option because it helps them and you and defeats the scammer's purpose.

On the other hand, consider the scammer's real options. They say they copied your friend's URLs so they could send out the video to them. But you don't just send out videos to URLs. For that they'd need your friend's email addresses. Are those freely and readily available on Facebook, or anywhere, for that matter? Is the scammer friends with any of your friends? I doubt that - but if they were, wouldn't you want to warn them so that they are safe from this?

Instead of going to all your friends individually, why not admit on Facebook, "I did something stupid and now some evil creature in human form is trying to blackmail me. If you receive any contact with an attachment or link, from someone you do not know personally, DO NOT OPEN IT. This is always an important internet rule to follow because attachments like this almost always contain viruses, trojans, key loggers (to steal passwords) and other malicious coding. Be safe my friends."
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Re: Have been Blackmailed, what do I do?

Unread postby Wayne » Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:08 pm

Pinky wrote:They say they copied your friend's URLs so they could send out the video to them. But you don't just send out videos to URLs. For that they'd need your friend's email addresses. Are those freely and readily available on face book, or anywhere, for that matter?

I think it's a matter of copying their FB page URL so they can send them a message with a link. The wording was a little confusing, but I'm assuming that's what was meant.
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Re: Have been Blackmailed, what do I do?

Unread postby ScamVictim :( » Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:40 am

thanks pinky,

yup wayne actually that's what he/she meant. now im sketching my words to warned my friends, family, sisters :'(, uncle (urgh!!) to tell the truth.. actually, he/she also copied my office fb URL, thank god its only a "like" page where it's unable to share videos or private message. is it possible for them to send the videos to others in my contact (which not in the list given in "notepad" format)?
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Re: Have been Blackmailed, what do I do?

Unread postby FlipOfaHat » Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:38 pm

Hey don't worry ScamVictim, I got threatened too just give it time. Put a status up and tell everyone what's going on; you can say "If anyone receives a video with my name on it please report it". Also make your friends list private so he/she can't view it. I'm sorry your going through this, just bear with it for a few weeks, these type of scam artists tend to move on after awhile if the scam is "fruitless" as Wayne says. After you set the status deactivate your account or change your name for a while. Don't worry you will get better I promise.
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Re: Have been Blackmailed, what do I do?

Unread postby ScamVictim :( » Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:43 am

hi everyone, thanks for the comments and advice.

yesterday i've delete my facebook account, tagged account, foursquare account, youtube account and gmail address after ive warned all my friends not to open any link or attachments. as for today (16th July 2012), i've found that my videos on youtube has been removed by user, thank god, thanks everyone for the advice again im really appreciated it for helping me to be a scam survivors, really it's hard to faced it, i really learned my mistake and wont doing something stupid anymore..

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