
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Scammers that pretend to be in a refugee camp, usually in Senegal.

Unread postby hunter_hunted » Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:54 pm

on date me free:

Date: 2012-06-04 10:29:31

24 y/o female
Accra, Ghana


My name is Mercy, I am tall, good looking, perfect body figure and sexy girl. I saw your profile and was delighted to contact you, I hope you will be the true loving, honest and caring one that I have been looking 4, And I have something special to tell you about myself, So please contact me directly through my email address at (mercyskd2010@hotma so that I can also tell you more about me.



X-Originating-IP: [] ghana
From: Mercy Samuel <>
Subject: Thanks & God bless you!
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 18:12:27 +0000

My sweetheart,
How are you today? I hope you are fine and also in a good health?

I am so happy to hear from you today and i wish you all the blessings of the almighty God. Please l will like you to be honest and kind to my situation and assist me with all sincerity in your heart. when i sent my life history message to you, I was wondering what your reaction will be, because we have never meet or known each other before, i choose you to assist me not by own doing, rather it is through the power of God.

I wish you could help me out of this situation with all your sincerely mind because l am really passing through critical conditions over here and it is not a thing of joy for me living with my present experience. Having a happy home yesterday and today a sad home and becoming a refugee, all my plead to you is your assistance to see that i am out of this situation.

Let me go straight to the point, i am mailing you from the office of the Reverend Father who is the pastor of our church in this camp, I explained a bit about my situation to him, and he gave me the access to his office computer so that i can find a way to reach to people for help and he also release his telephone number in case you want to speak with me. This is his telephone number :+233-54-3143723, in case you call, tell him that you want to speak with Miss.Mercy Samuel. the Sierra Leone girl, he will surely send for me from the female hostel. I have no source of income here to make call.

Below here is the address of where I am staying in case of any thing;

My Full Name: Mercy Samuel Hinga Norman


Our Church Name: St Andrew's Catholic Church.

Rev Father Telephone: +233-54-3143723


Please i will also like you to reply me with all your full information such as

Your full Name---------------
Your Home & Office Address-------------
Your Nationality----------------------------
Your reachable Telephone & Fax Number-----------
Your resent Picture-----------------------
Your Occupation----------------------------

On reply of this email, i will forward to you the contact of the Bank where this Money is deposited by my late father for you to make contact with them and ask them the possibility of releasing the money to your account. After the transaction we will work for my coming to your country. Please l have attach my picture to you in this email.

I will be waiting to read from you as soon as possible.
Thanks & God bless you!

Lovely yours,

my dear scammer;

im on my way to west africa countries after to die jeejejejejej.
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Unread postby hunter_hunted » Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:52 am

My dearest,

I have carefully read through your email but it is quite unfortunate that you are unable to help me out of this situation. But i will like to know if you can help me by sending some money to me for my up-keep in this refugee camp. Honestly it has not been easy for me ever since i came to this camp, being someone who has never suffer in this life until the date of my father. My dear it will be my great pleasure to receive a token from you in this my present situation. Please this is just a pleading of assistance and not by force.

I am waiting for your good heart response.
Thanks and God bless you.
Endless yours,
my dear scammer;

im on my way to west africa countries after to die jeejejejejej.
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Unread postby hunter_hunted » Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:37 am

My dearest,

I am so surprised that you are requesting for my refugee identity card and that has proved to me that you did not even believe my story. So my dear, i want you to consider the fact that i am not happy here i am and please i don't have my refugee identity card in my mail box and i don't have any means of putting it at the moment because it is all about money.

But i am begging you with every pains in my heart to help me and see that you send me some money to buy my food stuff and from there, i can also scan and send to you my refugee identity card. Remember you already have my photo with you.

Please my dearest i will so much appreciate your sincere assistance in this my present situation.

Thanks and God bless you.
Lovely yours,
my dear scammer;

im on my way to west africa countries after to die jeejejejejej.
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Unread postby hunter_hunted » Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:36 pm

26 Jun

Hello my dear,
How are you today, i hope all is well with you?

I have managed to scan my refugee identity card and i have attached it in this message for you to see that i am telling you truth about myself. Now it is left for you to know if you are ready to help me or not. But i promised you that you will never regret of helping me out of this unbearable situation that i found myself into. Even as you said that you are not interested in the proposal i offered to you, you can still help me by sending some money to me for my up-keep while i continue to look for someone who can assist me in transferring the fund out of this country of Ghana. God will bless you for helping me in this situation.

I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

Thanks and God bless you.
Lovely yours,
my dear scammer;

im on my way to west africa countries after to die jeejejejejej.
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