
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Scamming The Scammers

Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.

Scamming The Scammers

Unread postby scam-scammer » Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:09 pm

I know that getting scammed by these people can be really frustrating.

I once got blackmailed way before this type of scam became popular. This was back around 20002. Mine was way different but involved my nude pictures.

They actually ended up sending my pictures around, and it wasn't for money. They wanted me to do all types of sexual stuff for them to not send it. When I refused they sent out an email blast to about 500 random people.

Then they came back with a list of people I knew and told me that they would send to one a day until I did what they wanted. The next day they sent it to a girl I went to school with. I then knew they weren't messing around.

I gave them what they wanted, but of course this just gave them more ammo to use against me.
I still get an occasional email from someone that just received the email so it is still going around today but (knock on wood) it has been years since I got any demands or crazy mass emails.

Fast Forward...

A couple months ago, this {hot chick from new york} contacted me on facebook. She talked for a while and then started getting flirty. Ok all is well :) then she started talking about wanting to give me a show and wanted a show in return. At this point I knew what was up, I didn't know it was this money scam that is going on now, but I knew it was a scam.

I kept flirting and stalling. Finally she was telling me that she had to either give me a show or had to go. I got her to do the show (taped show of course) She told me before the show that I had to promise to give her a show after her show.

After her show I once again stalled, saying that I was nervous and didn't know if I could do it. I played this as far as I could then I told her that I was having trouble getting my cam to work.

I have since been hunting these scammers down. I have been using proxies, fake facebook, skype and email accounts, I have a couple phone numbers that I know are inactive that I put in the profiles.


Sometimes I even give them a show, which I take my time, acting nervous about it, dragging everything out as long as I can.

I don't want to make their job easy. Every minute they are spending on this is time that they are not scamming anyone and not making any money.

If enough people did this it would really make their lives hell.

Any advice, questions, comments please let me know.

I am serious about this because I got scammed hard, and do not want others to go through it.
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Re: Scamming The Scammers

Unread postby scam-scammer » Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:36 pm

I do not suggest anyone who does not really know what they are doing to do this. If they get real information about you it could be a real problem.
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Re: Scamming The Scammers

Unread postby firefly » Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:56 pm

If is not too much, can you, please, join our chat room, for a visit?

What you experienced before is a classical case of sextortion - see ... =20&t=1666 for details.

"Scamming the scammers" is a wrong choice of words, suggesting you are also a scammer - no matter what reason you use, to scam someone made you a scammer. But what do you describe here sounds more as one attempt of baiting blackmail scammers in a way who don't help victims, but can damage victims, by encouraging them to do the same. Not to mention that playing with the scammers without to have any idea how to do it right (technical part is good, but not enough), you can help the scammer to improve his work and to scam better next person met online after his/her "collision" with you online.

For other reading this topic: we strongly advice you not to do it. Playing with the scammers in this type of scam special can be a dangerous game. Best thing to do is to avoid to expose yourself in a front of a web-cam with anyone, not just with strangers met online only.

If someone met online ask for a "show", just turn off your web-cam and go away. It will save you from some sleepless nights and a sense of inability to fix something after the mistake has been made...
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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