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Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.
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Natasha - instagram

Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:42 pm

Form received 2023-11-21 17:43:46

What name did the scammer use?: Natasha
How old did the scammer say they were?: 18
What site/app did you first meet the scammer on? Please provide a link if possible.: Instagram

Who made the first contact?: They contacted me first.
If they asked you to leave the site/app and go elsewhere, where did they take you?: Snapchat

Scammer's email address if you have it.:

How much money did they demand?: 500€
Name you were told to send the money to.: Emmanuel Chukwu
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: Lithuania
How were you to send the money ?: Bank transfer/Paypal/Steam Gift Cards
What steps, if any, have you already taken to block the scammer?: None yet
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