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I think this is probably over but...

Sat Mar 14, 2020 6:33 pm

Hi everyone:

I met "Rita" on Words With Friends. We got friendly and she persuaded me to take a (waist down) photo of myself. The next day she showed me screenshots of our chat and said she would post it to social media and give it to my bosses if I didn't send her $1000 to an account in Nigeria. I was totally panicked so I paid.

Then, after I had paid, she said "now I want $100 a week from now until June, that is all." I was still panicked but I made her a counter offer: $1500 right now, then I block her on all social media, she deletes the picture and she never contacts me again. She agreed to all parts of that right away. We went over the terms many times until she said "look, how many times do I have to say it, I agree!"

Before I sent her the money, I told her that if I ever heard from her again or if I found out that the pic had ever been posted anywhere, I would call the police and the FBI. She said "no no one will find out just send me the money and then we are done." I sent her the money. She asked me to delete our convo history, which I did. She said "okay, one moment." 2 minutes later she came back and said "Okay, we are done, bye" and disappeared. This all happened 3 days ago. I have not heard from her since.

I have since blocked her on all my accounts, changed my profile pics, changed my spam settings and retained what I could about her. I know all of her user names, and I have information about the account to which the money was sent, as well as her Gmail address and her Zynga ID.

She cannot contact me online on any social media. She does not know my address or my phone number, and she does not have my banking information. I didn't send the money straight from my bank but via Western Union, Amazon and Remitly.

I have contacted a lawyer and an investigator. The lawyer said that this was probably a done deal unless Rita ever contacted me again. The investigator said that he could help me get pics removed from social media if anything was ever posted against my will.

She said she knows where I work but she claimed that she had been chatting with my boss and that "he and I are now friends." My boss is a woman.

I don't care about getting the money back (I have some inheritance money and I could spare what she was asking). I don't think she will post anything to social media because she would gain nothing from doing that -- my sense is that she only wanted money and that she gains nothing from just posting a pic. Also, if I understand correctly most social media sites have policies against nudes, so if she ever did try to do that she would just be banned. I also don't see what her incentive is to tell my bosses -- she wouldn't get any more money from me by doing that.

I know the taking the pic was stupid and that I shouldn't have paid, but I absolutely panicked and was terrified about the threats.

So is this over with? What do you all think?

Re: I think this is probably over but...

Sat Mar 14, 2020 8:06 pm

Probably over except you paid the money. Once you pay the scammers often ask for more money until you fight back.

You should file a police report. Then take the report to wherever you sent the money through (Western Union) and try to get any money returned.

Go to our Blackmail website and fill out the form you will find there.
Then do all of the steps you will find there to protect yourself.

You can get to our blackmail site by clicking on the bubble above that says "Webcam Blackmail Help"

Re: I think this is probably over but...

Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:28 pm

I would agree, except that the scammer now has no way to contact me and no access to my banking information. I also told the scammer that if I ever heard from "her" again, I would indeed file a police report and call the FBI as well.

I'll definitely fill out that form you mentioned though!

The post that SlapHappy made a while back about "Knowing how Blackmail scammers' minds work" was incredibly reassuring. I'm waking up today with MUCH less anxiety...knowing that I'm not in danger.

Re: I think this is probably over but...

Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:32 pm

I'll definitely fill out that form you mentioned though!
Do that, and it will also give you all the steps to protect yourself and help warn others.

Re: I think this is probably over but...

Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:47 pm

I filled it out yesterday as best I could. Thank you for making that available.

Just a clarifying question: the scammer never attempted to contact me on Facebook and I have removed as much personal information as I could. Should I still deactivate that account? (I did the same thing for Twitter; I have an Instagram account but have never used it.)

Re: I think this is probably over but...

Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:54 pm

Yes, Follow the steps, this means deactivate ALL accounts. Every last one, so there is no way for him to find you.

Re: I think this is probably over but...

Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:23 pm

Done. Thanks for clarifying.
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