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Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.
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Fiona Wong -

Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:13 pm

Feedback via the ScamSurvivors.Com [#15085]

What name did the scammer use?*: Fiona Wong
How old did the scammer say they were?*: 25
Scammer's Skype name.: fiona.wong01
Scammer's Skype username . .*: Fiona Wong
What site did you first meet the scammer on? .:
If they asked you to leave the site , where did they take you to?: westgram
skype name: Fiona Wong
skype profile ID: fiona.wong01
BD: Tuesday, August 21, 1990
Age: 26
public (6).jpg
public (6).jpg (3.28 KiB) Viewed 3114 times

Re: Scammers abusing stolen pictures of Viv Li

Tue Aug 14, 2018 11:55 am

Form received 2018-08-14 05:35:26
Form received 2018-08-14 05:55:50

What name did the scammer use?: Cheska
How old did the scammer say they were?: 21
What site/app did you first meet the scammer on? Please provide a link if possible.: Facebook, I deleted that
Who made the first contact?: They contacted me first.
If they asked you to leave the site/app and go elsewhere, where did they take you?: imo
Any other social media profile links used by the scammer.: Imo, user name was jhenna Lee
Scammer's email address if you have it.:

If they gave you a phone number, please add it here.: +69653229288
How much money did they demand?: 2000
Name you were told to send the money to.: ROSALIE OCAMPO
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: CALIBUTBUT, PAMPANGA, PHILIPINNES, 2122
How were you to send the money ?: Western Union
What steps, if any, have you already taken to block the scammer?: I blocked her on Facebook.

Jhane Dela Cruz - FaceBook

Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:34 am

Form received 2018-09-10 00:02:26

What name did the scammer use?: Jhane Dela Cruz
How old did the scammer say they were?: 24
What site/app did you first meet the scammer on? Please provide a link if possible.:

If they asked you to leave the site/app and go elsewhere, where did they take you?: IMO App
If they gave you a phone number, please add it here.: +639979244970
How much money did they demand?: 2000$
Name you were told to send the money to.: Rosalie Ocampo
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: Philippines
How were you to send the money ?: Western Union
What steps, if any, have you already taken to block the scammer?: I haven't blocked her yet. But I negotiated to send 500£s to her and did the transaction which is not received by her yet. She warned me not to block her on FB or IMO. I'm scared and panic, so didn't block her yet.

Works at The Krusty Krab
Went to University of Nueva Caceres
Lives in Magarao, Camarines Sur
From Manila, Philippines

Re: Scammers abusing stolen pictures of Viv Li

Sun Mar 24, 2019 9:06 pm

Form received 2019-03-24 01:59:08

What name did the scammer use?: Queen Aldrin Custodio
How old did the scammer say they were?: 22
What site/app did you first meet the scammer on? Please provide a link if possible.: Facebook
If they asked you to leave the site/app and go elsewhere, where did they take you?: Skype
Any other social media profile links used by the scammer.: Skype:
Scammer's Skype name.: live:kateko19
Scammer's Skype username .: Queen
How much money did they demand?: $3000 usd
Name you were told to send the money to.: Roselie Ocampo, Dommy torremocha, Alfredo Camacho
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: Philiphines
How were you to send the money ?: Western Union
Are there any other details you wish to share? Anything you say may help prevent someone else from being scammed.: thay have all my friends account links and info.

kate gomez- facebook

Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:47 am

Form received 2019-04-10 01:06:59

What name did the scammer use?: Kate Gomez
How old did the scammer say they were?: 23
What site/app did you first meet the scammer on? Please provide a link if possible.: Facebook
If they asked you to leave the site/app and go elsewhere, where did they take you?: Skype live:kateko19
Any other social media profile links used by the scammer.: live:kateko19
Skype name: Kate <3 Mary Jhane South Korea
Scammer's email address if you have it.: 9361355203
If they gave you a phone number, please add it here.: 09361355203 / +639361355203
Scammer's Skype name.: kate
How much money did they demand?: 1500
Name you were told to send the money to.: Rosalie ocampo, jojo castillio
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: phillipines
How were you to send the money ?: western union
Screenshot from 2019-04-10 08-02-19.png
Screenshot from 2019-04-10 08-02-19.png (131.48 KiB) Viewed 2445 times

Princess Reyes - facebook

Sun Aug 25, 2019 2:23 pm

Form received 2019-08-25 01:25:40

What name did the scammer use?: Princess Reyes
How old did the scammer say they were?: 23
What site/app did you first meet the scammer on? Please provide a link if possible.: Facebook
Who made the first contact?: They contacted me first.
If they asked you to leave the site/app and go elsewhere, where did they take you?: Ask me to go on skype
Scammer's Skype name.: live:kateko19
Scammer's Skype username .: princess
How much money did they demand?: 3000
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: phillipines
How were you to send the money ?: https:/ /

What steps, if any, have you already taken to block the scammer?: block on facebook and skype
Are there any other details you wish to share? Anything you say may help prevent someone else from being scammed.: their skype video is usually muted because it is a recorded playback of a girl stripping.
Screenshot from 2019-08-27 10-53-38.png
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