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List of Bank Regulators around the World

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List of Bank Regulators around the World

Unread postby El Capitan Borracho » Sat Mar 26, 2016 2:29 am

Artists Against 419 has for many years kept a list of bank regulators here: ... _the_World

After considerable time and work, as of today all links now function unless otherwise noted. I have also added roughly 60 countries which were not on the list. This list now has information (as best as is available) for financial/banking regulation for every sovereign nation in the world. As such, it is now the most comprehensive list of its kind on the internet.

For members new and old, this list can be a very helpful tool when researching a fake bank as well as when sending an abuse report. Hope this helps!
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Re: List of Bank Regulators around the World

Unread postby firefly » Sat Mar 26, 2016 2:34 am

Thanks for sharing, El Capitan Borracho. Good work!
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