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Ongoing scam? Hopefully not (fingers crossed)

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Ongoing scam? Hopefully not (fingers crossed)

Unread postby LawOfKarma » Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:20 am

Hi guys. I have a feeling I am dealing with a scammer at the moment.
Unfortunately, I have sent an amount of 585 USD through western union money transfer addressed to a certain man in Thailand who introduces to be a used clothes supplier in bulk quantities.
Can I mention the company name and comtacy details as well as which site I found this company?
Note that i have not said a word to the man i am dealing with that i am already checking the legitimacy of their company.
Upto today, he is still trying to make me send more cash and giving more "discounts".
What shall I do next?
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Re: Ongoing scam? Hopefully not (fingers crossed)

Unread postby Big Al » Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:34 am

Yes, you can post information here. It is safe from a Google search.

E-mails, E-mail addresses, Photographs and Documents, Phone numbers, & payment details are all helpful.

Do not send him any more money. You should try and get your money returned instead.
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