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How scammers fake phone numbers.

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How scammers fake phone numbers.

Unread postby firefly » Sat Jul 28, 2012 8:56 pm


UK 070 "personal telephone numbers"* often appear in Internet fraud mail. Criminals use these numbers to support scams in which they claim to represent the UK national lottery and other British institutions. The supply of these numbers to the fraud criminals is dominated by two UK companies, Magrathea Telecoms Ltd. and Open Telecoms Intl. Ltd.
The list was completed in 2011:
These are the companies which supply most of the numbers - and make a profit from the fraud victims who mistakenly believe that the UK telecoms industry is properly regulated.

1. Magrathea Telecommunications Ltd. Apparently of 5 Commerce Park, Brunel Road, Theale RG7 4AB, Reading, England.
2. FleXtel Ltd. Apparently of FleXtel House, The Commons, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1EG, England
3. Open Telecom International Ltd. Apparently of 2 Eddystone House, 6 Eddystone Road, Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 7AL, England.


+4470 Phone Numbers - Personal Forwarding Numbers
By: Nyla -
July 1st, 2010

+4470 numbers are a major red flag when it comes to scams!

Personal forwarding phone numbers (also called "UK global redirects") are easily recognized, and they are a major red flag when it comes to identifying scams or scammers. The number is often given in the format +447024013818. The country code, (the +44) seemingly indicates that the number is UK-based number. The 70 prefix, however, identifies it as a personal forwarding number.

What is a personal forwarding number? or When is a London phone number not a London phone number?

Many phone providers offer this service for free. The number can be "forwarded" to any phone in the world. The charge for the call, which can be quite high, are billed to the caller, not the recipient of the call. The user of the number can apply for one more or less anonymously. Consequently, scammers love this free, portable number which can fool the unwary into believing they are located in the UK, while the scammer actually receives calls on an anonymous, prepaid cell phone on another continent, in another legal jurisdiction.

Does a personal forwarding number always equal a scam?

With very few exceptions, yes. Because of the high rates charged for the caller, legitimate UK businesses would not be eager to use a +4470 number as a contact number for customers or people applying for a job. Most businesses use +4470 numbers strictly internally, for example, forwarding a personal number to the mobile phone or temporary office location of a foreign-based employee in order to save on phone charges.

In our time here at Fraudwatchers, we've only seen one legitimate business using a +4470 number as a public customer contact number. The business was a small company dedicated to arranging African safaris, and as such, the owners and employees were often traveling abroad and needed a dedicated UK number that could be forwarded to their mobile phones.

If you're given a +4470 number in the course of an email exchange, chances are you are dealing with a scammer. This is especially true if that number claims to belong to a London barrister, lawyer, travel agency, visa agency, lottery claim office or human resources/employment department.

Personal forwarding numbers are often a very good sign that you need to investigate further. ... r41_01.htm

Personal numbers are known as find me anywhere numbers . They always begin with the prefix 070. They are an important service, as users can forward calls to specified telephone numbers, including mobile phone numbers.

The charge for calling personal numbers can be higher than the cost of a normal call. The most common scam is to induce people to call a personal number where the tariff has been set at a higher rate, for example by asking businesses to fax their details to an 070 number. The caller unknowingly runs up a large bill, much of which goes to the person owning the number.
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Cloud9 UK numbers

Unread postby Norman Barlleo » Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:08 pm

Scammers worldwide are aware that many people have started to recognise the free redirect UK numbers. Either victims have read about them, or they have noticed that it cost them lots of money to call and the scammers CAN NOT call from these numbers. (They usually hide their numbers when they call victims as potential victims may notice that the number they are being called from is not located in the UK and does not match the ones in their email)

To solve this issue, criminals have started to look at different methods. One of them is buying a roaming simcard.
This is one of the providers:

While both types are considered redirect numbers, Cloud9 numbers are different than the infamous (070) numbers.
Cloud9 numbers look like real UK numbers. It's characterized by the three zeros after 77(it's like 077000). Scammers can receive and call back from these numbers. This means that you will see the scammer's number in your mobile screen when he calls, unlike the 070 numbers.
Some examples of confirmed scammers numbers:
- +447700047993
- +44770 0077240
- +44-7700077259

All the above Cloud9 numbers belong to Nigerian scammers according to their IP addresses and currently being used in ongoing Next of Kin (NOK) scams.

Another difference is that calling these numbers will cost you only the normal rate of calling an ordinary UK mobile number. However, there is a catch, if you are in the UK, you can't use your free minutes to call them. Many UK mobile companies (Tesco for example) treat these numbers as special ones and while they won't charge you a premium rate, you won't be able to use your free credits to call them.

These are paid numbers. Whether it were paid abusing stolen CCs or the scammers paid for them using their own money, it will hurt them a lot if you report these numbers to providers . For example, you can contact Cloud9 them using this page:

To know the provider of a specific number, please use this link: ... ub=phonenr

You need to provide them the scam emails containing the numbers along with the full headers.

Finally, the companies that provide these numbers (including Cloud9) are legitimate, respected and they have no idea which of their numbers sold to customers are being exploited by these criminals. It's our duty to inform them of any misconduct and they will deal with it accordingly.
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VOIP numbers

Unread postby Wayne » Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:56 pm

As well as the methods shown above, there are others that allow a person to have a number that appears to be in a specific country. For example, I'm UK based, but have numbers for the media to contact this site that are both linked to the UK and USA. Many of the methods above only allow you to use numbers that start with a specific set of numbers. Skype however will allow you to not only choose the country you want the number to appear from, but also a specific part of that country. Here's the places a Skype number can be from:


And here, as you can see, you can then choose which state you want the number to appear from:


It's even possible if you know how to fake a specific number. I once called someone using this method and had my number appear to be from the White House.

Just because a scammer gives you a legitimate LOOKING number, doesn't mean it's a legitimate number.
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Re: How scammers fake phone numbers.

Unread postby HillBilly » Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:12 pm

much of the same info can be found here as well :

Additionally there is information about highly suspect UK #'s in the above article :
+44 870 / +44 871 / +44 843 / +44 844 / +44 845 Numbers Are Also Very Suspicious

Like +44 70 numbers these telephone numbers redirect or forward the call to another number so may be dealing with a scammer who is NOT in the UK and just pretending to be there. Real businesses seldom use this kind of telephone number as they really ARE in the UK. Scammers love these numbers because they allow them to pretend to be in the UK as opposed to their true location. Please read: ... rs-Any.htm and ... rs-Any.htm Again, scammers will try to group the numbers to deceive you, such as +44 8(4)3 or +44 84 3, etc. Don't be fooled! These are also called shared cost numbers because you pay more to call them!
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