
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

recovery and reassurance

Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.

Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby sunsunearth » Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:47 pm

One week ago, ı had made a comment under a youtube video about this issue, ı want to share the same writting at here as well, to think like this post is very logical one,My thoughts like this will help our recovery process to be more quickly. (Sorry for my english,ı am not a native english speaker)

It as following;

''Best thought which may make us relax is,these scammers know that if a victim escape and think logically 2 or 3 months,this victims collects a lot of informations and begins to think more rationally, so these victims never give money them after 2-3 months...

These scammers know this reality,that's why,it is very nonsense to return to old victims ,they know,they will not return,they will try to find new victims who are very afraid and forced to give money... old victims will never give money them,and they will go to directly to police, scammers know this very well...why do they be busy with old victims,it is empty and more dangereous... ı am right, am ı not?

if ı was a scammer,ı would never return to old victims,because ı knew that old victims started to think rationally,and no very scare like the first time,...ı knew they would never pay,and more easily would go to,if ı was a scammer,ı would never return to old victims,it is very risky and very empty, we must think like that brothers...

that's why they want us to pay very quickly,they give us only 2-3 hours us to pay, why? they do not want us to think rationally or to collect informations about the issue ...they use our fears and shock... after 3 months who pay? nobody pay.They know this reality very well.

if they share all the videos of victims,they would get very big risk to be arrested,that is why,they do not share the videos.They only use our fears in first days. Very rare they share videos.Because they do not want to increase the chance to be arrested.

Think...if ı was a scammer,ı would never share my thousands videos.
One video one risk,thousands videos means thousands RİSK...

I would be quicker arrested, if ı would share a lot of videos,ı would get a lot of trouble and risk to be caught,if ı scam 10 person a day,I would HAVE thousands videos in a short time like 6 months,if ı share all these videos,ı am a big foolish,big stupid,because maybe ı can not be caught with only 2-3 videos,but with thousands videos ı would be in a lot of risk to be caught... this is very rational thought,is not it?brothers...
These are my logical thoughts,if you have also logical thoughts please write as well.''
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby hope_addicted » Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:37 am

I was scammed just yesterday and honestly at first it was a shock. But I read about inspiring stories like the ones here and it changed my whole mentality.

The worst thing is to give up and give in. If you are struggling with something like this currently then fight it with your whole being. Don't let them keep taking advantage of others. If I was in the shoes of these scammers, I would never want to deal with a hard target. Resistance is more of a hassle for them and they would rather attempt to blackmail new people.

Cut all contact with them. Block them on all the social media sites where you were contacted and do not respond if they message you at all. They will not waste time trying to get you to talk with them since they know you will not give in. They will also never post the video because it puts them at risk of being caught or have the account reported. These people work out of internet cafes and do not have the ability to store all these videos for a long time.

In terms of recovery, one of the key steps I took was sharing my story with one of my closest friends right afterwards and without her I never would have been able to get through all this. By talking through it, I realized this that this was a challenge and one that had taught me so much about myself. I was put in a difficult situation and came out the stronger afterwards. I feel more uplifted and powerful than I have before.

This was a wake up call for myself and I've realized that I want to pursue a career in law and government so that no one has to suffer under similar circumstances. The experience was one that taught me growth and humbleness in the face of adversity. If we continue to fear people like this, then we are letting them win. By releasing your fear you are doing something amazing in this world. I love each and every one of you on this page and hope that you all can achieve the closure that I have gotten! :D
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby Cayenne » Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:29 am

I just realized that I was scammed about 1 week ago, and I'm glad I found this forum today.

I was scammed of my parent's savings, got myself into a lot of financial debt, borrowed some more from a friend that I would need to urgently return. I had initially believed in the scammer's lies, and that it was a company that defrauded us. But something felt wrong in my gut and I checked the very first email that he had sent me. It was a fake email of a real company. That was when I knew I was scammed.

It has been a tough week. My 1st day was spent in shock, and trying to be strong for my parents as they had lost most of their savings. It was tough, and I tried all the stuff that Wayne and Firefly said not to do. Like trying to track down the innocent party's photo that was used, and maybe trying to warn them. I'm glad I came here, read the forums, and had reassurance that there is no point in doing so. It only prolongs the pain. :(

During this week, I sought out friends whom i know were non-judgmental, and asked for a listening ear and long walks together if possible. What helps was to find a different friend so far each day, so that each one is not too burdened by my emotions.

I still wake up feeling like crap, crying every morning at my stupidity. I still get a crushing sense of depression, that comes in waves. What has also helped is that I just start doing something, be it trying so get some work done, try to come up with a plan to make ends meet. Be responsible and repay the debts I owe.

I think I still need advice, reassurance as I rotate my group of friends. But I tell myself, I will not let the scammers rob me of my life. I need to live well, repay my debts and hopefully some day, I will be like the phoenix, rise up from my ashes again.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby Big Al » Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:38 pm

Thank you for sharing your feelings and experience. You should post the information of the scammer in the correct forum to help warn others about the scam. Be sure to remove any of your information. We only want the information of the scammer. If you are unsure about what to post, please forward all the scammer E-mails to me and I will do it for you.

My E-mail address is below.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby Cayenne » Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:57 pm

Hi Big Al, thanks for the kind words. I have already forwarded the emails and photos to both Wayne and firefly's email. Within it contains most of the information that I have already given the police.

I can also send you the scripted emails sent, if that would be helpful to you all.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby Big Al » Sun Feb 25, 2018 4:09 pm

If you have sent the information already then you do not need to repeat the effort. It will be processed as soon as time permits. We are glad that you found us and you can ask any questions here that might help your recovery. I'm also glad to read that you have filed a police report. If you sent money by Western Union or similar then you should contact them and file a fraud report. If you sent money by bank transfer then you should contact your bank and report the receiving account as being used to commit fraud. You should then have your bank account closed and reopened using a different number so the scammer cannot abuse it.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby Scared1989 » Wed Mar 07, 2018 9:03 pm

It has been 2 days since my scam took place, it was the same saga that has been listed many times good looking girl gets me to go on FB messenger and the rest is history. Once I got the video back which was strange because it wasn't a link to a website (i.e. Youtube or one of those) rather a file which I found to be unusual the panic and the fear began to sink in! I thought this is it my life is over soon they asked how much money I could send and I claimed to have no money. The first thing I did was call my family members that were listed by the scammer and told them the situation (a bit embarrassing but I actually felt better talking about it) and said to not accept anything from someone claiming to be me or someone they do not know. I then went to google where I found this wonderful site and the recovery has begun. It is still fresh in my head and I have my moments of panic thinking this video will surface but from reading if the video doesn't surface usually pretty immediate the scammer moves on you become that broken ATM everyone talks about! I have had no contact for two days I have my father looking out on FB for any trace of the video and I have continued to keep up on my google alerts and I am taking this all as no news is good news! My FB has be completely deactivated and that may be the most liberating part of this is to be free of social media. I am still quite fearful and nervous but it is getting better a little at a time. I know the scammer may have moved on but I have no intention of heading back to FB for a few months mainly because I enjoy the freedom from it. The admins on here I feel are god sends and I feel are my guardian angels in making this better for me and all the victims becoming survivors! I start to worry and then come here and read how things get better and I know that the longer I remain fearful the SCAMMER IS WINNING!! The best thing I can do is begin to take over my life again and realize that life will go on. Again thank you to all that help your words have inspired me I will post further out after my scam to update but as of now no contact or video upload for 2 days, here is to hoping that becomes forever!!
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby SlapHappy » Wed Mar 07, 2018 9:40 pm

The best thing I can do is begin to take over my life again and realize that life will go on.

Exactly. That is the best attitude for recovering. :)

Talking to someone else you trust also can make a huge difference, especially in putting all of it in perspective.
It gives you the ability to step back, and look at it from the outside, knowing the truth about how these guys work and realizing that all they want is money, not to "ruin your life." I'm glad to see that you have done that, plus warning others about the scammer. Scammers will infiltrate FB groups of people like cockroaches, choosing others to try to scam.

Check out podcast #11 to hear a guy in the UK talk about his blackmail scam/sextortion a few months after his scam.
His attitude sounds just like yours. It will give you a look into how these scams eventually work out, when you choose to reject the fear the scammer planted in your head. Scroll to #11 by clicking on the playlist button in the upper left hand corner of the player.

Podcast #16 has another blackmail story from one of our members who is a retired Moderator from our forum.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby Hopeful1 » Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:55 am

Great to read the feedback here. I got caught in a scam situation less than 3 days ago, so still dealing with it! Sounds like a similar situation to another post today. The scammer and I had chatted on another site, and then chatted on Skype, before heading into a video chat. My skype account was through an email address, and Fb was through a phone number, so between that and whatever facial recognition / similar pictures, "she" was able to track me. Sent me a video of our "chat" along with photos of my Fb page, including my friends page (didn't realize how low my settings were for privacy on there! Ugh!) I went into panic mode and ended up sending some money via WorldRemit. Then when they were out picking up the cash, I did more research online and found this page. Within a short amount of time, I had deactivated my Fb, blocked the scammer on skype, deleted skype (which I won't use again), and deleted my profile on the original site we first chatted. Also did whatever I could to delete my online presence and images, including making myself "invisible" on LinkedIn for the next month or more. Not sure if I'll bother reactivating Fb in the next few months, but I'll certainly leave it de-activated for at least a month!

The scammer had contacted a family member who was seen on my Fb page about 36 hours after the incident, so I instructed them how to block messages from people that aren't Fb friends. I used Fb messenger to send a note to my friends telling them to block and ignore anything they receive regarding me, but I didn't get into any details of what happened (told them my Fb had been hacked, so I was deactivating it). I'm still a little on edge about the video, but have google alerts set up as instructed here, and hopeful that things will be ok over the next few weeks. I've done everything recommended here, and feel a bit better knowing there is a technique to deal with this situation. Thanks for having this site! And good to see there are others dealing with the same situation...

I'll unload a bit to a friend or two just to get this off my chest, but this forum certainly helps...
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby Hithard0120 » Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:16 am

It has been almost two months since I have been scammed, and a month since I discovered this site/forum, and have done the instructions. I wish I discovered this site earlier. As of this time, the scammers have not contacted me or attempted to contact my friends.

I am now picking myself up, hopefully a better person as I have learned a valuable lesson from the harsh experience the scam has caused me.

Just to share some of my reflections:
- Advancements in technology has made the world a smaller place. We are more connected now, and communication has never been easier. Unfortunately, the downside is that there are more ways to defraud others now. The same tools that we find useful are also the tools that can be used to hurt us. We should be on our guard and be careful. What our parents taught us "never talk to strangers" seems more relevant now.
- Opening up to someone can take loads of hurt and stress from you. Do try this. You will be amazed at what your friend and family can do.
- Although the scammers have shown me the evil out there, this site has showed me also that there are just as much good people.

To everyone behind this place, you are doing a really fine job. I wish you all the best.
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