
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.

Re: Have been Blackmailed, what do I do?

Unread postby Big Al » Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:19 am

Hang in there Flip. It sucks now but things will get better.
"Look for the lies."
Being Blackmailed? Go here and do this first:
The information you supply can help others from becoming Victims.
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Unread postby firefly » Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:46 pm

Chat log:

andersonashley309@rocketmail: want to be famous?i recorded you (...) and i can post this in all pornsites specially on youtube, im deadly serious here leave me and i will show you what i can do to your video and to your life.. for sure it will ruin you and your privacy....i will give you chane to delete your video so you better answer me now..POST OR DELETE
andersonashley309@rocketmail: wan me to start send this to them now?

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: what are you talking about and what do you want

andersonashley309@rocketmail: post or delete?
andersonashley309@rocketmail: answer that
andersonashley309@rocketmail: im deadly serious here

andersonashley309@rocketmail: send me money
andersonashley309@rocketmail: and i will delete your video
andersonashley309@rocketmail: 500$ and were done

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: that wasnt you in the video afterall was it

andersonashley309@rocketmail: answer now
andersonashley309@rocketmail: or else i will pst this now
andersonashley309@rocketmail: i dont want more talk
andersonashley309@rocketmail: uploading it now
andersonashley309@rocketmail: watch and learn
andersonashley309@rocketmail: you had your chance but you blew it

andersonashley309@rocketmail: tsk tsk
andersonashley309@rocketmail: you will regret this
andersonashley309@rocketmail: thats for sure

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: where you uploading it

andersonashley309@rocketmail: on youtube
andersonashley309@rocketmail: then send this to them on facebook so they
can share it that easy
andersonashley309@rocketmail: then after that much worst i wil post this
on their wall


andersonashley309@rocketmail: yea
andersonashley309@rocketmail: uploading it now
andersonashley309@rocketmail: sit back and relax
andersonashley309@rocketmail: and enjoy your show

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: 500 through paypal?

andersonashley309@rocketmail: no
andersonashley309@rocketmail: invite me to your cam
andersonashley309@rocketmail: i will guideyou
andersonashley309@rocketmail: how to send the money


andersonashley309@rocketmail: bare with me
andersonashley309@rocketmail: if you want to save your life

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: give me instructions

andersonashley309@rocketmail: go to www.westernunion
andersonashley309@rocketmail: click it
andersonashley309@rocketmail: register
andersonashley309@rocketmail: and send money
andersonashley309@rocketmail: invite me to your cam now you dont need to
show anything
andersonashley309@rocketmail: all i want is to see your cam open so i
can guide you
andersonashley309@rocketmail: and see that your doin it

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: real funy guy classic scheme

andersonashley309@rocketmail: yea
andersonashley309@rocketmail: ANSWER THIS
andersonashley309@rocketmail: ARE YOU GOIN TO SEND ME MONEY OR NOT?
andersonashley309@rocketmail: YES OR NO
andersonashley309@rocketmail: I DONT WANT MORE TALK

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: leave me alone guy go bother someone else
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: your threating me for stupid shit

andersonashley309@rocketmail: LOL WAIT FOR THE LINK
andersonashley309@rocketmail: ALMOST DONE
andersonashley309@rocketmail: WANT TO SEE IT NOW?
andersonashley309@rocketmail: ITS UP ON INTERNET NOW
andersonashley309@rocketmail: ON YOUTUBE
andersonashley309@rocketmail: LET ME START SEND THIS NOW TO THEM?

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: lets see the link

andersonashley309@rocketmail: ALRIGHT
andersonashley309@rocketmail: ready?


andersonashley309@rocketmail: click it
andersonashley309@rocketmail: let me start send this now to all your
family and friends?
andersonashley309@rocketmail: or you want me to remove it now from youtube?
andersonashley309@rocketmail: answer now
andersonashley309@rocketmail: YOU STILL HAVE A CHOICE
andersonashley309@rocketmail: SEND ME MONEY AND WERE DONE
andersonashley309@rocketmail: IF YOU CANT SEND 500 TELL ME SO WE CAN


andersonashley309@rocketmail: OK
andersonashley309@rocketmail: HOW MUCH YOU CAN SEND?
andersonashley309@rocketmail: THERE IM NOT THAT MEAN IM TRYING TO HELP YOU
andersonashley309@rocketmail: BUT YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THE ONLY WAY
andersonashley309@rocketmail: JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION
andersonashley309@rocketmail: AND PLEASE DONT MAKE ME MAD
andersonashley309@rocketmail: GEEZ
andersonashley309@rocketmail: ARE YOU GOIN TO SEND ME MONEY NOW
andersonashley309@rocketmail: OR NOT?
andersonashley309@rocketmail: YES OR NO

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: I cant I really cant I have no way to right now

andersonashley309@rocketmail: LAST QUESTION SO I CAN DO WHAT I AHVE TO
andersonashley309@rocketmail: ALRIGHT
andersonashley309@rocketmail: DONE TALKING TO YOU
andersonashley309@rocketmail: WIL SEND THIS NOW
andersonashley309@rocketmail: WATCH AND LEARN
andersonashley309@rocketmail: SORRY

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: you sent it out already?

andersonashley309@rocketmail: almost
andersonashley309@rocketmail: why?

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: hold on Im getting money together

andersonashley309@rocketmail: this is the last chance

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: first delete it
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: off youtube please ok?
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: then I'll send you the money

andersonashley309@rocketmail: i will remove it now from youtube
andersonashley309@rocketmail: but i will repost this if you didnt send the money
andersonashley309@rocketmail: understand?
andersonashley309@rocketmail: i will delete the file video right after i
see that you really sent the money
andersonashley309@rocketmail: are we clear?

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: ok but honest truth you are going to delet it and you
didnt send anything right?
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: how do I know to trust you

andersonashley309@rocketmail: just cooperate to me
andersonashley309@rocketmail: i been doin this for almost 5 years
andersonashley309@rocketmail: everyeday of my life
andersonashley309@rocketmail: if i sent it for sure they will ask you
andersonashley309@rocketmail: dont be stupid
andersonashley309@rocketmail: help me
andersonashley309@rocketmail: and i will help you
andersonashley309@rocketmail: thats how it goes
andersonashley309@rocketmail: send the money now
andersonashley309@rocketmail: and i will delete your video

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: ok western union coreect?

andersonashley309@rocketmail: and i promise to god your safe
andersonashley309@rocketmail: yes
andersonashley309@rocketmail: are you on site now?
andersonashley309@rocketmail: invite me to your cam now
andersonashley309@rocketmail: i will guide you step by step

andersonashley309@rocketmail: AND HOW MANY F...G TIMES DO I HAVE TO
andersonashley309@rocketmail: credit card
andersonashley309@rocketmail: choose country philippines
andersonashley309@rocketmail: cash pick up
andersonashley309@rocketmail: GRACE REYES
andersonashley309@rocketmail: answer this are you goin to send me money
or not?
andersonashley309@rocketmail: coz its getting late here

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: all caps right

andersonashley309@rocketmail: YOU CAN DO IT IN A SMALL LETTER
andersonashley309@rocketmail: ARGH
andersonashley309@rocketmail: this is the easiest wire transfer money so
we can see if your fooling me or what
andersonashley309@rocketmail: and do it again on westernunion if wont
work on moneygram

andersonashley309@rocketmail: www.xoom
andersonashley309@rocketmail: try it
andersonashley309@rocketmail: bdo mlhuiller ceubanna
andersonashley309@rocketmail: first name: grace
andersonashley309@rocketmail: lastname: reyes
andersonashley309@rocketmail: address: manila philippines
andersonashley309@rocketmail: city: manila
andersonashley309@rocketmail: provine: manila
andersonashley309@rocketmail: email: andersonashley309@rocketmail
andersonashley309@rocketmail: phone: 09092035567
andersonashley309@rocketmail: and dont put any message

andersonashley309@rocketmail: look i have a victim hes from usa but his deployed to afganistan and still he sent me money using his card
andersonashley309@rocketmail: through xoom

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: if you want all my credit cards you can gladly have them

andersonashley309@rocketmail: i dont want your card
andersonashley309@rocketmail: i want money

After hours of talk, them scammer has lost his patience:

andersonashley309@rocketmail: hope you can find the real grace reyes like million grace reyes stupid
andersonashley309@rocketmail: you think its all real?
andersonashley309@rocketmail: stupid
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Unread postby Tomi » Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:32 pm

Hi Flip,

Sorry for what you'd been through. Just be strong and things will eventually get better.

Take care,

By the way with this,
andersonashley309@rocketmail: http://www.xoom
andersonashley309@rocketmail: try it
andersonashley309@rocketmail: bdo mlhuiller ceubanna

BDO (Banco de Oro) is a bank only in the Philippines where you can send money and recipient can get the remittance, no bank account necessary. Cebuana mlhuiller is a pawnshop also only in in the Philippines where you could also do money transfer. So, there'a chance that your scammer might really be from the Philippines then? :(

andersonashley309@rocketmail: phone: 09092035567

It's a complete number, just without the country code.
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Re: Have been Blackmailed, what do I do?

Unread postby FlipOfaHat » Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:39 am

Thanks for the helpful information FireFly, everything you just said matches up. Thank you everyone for helping me keep my head up I really feel better. I'm going to keep standing even after all that happened. I just wish I knew as much as I knew now, but unfortunately I had to learn the hard way.

Yes Tomi, I figured out it was the Philippines through what you just said I reported it, they probably can or cannot get something out of it. I'll just wait and see. This Scam artist does this everyday as you can see he admitted, the YouTube page he used to post up videos of me was the same page for 2 other victims the NEXT DAY. He's gotten sloppy after 5 years I have a good feeling this guy will get caught eventually. Hopefully the next victim will find this page and then understand what's going on. It is truly frightening how the internet can pose a huge threat on someones life.

Thanks again everyone,

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Blackmail Help!!!!!!!

Unread postby Helpme » Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:48 pm

I was contacted by a person on a dating website asking me to cam with them on yahoo. I made a yahoo with a fake name but was stupid and added the person on facebook. We camed for a min anf then they demanded that i give them money or they post it on my friends facebook. They then started listing my friends. I blocked them from facebook and deleated them from my friends. I made everything private on my facebook so the only thing you can see if your not my friend is my name. I also blocked them on the yahoo acoount and reported them. I was really dumb though and gave them $500 thinking they would get rid of the video. I dont want to tell my facebook friends because im ashamed of what i did and i dont want them to know. Is is still possible for them to post it on my facebook? Please help me. Ohh and the person was
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