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Would like to know if I am being Scammed

Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:14 pm

Hello, I met a guy on a KoreanCupid/Asiandating site and we talked for a bit then started talking on the phone and messaging on the phone... He goes by the Name Richard Kim and says he lives in Cleveland Ohio his phone number is 201-687-6706 and we have talked on and off for about 6 months. He has sent me 2 pictures and everything seems good until somewhere at the beginning of March he was in Boston at a gas station he says near Harvard and a black guy came up and robbed him ... took his wallet and laptop he uses for work... which he was in Boston because of his work and since they took his wallet he had no money or credit cards and said that with no ID he wouldn't be able to take his plane but that with the police report he could use the rental car he had to drive home and turn the car in there... no problem but then he sounded a little worried because he had to money for gas or a place to stay at night when he was driving and then came what bothers me ... he asked me if I could send him 300.00 for gas, food, and a hotel for one night since he was driving from Boston to Cleveland and of course it bothered me and I told him that I didn't have that kind of money .... so then he said he would call me back and after a while, he called me and said his boss is loaning him the money and after that, we continued to talk... he is back supposedly in Cleveland but once back he said he wasn't feeling right and went to the hospital while the virus thing is going on and has been there now for 2 to 3 weeks telling me he is better but they are not releasing him just yet... then again he asked me for some money since he hasn't been home yet they were getting ready to release him and he needed a way home... again I told him that I couldn't and he asked me if I was mad and I told him I was hurt ... after that, he said he would never again ask for money but keeps calling me his forever wife and tells me he misses me so much and hearing my voice on the phone... we have never met yet and was suppose to last month but with the virus and all that has happened I know it is risky but I still can't help but wonder if he is for real or a scam... could you please help me? I have enclosed photos of him and put his phone number up in the message along with that he lives in Cleveland Ohio... not sure what he does for a living but he says he makes good money so that I would never have to worry about working and he would take care of me ... he is Korean and he sounds so real but I am afraid that I am being taken advantage of ... if he really is a scam then I want to end it now... if not then I do want to continue the relationship ... any advice and I have tried looking him up but everything wants you to pay and they don't tell you how to use the sites which I am not good at.

Re: Would like to know if I am being Scammed

Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:41 pm

Scam 100%.

Anyone you have never met in person face to face but only through the internet will be a scammer 100% of the time.

I am glad that you did not send any money to the scammer.

You should stop all contact with the scammer.
Do not tell him you know he is a scammer.

Please post the scammers information here. E-mails, E-mail addresses, Photographs and fake documents, Phone numbers, Any places he asked you to send money to like Western Union or a Bank account, Also a link to his social media profile at Korean cupid are all helpful.

If you are unsure what to post you can forward all the information to my E-mail address below.

Re: Would like to know if I am being Scammed

Tue Apr 07, 2020 10:23 pm

i m supposed to recieve package from delta cargo logistic is this company legit?

Re: Would like to know if I am being Scammed

Tue Apr 07, 2020 11:06 pm

We would need more information from you concerning this. Can you post more information here?

E-mails, E-mail addresses, Photographs and documents, Phone Numbers, Any places you were asked to send money to like Western Union or a bank account would all be helpful.

Can you supply also a story about your experience that makes you believe this is a scam?

Are you being asked to pay money to receive this package?
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