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Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.
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Ideas to make the blackmailers pay!

Sat Feb 16, 2013 12:47 pm


I recently had similar issue, and it was too late to see the website so i paid once, then i followed the advices you gave and so far good...

However we have to strike back!! - Here is some ideas i am planning to do:

1- Western union request valid ID and right city in a lot of countries, so maybe they use a real name to receive the money (otherwise they would use the same name they scam with) - once we have the name we search all ppl on Facebook with the same last name and city, then tell them the name and shame the scammer (we might hit a cousin or a relative, or better a brother)

2- with the social media rising nowadays, all police have facebook pages (there is one for Morocco!), we send to the police in this country the story, name (western union), address and any payment references, we could enlarge the amount of money paid because even if the police didn’t help, maybe a corrupted cop will threaten them for a cut (Police is usually like that in developing countries)

3- of course once one is posted here we all go and report their FB, youtube and all other accounts and make them busy just creating new accounts (all the sites now have anti-bots registration), bear in mind that they need to create new email address and verify it for each new account

4- if it is really bad, we look for ppl to hire in the same country to deal with them personally (it will be cheaper than paying the scammer!) trust me in these developing countries we can buy anything by money.

I know i am evil, but these ppl are destroying lives and they can't get away with this!!

please let me know what do you think?

Re: Ideas to make the blackmailers pay!

Sat Feb 16, 2013 2:35 pm

victim too,

your ideas may sound good for you, but are bad, for you and for other victims.

Let´s see:

1. About Western Union - in some countries you don't need one ID paper to pick up the money, is enough to know the amount, the sender and the MTC number. Sometime, the scammer pay with few cents one kid from the street to pick up the money. Not to mention: with those details, the money can be taken from any other place on the globe, not necessary the country where the scammer pretends to be. Usually, all names given as receiver for the money are fakes.

2. The police will not believe one online report - scammers are reported since years and just in few cases the police really was paying attention to those reports. Only thing to do with the police is to make one report in your country - it will not help you, but, maybe, will help the authorities to understand the complexity of the scam activity, forced them, in time, to do something about. Why police from your country can not do much is easy to understand. You are in one place, the scammer is in another one and no police has jurisdiction overseas.
Even if they try to do something, is hard to do alot - the scammers use internet cafes for their activity - that´s mean any traceable element you may have, like one IP for example, is useless, the names used by the scammers are fake and the images used by the scammers are stolen. Just the victims and the victims pain are real.

3. Is not a option for a recent scam-victim. To "keep the scammers busy" by creating fake accounts you need to learn how to do it proper, without to put yourself in danger. And for that you need time. If you do it just as revenge, you are a danger for other victims and for yourself also. Best option, after you follow the required steps about protecting yourself, is to stop all contacts with the scammer and to move forward with your life. Posting the details about scammers will help other victims and that´s all you can do.

4. This one is such a fantasy option that I will not even try to answer.

We understand your feelings about what´s happend. But this way is not the right way to deal with. You have here another option: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4509.

Instead of making fantasies plans unable to be applied in the real life, let´s try to follow the advice's given in viewtopic.php?f=20&t=580 to protect yourself, post the scammers details to help other and learn how you can avoid to find yourself in a situation like this one.

Against the scammers, education is the only weapon. So long you know how they act and what they do, you will be never victim again. So long you don't forget everything made or posted online can be used in a way you don't like you will be careful with what you are doing online. Everything you post and say online will remain, in a way or another. Try not to let your real life details to be accessed by strangers, avoid to open yourself to people you don't know and give yourself time to learn more about the person meet online only before to give them access to your real life.

Re: Ideas to make the blackmailers pay!

Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:12 pm

Well - if the western union name is not real, then yeah all what i mentioned is useless!, but still can't help but wonder why they give a different name for western union than the one used to scam?

You're right in all what you said, however i have to get to them somehow, what about creating fake accounts, let them scam me, fake webcam feed, play their game, drag them into asking for loads of cash, get their hopes up, give them a fake western union MTCN and waste their time (I tried this tracking on western union site and it’s not working so they will have to go), not to mention the disappointment, also would like to study their reactions (i.e. will they really share the stuff or will just move one)!

Still bad?

Re: Ideas to make the blackmailers pay!

Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:39 pm

If it were a viable option then believe me we'd already be doing it. The harsh reality is that it's pretty much impossible to catch them, which is why we spend so much time and effort trying to educate people in how the scammers work. Education really is key when it comes to scammers. If you want to do something, then tell others about scammers.

Re: Ideas to make the blackmailers pay!

Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:48 pm

I see :)

Thanks guys, you are a great help.

Re: Ideas to make the blackmailers pay!

Sat Feb 16, 2013 4:56 pm

BTW, i don't see details about your scammer posted here... Every info about one of those creatures can help a potential victim. For this reason we need the details. If you don't feel comfortable to post them, just use the PM option under your username here and sent them to one Mod or Admin. That´s the only way to make the blackmailers pay: so long their fake profiles used for scam are reported here and the account are valid anyone checking to find more will find the information posted. So long the people know about the fake profile, the scammer will be less successful to hook other victims.
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