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Debasing someone's name is unlawful if you don't have necess

Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:29 am

I am fokobo Pepsi jerome a student in my home country Cameroon a bonafied ctitzen in second year of Bsc in biochemistry in a state university
Please I don't understand this platform perfectly well but I stumbled on some scam information from this site concerning my 2 first names
Please for the sake of Christ if the person who posted this has a conscience he/she should delete because it causes confusion to hiring bosses or people might just Google 2 names and draw sily conclusion about ur personality
I'm not into scaming and do not know but the info on this platform has cost my little career a lot so I beseech any one or the administrators to have a rethink or to put up the specific names with pictures for a lot more of clarification pleassssse

Re: Debasing someone's name is unlawful ...

Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:27 pm

The topic you are referring to is this one: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=83116.

As you can see there, the name was used by a fraudster pretending to sell PPE in a middle of a pandemic and defrauding people who only tried to protect themselves and their loved ones by paying for something the seller never had any intention to send.

Removing the fraud details will expose other victims to that fraud and will allow the fraudster to steal money from people with impunity.

A lot of people may share the same name online, and that does not mean they are all scammers.
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